It seems to have sensed Lin Feng's doubts.

The system came out again and explained: "Host, your Superman wristband can not only hold kryptonite!"

"It can also inlay all six infinite rough stones!"

Lin Feng was a little surprised, but only for a moment.

"Isn't Iron Man also able to make gloves inlaid with rough stones?"

"...Well, you can choose not to buy it!" The system seemed to be speechless

After dropping a word, he stopped making a sound.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, unscrupulous profiteers!

He continued to look at the store, and many products he had never seen before were on sale.

Useful and useless, the value varies from a few reputation points to millions of reputation points.

Even saw the MK50.

Nano suit made by Tony Stark.

But in the secondary store, the icon is gray and cannot be bought.

Lin Feng clicked his tongue, planning to buy a set to play with when the level 2 store permission is opened.

Few boys can resist the allure of a suit of steel.

Lin Feng was no exception.

Suddenly, when Lin Feng was browsing the store, he was looking for any other wonderful products.

The tourists on the beach suddenly became agitated, interrupting Lin Feng's shopping.

"It's Superman!"

"It's really Superman!"

"Superman is coming!"

The tourists all looked towards the sky and shouted.

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, he also heard an unusual sound of breaking through the air.

Looking up, Clark had already flown above his head.

Instead of wearing a Superman suit, he was dressed in home clothes.

Lin Feng looked at him suspiciously.

What is Clark doing here?

Clark landed, smiled at the tourists who surrounded him, and then turned to look at Lin Feng.

"Sorry to find you this way"

"But I asked Bruce, and he said you don't have any contact information..."

Lin Feng scratched his head.

Well, he did not bring any communication devices such as mobile phones.

It is not easy for these people to find themselves, let alone contact them.

"Okay...Clark" Lin Feng shrugged and asked, "What do you need from me?"

Clark nodded: "You said you wanted to tell me something about Kryptonians!"

"In such a hurry?" Lin Feng didn't expect Clark to find him again after only half a day.

Clark nodded again, apologetically: "I don't know when you will leave, Lin!"

After seeing his mother and girlfriend after returning home, Clark found Lin Feng again after not being with them for a long time.

You can accompany your family at any time after Lin Feng leaves.

Lin Feng didn't say when he would leave. Clark was afraid of missing this opportunity, so he rushed to find him.

This made sense, and Lin Feng couldn't refute it.

"Okay... Anyway, I'm fine now." Lin Feng stood up.

"Talking here?"

The tourists on the beach almost surrounded the two of them with three floors inside and three floors outside.

It's just that the awe and fear of Clark made them afraid to go forward.

"of course not"

"Follow me!" After speaking, Clark floated into the sky and flew in one direction.

Seeing this, Lin Feng shook his head, and slowly lifted into the air to follow.

The onlookers left behind were a little stunned.

There are two supermen?

Chapter 40 Conjecture about Kara, Lin Feng's return journey

Lin Feng did not expect that Clark would take him to the farm.

The farm where his mother was taken away by the bank because she couldn't repay the loan.

Clark landed, opened the door, and invited Lin Feng in.

Lin Feng stepped in, and most of the furniture in the house was gone.

Fortunately, there is a table and some chairs.

Clark said with some embarrassment: "Bruce helped me go through the formalities."

“Soon I can come back and stay here”

"Sit down first, I'll pour you a cup of coffee..."

Clark pointed to the chair to signal Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't dislike it either, he sat down and looked at the place where Clark lived since he was a child.

"Auntie?" Lin Feng asked.

"She was with Louise..."

"When the formalities are completed, we still need to move all the furniture back"

Lin Feng nodded, the environment where Clark lives is very good.

A two-story cottage located on a farm.

Lin Feng once wanted to live such a life.

However, the self before time travel simply couldn't afford such a place.

However, with the help of friends from the big dog family, Lin Feng now has a bigger residence.

But there is no more natural and comfortable environment like Clark.


Clark came over with two cups of coffee and sat opposite Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked it up and took a sip, it was very hot.

But for Superman, this is nothing.

Putting down the cup, Lin Feng nodded to Clark: "If you want to ask anything, just ask."

"I'll tell you everything I know"

Clark held the coffee on the table, hesitantly said: "I want to know, am I really the only one with Kryptonian blood in this world?"

In order to save Blue Star, Clark twisted Zod's neck.

For Blue Star, this is a just approach.

For the Kryptonians, however, Clark was responsible for killing the last of their fellow Kryptonians.

Of course, not including Clark himself.

This made Clark confused for a long time, and at the same time, a sense of loneliness lasted for a long time.

Fortunately he was accompanied by Martha and Louise.

Otherwise, Clark doesn't know if he will get out of the confusion, maybe, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

Lin Feng had already anticipated Clark's question.

There was no surprise at all about Clark's question.

"As far as I know, you should be the only Kryptonian left in this universe."

Hearing Lin Feng's answer, a hint of disappointment flashed in Clark's eyes.

"Is that really the case..." Clark slowly turned the coffee cup, a little absent-minded.

This is also expected.

After Zod came to Earth, Clark knew that Krypton was dead.

His biological parents also died at that time.

Until Zod was also killed by himself.

Clark knew he was the last Kryptonian.

It's just that Lin Feng's appearance gave him a glimmer of hope.

Same Superman uniform, same Superman powers.

He once thought that there were still a group of Kryptonians living in places he didn't know.

However, it turns out that Lin Feng is not the Kryptonian of this universe.

Seeing Clark's disappointment, Lin Feng shook his head and laughed a little.

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