Unlike Steppenwolf, the Mother Box can be sensed by him when activated.

Bruce shook his head, while Victor said, "I can feel the mother box, but I can't see his position..."

"Okay..." Lin Feng smacked his lips, he was not surprised.

"I might know where they are..."

As soon as these words came out, several people stopped their knives and forks one after another, staring at Lin Feng closely, waiting for Lin Feng to continue speaking.

"The abandoned nuclear power plant in North Bear Country..."

Seeing several people staring at them, Lin Feng said an address lightly.

Batman and the others looked at each other, Lin Feng would not joke at this time.

Diana knew something about the place, and she confirmed: "The nuclear power plant that had a nuclear accident 30 years ago?"

Lin Feng nodded.

Barry couldn't help but interjected: "That place can't even enter the soldiers..."

"Intense radiation can make a foot grow out of your neck!"

"You're right, Barry!" Lin Feng nodded and said, "But now the radiation is gone!"

"Steppenwolf collected radiation to build his base"

"Bruce, don't you have a satellite, just take a look at it"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Bruce got up and left without eating.

Several people looked at each other and followed.

What are you eating at this time!Blue Star is about to be destroyed.

Do not hold back the power of unity, this meal is the last supper!

Bruce led everyone to a workshop and started operating in front of a bunch of instruments.

After a while, the screen lit up.

A series of data slid by, and soon, the nuclear power plant in Beixiong Country was located.

Everyone can see through the satellite that the shape of the nuclear power plant has changed.

"Here it is!" Diana said.

"What is he building?" Neptune didn't quite understand.

Satellite pictures show that there is something like a huge barrier on the nuclear power plant.

A barrier hangs over the entire nuclear power plant.

"It should be a layer of protection, protecting the power of unity inside!" Bruce said solemnly: "This is the barrier produced by the fusion of the mother box!"

"The best way is to attack from above!"

Diana turned to look at Bruce and asked, "Then how do we separate the mother box?"

"Dynamite cannot separate the mother box, it will only bring energy to the mother box and strengthen them"

Indeed, the mother box can absorb and transform energy, and I want to use conventional explosives to separate the mother box.


At this time, Victor with a mechanical body stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "I'm coming!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at Victor.

Victor nodded, and explained in a deep voice: "I will enter the mother box and integrate with them! Weaken their links so that they can be disassembled!"

Diana shook her head: "This is not a good way, you need to face the power of unity alone, and you don't know what will happen inside!"

"Do you have a better way?" Victor looked at Diana calmly.

Diana stared at Victor seriously and continued: "The power of the three mother boxes is enough to destroy the world."

"As long as you reveal a flaw, they will get into your head and destroy you!"

Victor said indifferently: "Just let me in and buy time."

"You're going to die, Victor!"

"If we don't, we'll all die"

"Don't you want me to use my superpowers, now is the time to use them."

"I lost everything and I have nothing to fear," Victor said.

Although there are some discrepancies between the current plot and the original.

But Victor's father died anyway.

Victor has been fighting back his emotions after losing his last loved one.

He needs to vent now, needs revenge.

Diana stopped talking, and she didn't know what to say.

"All right……"

"In this case, are we going to prepare to attack the Steppenwolf's base?" Barry said.

Neptune stepped forward and echoed: "That's right, go deep into hell and fight against the devil and his legion!"

Barry was still a little worried: "The Steppenwolf you are talking about probably fought thousands of superheroes among the thousands of planets he destroyed, right..."

"Assuming he wins, then our chances of winning..."

"I don't care how many demons he fought in how many hells"

Bruce interrupted Barry directly, his eyes full of firm belief at this time.

"He didn't hit us! We are united!"

Hearing Bruce's firm words, several people fell silent, looked at each other, and then nodded.

"Okay okay, I have one last question..."

"Are we still going to face Clark..." Barry asked with some fear.

The former Clark was his idol, and now this idol has become his nightmare.

In his perception, no one on Blue Star has the courage to face Da Chao.

Not to mention that the current Clark has become more powerful.

After Barry asked this question.

The eyes of several people involuntarily looked at Lin Feng who had not spoken.

The meaning is self-evident, in this team, only Lin Feng can face Clark directly.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It's not a big problem, I'll keep Clark in check."

"Diana! Give Barry the kryptonite weapon. When I restrain Clark, Barry, you will put the kryptonite handcuffs on him!"

Very good solution, but Barry is a bit shy.

Hearing Lin Feng call his name and ask him to handcuff Clark, an uncontrollable fear flashed in his heart.

"Me? Oh man, no..."

"It's okay, just let you use the Speed ​​Force to put handcuffs on him, it's very simple!"

Lin Feng said while stepping forward to pat Barry on the shoulder.

"Besides, I'm holding Clark down. You can do it, can't you?"

"Man, believe in yourself, you're a superhero!"

Lin Feng's words made Barry feel a little overwhelmed.

He muttered dully: "I'm a superhero, I'm a superhero..."

I don't blame Barry. If a superman calls him a superhero, it is inevitable that Barry will be excited from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Lin Feng limping Barry, Diana also shook her head and laughed.

Lin Feng was right.

Lin Feng restrained Clark, and Barry put handcuffs on him.

This is the easiest and least risky course of action for Barry.

Pushing the lead box into Barry's hand, Diana smiled and said, "It's up to you, superhero!"

Barry couldn't find himself anymore...

Bruce was a little funny seeing this scene, at least the atmosphere before the war was good, wasn't it.

"Okay, it's time for us to go!"

Chapter 36 Resolving Clark, the Scale of Victory

Inside the abandoned nuclear power plant, the soaring red energy formed a barrier.

Three mother boxes floated in front of Steppenwolf, and beside him stood Clark with red eyes.

"Finally here is the moment I've been waiting for so long"

Steppenwolf was as devout as if he was performing some ritual.

"Get ready for his arrival!"

"I will be redeemed!"

Steppenwolf couldn't suppress his excitement, he had waited too long for this moment.

"Merge! Be one!"

The three mother boxes collided with dazzling light.

Under the expectant eyes of Steppenwolf, the mother box started the fusion process!

The fusion sent out a sound wave, which quickly spread to the whole world, as if it was heralding something.

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