In this way, he can start to make some tools, and then use these tools to make space jumping devices.

Chapter 378 Gu Yi came to look for it, even Superman couldn't understand it

"Jarvis, give me a list of the materials and quantities needed for all the tools. I'll go to StarClan to collect them tomorrow."

Getting the good news puts Tony in a better mood.

After giving an order, Tony turned off the monitor, leaned back on the seat, and looked at the ceiling.

Jarvis's speed is very fast, and the data has been sorted out in less than 10 seconds.

"Sir, it has been sent to your personal terminal."

"Hmm..." Tony hummed, closed his eyes and fell asleep, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Sir, Stark Industries, are you going to develop into the universe?"

Jarvis' voice sounded again.

It's a pretty smart smart system.

With the help of the symbiont and the brain developed again, Tony first upgraded Jarvis.

Before the upgrade, Jarvis was able to have a fairly educated conversation with Tony, and even joked about it.

Hearing Jarvis' question, Tony with his eyes closed had a confident smile on his lips.

"Of course! Jarvis."

"Blue Star is no longer enough for us to explore. There are basically no secrets here for us."

"Next, you have to follow me and start a new journey..."

Does Jarvis work?Of course it is easy to use, he has been assisting Tony dutifully.

Whether it was life, or work, or even fighting, Jarvis made him extremely worry-free.

How could Tony not take him on the journey of the universe?

"I'm honored, sir..."

Jarvis's voice sounded, and there was a trace of elusive emotion in his voice.

Tony couldn't catch it, but if Lin Feng was here, he would definitely find it.

This is a kind of emotional expression similar to human beings when they are excited...

Tony didn't notice the slightest emotion, stood up and walked out.

"List the Star [-] plan as the optimal level, and all other plans that are being implemented, except the Symbiote Legion, are all slowed down and then stopped."

"I want to go to the universe within this year!"


Three days have passed.

Lin Feng would take a look at Karma Taj every day, nothing unusual.

He could only see Gu Yi drinking tea there, and the disciples in the courtyard were practicing magic non-stop, it couldn't be normal anymore.

But this morning, after Lin Feng took another look at Karma Taj, he didn't care about it anymore.

There was still no movement, but Lin Feng planned to go there after dinner.

Wang Xinyong is a Cosmic Cube, so he shouldn't make fun of himself for no reason.

Could it be that something happened that even Gu Yi couldn't detect?

Hey, fuck it!

Lin Feng threw away his thoughts, picked up a beach chair, and walked out.

Daily Routine, Sunshine!

Beach chairs, beach clothes, big shorts, and a pair of cool sunglasses made by Lin Feng himself.

Apart from chatting about life with Susan, the most comfortable thing is basking in the sun.

Lin Feng lay on the beach chair, exhaled comfortably, feeling very good.

Everything about him now is developing in a good direction.

Linglu sent a message from the primordial universe not long ago.

The Blue Star in the primordial universe, as Lin Feng expected, took off in the east and completely entered the stage of rapid development.

It's just that the technology given by Lin Feng has not been fully researched, and there is no need to find some new technologies for the time being.

The avatar is also very powerful, trying to climb up, and has not been discovered by anyone. Presumably, it should bring some unexpected surprises to Lin Feng in the future.

As for the Blue Star of the Marvel Universe, there is basically no threat, at least not for a few years.

Lin Feng admired himself for pinching many threats to death in the bud early on, oh no, before there was any sign, Lin Feng struck directly.

Now I also have a planet, and there are a group of beautiful girls on it.

Lin Feng has considered whether to bring the entire Star Clan planet with him when he returns to the original universe in the future.

After all, Star Clan's place is too suitable for retirement.

One day when I get tired, I will retire and bring Susan and the others to live in Star Clan together.


Lin Feng closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

But every time Lin Feng started basking in the sun, something would happen.

At noon, a discordant voice appeared in Lin Feng's ear.

Zizizi~~ It was a familiar voice, Lin Feng couldn't be more familiar with it.

When Lin Feng heard the voice, he felt a pain in his head, so he opened his eyes and looked sideways.

Familiar colors, familiar portals, familiar... big bald head!

Okay, before he went to Karma Taj, the bald mage opened the portal and came to him.

Gu looked more serious than usual, and his smile disappeared.

"Lin Feng, please come with me."

Direct, really direct, I used to say hello anyway, but now I don't even say hello...

All right, all right, Lin Feng stood up helplessly, not even bothering to complain.

He didn't even bother to change his clothes, so he flipped up his sunglasses and stepped into the portal.

The morning is still calm, what is wrong with this?

At the other end of the portal is the unchanging hut of the ancient mage.

As soon as Lin Feng came over, he saw three people, he paused in his footsteps, and then pretended he didn't see the three, and turned his head decisively to go home.

With a quick glance and quick hands, Gu immediately canceled the portal and cut off Lin Feng's retreat...

Lin Feng: ...

"Hey..." Sighing, Lin Feng turned around, put on a smiling face and sat down.

"God King, God Queen, good afternoon."

"Oh, and Ms. Hela..."

To be honest, he couldn't understand this lineup.Otherwise, you can't turn around and leave.

What the heck, Frigga and Odin are dressed like farmers on a country ranch.

And Hela, dressed in tatters, with a bandage on her left arm hanging around her neck.

This shit, no one can understand whoever it is.

Haila sneered, and wanted to turn her head away to ignore Lin Feng, but the arm bandages were made by someone who made them, they were thick and amateurish, and it was very difficult for Haila to turn her head.

Well, it looks funny...Lin Feng thinks that arm should be broken by her old father.

However, the old father also had a new injury on his chin. It really is a pair of loving father and son.

"Your Excellency Lin Feng, we meet again!"

Old Odin had a kind smile on his face, as if he really looked like an old farmer, and greeted Lin Feng with a smile.

"Your Excellency Lin Feng, are you playing on the beach?" Frigga also greeted, and she noticed Lin Feng's clothes.

Very casual, like a tourist who was still playing on the beach in the last second.

Lin Feng's cheeks twitched.

Superman doesn't really want to talk right now...

This family of three looks like a family who escaped and came to Blue Star.

Lin Feng keenly smelled trouble.

Well, it may not be very dangerous, but the kind that is extremely troublesome and does not want to be ignored...

Chapter 379 Odin almost loses his old face

"No, I'm just... well, basking in the sun." Lin Feng was perfunctory.

It's not perfunctory, he is really basking in the sun, if Gu Yi hadn't found him, he would have been basking until the sun went down.

"What about you? This is this?" Lin Feng pouted at the clothes of the three of them, and almost asked if you were here to escape.

Poor God!

Odin, who used to wear armor to fight in the Nine Realms, unexpectedly wore this slightly funny look now.

And Hela, with this outfit coupled with that arrogant but downcast expression, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a grudge.

Only Frigga was more normal, she looked like a kind woman.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said jokingly, "Could it be that the god king and queen have retired? Are you going to come to Blue Star for the elderly?"

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