However, it can only play a role in delaying recovery.

The effect of the yellow dwarf amplifier is still very useful. In a few minutes, most of Lin Feng's injuries have recovered.

Feeling that he could move without hindrance, Lin Feng put on a new superman suit and floated towards the old Thanos.

At the same time, a tiny energy hit the past, temporarily suspending the life of the old Thanos.

He can't die yet.

Lin Feng still has questions to ask him.

He needs to know why the old Thanos keeps making trouble for himself, and where did he find the fragment of the heart of the universe.

Lin Feng floated in front of the old Thanos, and looked at the dying Overlord with a sigh as he was about to speak.

At this moment, another "guest" ushered in the hyperspace

Lin Feng turned his head to look vigilantly.

The person who came was two thousand feet tall, covered with a huge layer of golden armor, the kind that looked very difficult to mess with.

As soon as he appeared, he stood not far from Lin Feng and the old Thanos, and shouted: "Don't fight, you don't fight anymore!"

Chapter 389 Do You Care?I do not care

The sudden sound made Lin Feng dig his ears, and even thought he was having auditory hallucinations.

Involuntarily, the old battle dance scene appeared in my mind.

MD, this very familiar line, what's going on?

Pausing in his steps, Lin Feng frowned and looked towards the source of the sound.

Huge body, golden armor.

Lin Feng clicked his tongue.

"The god group?"

This armor style is exactly the same as the Tianshen group that Lin Feng met.

Apart from them, Lin Feng couldn't think of anyone else who would dress like a bucket.

The golden armor acquiesced, and repeated it: "You can't fight any longer!"

While speaking, the golden armor pointed to the bubble universe destroyed by the two.

There is a feeling of silent heartache in every gesture.

It was as if his heart had shattered along with the bubble universe.

Lin Feng squeezed out a question mark between his eyebrows.

"This... big brother?"

"You can call me O." said the god group in golden armor.


Weird self-proclaimed.

Lin Feng pointed at the dying old Thanos, "Do you think he still has the ability to stand up and fight me?"

The Celestial Group, who called itself O, fell silent...

He seems to be late.

That old Thanos obviously vented more gas and breathed less, so even if he wanted to fight, he couldn't fight anymore...

"Well, it seems that I am indeed late."

"Lin Feng, I want to talk to you..."

Lin Feng waved his hands impatiently.

"No time!"

Seeing that the old Thanos is about to pick up his lunch box, I haven't asked any questions yet, how can I have the time to chat with you?

Leaving O aside, Lin Feng came to the elderly Thanos.

The old Thanos looked at Lin Feng quietly.

The madness and blood in his eyes had disappeared, and he looked like an ordinary old man at this moment.

"Lin Feng... where on earth are you from..." the old Thanos' eyes were a little distracted.

"There is no you in the timeline, whether it is the future or the past..."

"Your appearance has changed the entire timeline..."

"You... you probably don't belong to this universe..."

The mere effort of speaking a few words exacerbates the passing of old Thanos' life.

As expected of the old Thanos who slaughtered countless universes, he made a general analysis of Lin Feng's origin.

But Lin Feng is not surprised. Anyone who is powerful enough to affect time and space can guess his special characteristics.

Lin Feng squatted down, feeling a little emotional.

This is the second Thanos he has defeated.

"The loser has no right to ask questions."

"Now, I ask, you answer."

Feelings are emotions, Lin Feng did not sympathize with the old Thanos.

His hands are stained with the blood of countless universes, holding sins that ordinary people can't imagine.

The old Thanos just smiled and didn't refute.

Lin Feng asked his doubts: "I don't understand."

"Why are you spreading news about me?"

"Whether it's the time of the Infinity Stones, or this time of the Time Administration."

"I'm pretty sure there's no deep hatred between us, right?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, even the Thanos of this universe, before he did evil, Lin Feng didn't really hit the door.

As long as they did not pose a threat to the universe or Lin Feng, Lin Feng would not take the initiative to kill them.

However, trouble always finds Lin Feng inadvertently.

This is what people often say, if you don't look for trouble, it doesn't mean that trouble won't look for you...

The old Thanos groaned and lay down for a long time before sighing quietly: "Do you need a reason for killing?"

Lin Feng tilted his head and asked back, "Isn't it necessary?"

The old Thanos smiled and continued: "For me, there is no need..."

Lin Feng sneered: "It's really an out-and-out cruel speech..."

But what the old Thanos said, Lin Feng can be regarded as having some sympathy.

There are many things that don’t need a reason. People like Thanos, who are sometimes bored, may go to destroy a universe for fun.

These behaviors are all born from your own thoughts, just like you protect your beloved, you don't need a reason.

"Then why did you come to me?"

"There are so many powerful beings in the universe, but I was chosen."

"Do you think I'm a bully?"

The old Thanos' speech made Lin Feng feel that he was underestimated. Do they all feel that he is a soft persimmon?

Lin Feng's question made the old Thanos silent again.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry, and sat cross-legged in the void, waiting for the old Thanos to speak.

He is hanging his life for the old Thanos, and he still won't die for a while.

The old Thanos was silent for a while, but still gave the answer.

"Death has taken a fancy to your soul..."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, with a confused look on his face.

"What the hell? Goddess of Death? Hela?"

The old Thanos let out a sigh: "You know her too..."

Lin Feng nodded subconsciously.

Isn't that right? He has seen so many movies and settings in the Marvel Universe, so how can he not know the goddess of death, Hela?

He also captured Hela, the goddess of death, and sent it to Asgard himself.

Now that Hela squats on Blue Star humiliatingly with one arm hanging.

But the Hela that the old Thanos was talking about was obviously not her.

She should be the goddess of death in the old Thanos universe, who is many times stronger than Hela in Lin Feng's universe.

"I have destroyed so many universes and sacrificed so many undead, many of whom are strong men who are rampant in the universe."

"But her collection is really too much."

"She seems to have looked down on those ordinary souls."

Lin Feng was silent.

"So you're following me..."

"Yeah, your soul is very special... although I don't know what is so special." Thanos explained.

"But I will personally take whatever she likes and dedicate it to her..."

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or not, he was a little bit at a loss as to what to say.

"You are a complete old licking dog..."

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