"So, maybe everyone will feel a little illusory."

"This thing can be communicated with His Excellency Lin Feng at any time."

"We collect clues in the universe, and we will not have to worry about safety in the future."

Lautlin took out the small triangular piece of metal that Lin Feng gave and showed it to everyone.

All eyes focused on that thin metal sheet.

It seems that it is not convincing. This thin film may not even fit a communication component.

Lautlin knew this too.

But you can't just try to see if you can summon Lin Feng just because you want to prove it.

That's really a bit of a no brainer, and it will inevitably make Lin Feng angry.

"You don't need to doubt this thing. Your Excellency Lin Feng will not lie to us on this point. After all, he still needs us to collect information, doesn't he!"

Lautlin knew that in order for them to believe, she had to believe herself first.

If she doubted Lin Feng, then there was no need to say anything to the companions below.

Everyone nodded, and Luotlin also quickly skipped this topic.

"Let me talk about the second benefit given by His Excellency Lin Feng."

"That is a huge living planet that can be used for our habitation."

It was said that everyone didn't show any abnormality, but they also didn't have much interest.

With the ability of Luotlin's team, they can buy a piece of land to live in any living planet they go to.

What they need is a planet that has no line of sight and no one can find it.

Lotlin smiled slightly.

"That is a planet that no one can find!"


As soon as the voice fell, a pair of eyes met Luotlin's eyes.

Everyone suspected that they had heard wrong.

Lautlin continued.

"Everyone knows about StarClan."

"Star Clan has indeed experienced destruction, as some rumors have recorded."

"But Lord Lin Feng revived Star Clan, and as a benefit for us to collect information, we can go to Star Clan to settle down!"

"There, we will be under the protection of His Excellency Lin Feng."

"With the consent of His Excellency Lin Feng, no one can find that planet!"

Those words were like sparks thrown into a gunpowder pile, instantly igniting everyone.

The crowd erupted into discussions again, even louder than before.

"Sister Lautlin, is it the kind of planet we imagined?"

"Is it true that no one can find that planet? Wouldn't it be a lie to us?"

"Boss, can you tell me more about it!"

It is also a planet of life, but everyone in Luotlin's team pursues an existence that is completely opposite to ordinary planets of life.

Luotlin knew this well, and nodded with a smile: "Okay!"

"The place where we will live is a planet that cannot be detected by His Excellency Lin Feng's special means."

"On the planet, there are only less than [-] Star Clan aborigines and some guardian forces."

"That planet is full of women, and there are no disputes."

"We can pick a place there as our future residential area."

Lautlin took a deep breath and concluded.

"No disputes, no power, no oppression, no need to worry, a beautiful environment, a planet of life!"

The crowd suddenly burst into an uproar.

Isn't the planet described by Lautlin the planet of life that everyone has been pursuing, but can't even ask for?

Found it so easily?

A great sense of unreality flooded everyone.

"Is there no force to monitor?" The strong girl with horns asked in a deep voice.


"Are there no other bounty hunter teams?"

Lautlin also shook her head: "No."

"Will no one pull our scales?"

This is what the two mermaid sisters asked.

Lautlin shook her head dumbfounded.

"No, none at all."

"Also, no one is pulling the scales of the two of you here!"

The two mermaid sisters lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Lautlin couldn't help laughing, clapped her hands, and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"I understand people's concerns, but I can tell you all."

"That planet, except that it belongs to Lin Feng's control, is exactly the same as the living planet we are looking for."


"And that planet belongs to Lin Feng's control. There is a reason why I feel better."

"Because Your Excellency Lin Feng has enough strength to protect the safety of the planet!"

"That said, you might be skeptical."

"However, the thing we are looking for that can create a planet is in the hands of His Excellency Lin Feng."

"That thing is called the Reality Gem. I originally thought it could create the planet of life we ​​wished for."

"But... the reality gems, the things created are all time-sensitive..."

"It requires a huge, continuous expenditure of energy, and when it's cut off, what it created disappears with it."

"So in theory, we found that thing, and we couldn't achieve our wish..."

Lautlin explained the characteristics of the Reality Gem.

Everyone has been looking for this legendary thing that can grant all wishes.

But reality and fantasy often run counter to each other, it is not as powerful as imagined, or in other words, its use conditions are not as simple as imagined.

If it was changed in the past, everyone may be disappointed, even desperate.

But now, Lautlin's words will only let everyone understand that the life planet controlled by Lin Feng is their best choice.

There is an incredible strong shelter, a planet that no one can find.

No one will force them to do things they don't like, let alone the sight of any power.

And most importantly!

No bounty hunter team, no enemies and irresistible quests!

In the universe, living planets can be divided into two categories.

One type is a large-scale cosmic ethnic settlement similar to the transformation.

The other is the primitive life planet that is monitored by the high-level.

At first glance, the original life planet agrees with everyone's conditions, and there are not so many smoky and intriguing disputes.

But that is all high-level property, and as long as you set foot in it for more than a week, you will be warned.

If you don't listen to dissuasion and stay for more than two weeks, you will be bombarded!

What happened today is so dreamy for them...

It's like the feeling of suddenly buying a lottery ticket and winning the first prize.

Suddenly reached the ultimate goal?

There was one person present, feeling in disbelief, disbelief, bewilderment, and hovering between joy and worry about gains and losses, staged a large-scale fine-scoring scene.

Chapter 527 The news came so quickly?

When everyone was still in a daze, only the strong woman with bull horns was like a stream of clear water, her mind was unbelievably calm.

She stood in the crowd and said, "Master Luotlin, the generous benefits given by Your Excellency Lin Feng, is it the information he needs, and the collection process is very dangerous?"

The strong woman with horns really has a different focus from the others.

In her mind, given such generous conditions and a promise of protection, then Lin Feng's request is definitely not so easy to fulfill.

Lautrin frowned slightly, recalling what Lin Feng had said.

"I'm not very clear at the moment, but as far as it is concerned, there is no danger."

"Our daily work is to assist the Star Clan in material transactions between the universes."

"But the main job is to find information about the existence of the black robes!"

"Black robe?" The strong woman with horns was puzzled.

"Well, it's this one!" Luotlin took out a picture.

This is based on the picture given by Lin Feng.

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