With nothing to do, Lin Feng looked at the starry sky and told Susan about his journey in the universe.

It's not that I haven't talked about it before, but Susan doesn't seem to hear enough every time.

And when Lin Feng talked about some scenery, he would show Susan some pictures and videos recorded by him, which was more emotional than those sci-fi movies on TV.

The two chatted until late at night before returning to the bedroom.

What happened next is of course needless to say.

The next day, Susan didn't go to work.

Lin Feng is back, and she wants to spend more time with him.

As for money?Can't make enough money!

Moreover, they don't lack these things now, and Susan also wants to feel happy and fulfilled when she goes to work.

At this moment, she, Wanda and Lin Feng were basking in the sun in the yard.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't harassed you and Pietro anymore, has it?" Lin Feng asked leisurely, shaking his legs while basking in the sun.

Wanda shook her head, and most of the bears trembled.

She was wearing home clothes, and she was lying on the rocking chair like Lin Feng and Susan.

In fact, she doesn't like sunbathing very much, and always feels that it will make her skin darken.

"No, I haven't seen them since you went to find them!"

The last time Lin Feng almost dismantled the space carrier, Wanda naturally knew that the relationship was deadlocked.

But Wanda doesn't care.

What is SHIELD?I'm sorry I'm not familiar with it.

Wanda is living a good life now, with food, drink and money to spend, and Susan takes care of herself like a sister.

This was unthinkable when I was wandering before.

Moreover, after Pietro got a job, he became more and more mature. He seems to have talked about a girlfriend recently, but he doesn't seem to want to say anything more.

Wanda knew that almost all of the reason for her current life was due to Lin Feng.

Thinking back to the mission Hydra gave me back then, it couldn't be called a mission anymore, it was simply a turning point in my happy life!

"Okay, it's still a bit of a B number!" Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

S.H.I.E.L.D. now has almost no contact with Lin Feng. As long as they don't provoke Lin Feng first, Lin Feng won't bother to care about their small troubles in Blue Star.


Lin Feng snapped his fingers at Wanda.

"Wanda, let me see how far you have practiced Chaos Magic!"

A few years ago, Lin Feng used the Infinity Stones to stimulate the original potential of Wanda and Pietro.

In the past few years, I ran around by myself and didn't care about Wanda.

Now I have time, and I have given enough time, I hope Wanda can give me a surprise.

But hearing what Lin Feng really said, Susan panicked first.

She hugged Wanda subconsciously, and looked at Lin Feng warily.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't want Wanda to join the battle, do you? Impossible!"

Hearing that Lin Feng wanted to check Wanda's strength, Susan's first thought was whether Lin Feng would need manpower to fight in the universe.

As for Wanda, she was puzzled at first, and then showed a clear expression, she thought so too.

Wanda looked at Susan with some emotion, but she didn't expect that Susan's first thought was her own safety.

But at the same time, hearing Lin Feng's words, she felt at ease again.

For so many years, she ate and drank at Lin Feng's house. At the beginning, Lin Feng said that she would work at home for two years and then let herself go.

But after recognizing Susan as his sister, he stayed at Lin Feng's house for several years, and Lin Feng didn't say anything.

In the past few years, she felt like a rice bug, without the slightest contribution.

Now that Lin Feng said that, she suddenly felt relieved, at least if Lin Feng needed her, then she would feel more at ease.

At the same time, she secretly decided that as long as Lin Feng would not let her kill innocent people, she would try her best to meet Lin Feng's request!

"Susan, don't worry about me!"

"My ability should have been used to help more suffering people!"

"Now there is a need, I must stand up!"

When Susan heard this, she became even more anxious.

Wanda was always in a daze, and in her heart she was just a little sister who didn't grow up.

Are you going to be dragged into the battlefield by Lin Feng suddenly?Susan couldn't accept it for a while.

But she seems to have no reason to stop Wanda's thoughts and actions.

After all, Wanda's previous experience is here, and it is normal for her to want to help people with the same fate as her.

For a moment, Susan's eyes were red.

In addition to being moved, there are also distressing emotions mixed in.

Poor child, he is still so young, he is about to be dragged into battle by Lin Feng?

If Wanda heard this distorted voice, she would probably be full of question marks.

Wanda hugged Susan with her backhand and gave her a comfort.

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself."

"Besides, there is still Lin Feng. He has been in the universe for so long, so he must have rich experience. I will be fine!"

Having said that, both of them looked at Lin Feng.

Then I found that Lin Feng's expression was extremely strange at this time.

Chapter 545 Dazed Lin Feng, why don't you go to the universe and try

how to say.

Three points are puzzled, three points are searching, three points are inexplicable and confused, and one point is unbelievable.

It looked very bewildered.

The sincere confession of the two sisters directly made Lin Feng numb.

I just said something casually, these two people made up something in their brains! !

The two of them output their mouths together, expressing their emotions on their own, leaving no room for Lin Feng to interrupt at all!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng forcibly suppressed the desire to laugh.

"What, I didn't say I would drag Wanda into a fight. Did you guys misunderstand something?"


The two women froze for a moment, then looked at each other.

"Didn't you say that you want to check Wanda's strength?"

"Yes, but I didn't say that I would drag her into the battlefield."

"Then why are you checking her strength?" Susan asked again, puzzled.

Lin Feng sighed.

"I remember I said that at the time."

"The strength of chaos magic is far beyond your imagination."

"If it gets out of control and runs away, it will be a very terrible thing."

"Wanda must constantly exercise to control the power of chaos magic. The more familiar she is, the less risk of losing control."

"Moreover, the more proficient and powerful Wanda's chaos magic is, the safer Blue Star will be."

"After all, no one can completely predict that it will not be used in the future. Isn't this a rainy day!"

"So, Wanda wasn't sent to the battlefield?"

Lin Feng nodded speechlessly.

Susan and Wanda looked at each other, blushed together, and then let go of each other.

After finishing the calf, I was ashamed and thrown home.

This divergent thinking made both of them feel embarrassed.

Lin Feng still didn't smile, if he did, Susan might have to scratch him later.

"Ahem, what, Wanda, show me the Chaos Magic you have mastered so far!"

Lin Feng brought the topic back on track.

Wanda was kind, stood up, and came to Lin Feng, but her body was a little tense, like a student being tested by a teacher.

"Just show off the skills you have mastered first." Lin Feng reminded her, signaling that she doesn't have to be so restrained.

Wanda nodded, and she picked up the cup that Lin Feng put on the table to drink from.

Holding the cup with one hand, the other hand hangs over the cup, pinching and tugging at the cup from a distance.

Red energy overflowed from Wanda's fingers and circled.

A little bit of golden light appeared on the transparent glass in his hand, and then spread to the entire glass.

The original transparent glass has now turned into a gold cup with a golden texture.

Substance conversion!

Lin Feng recognized it immediately.

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