After all, this part of the road is also an unobtainable existence during the journey!

Just like that, Lin Feng, Wanda, Susan, Lin Jili and Martina boarded the Jagged spaceship.

Oh, by the way, there are also two cats, Xiao Hei and Er Hei. It can be said that none of the family is left behind!

Thanks to the self-control of silicon-based lifeforms, the spaceship flew out of the blue star almost without operating.

The prototype of the Predator Spaceship is a small and medium-sized spaceship used by the Predator, which cannot be captured by Blue Star's existing technology.

Chapter 549 Super brave Gilly, can I raise a catfish head star

No one felt any discomfort during the launch of the spacecraft, and no one in this family was normal.

Even the weakest Susan was armed with Lin Feng's pile of medicines and equipment.

After arriving in the universe, input the coordinates into the spaceship, Lin Feng leaned back, resting his energy and energy leisurely with his head in his arms.

On the lap, there were two cats squatting, yawning with little interest.

Xiao Hei and Er Hei are not interested in the universe.

One person and two cats, yawning lazily there, is a bit unpleasant.

As for how many people are left?On the other hand, he lay down by the window, looking at the scene of the universe with great interest.

"Lin Feng, don't you want to come and see?" Susan stretched out her hand in greeting.

"No, just watch it." Lin Feng curled his lips and didn't lift his head.

I have long been tired of seeing that scene in the universe.

And a few days ago, didn't you take Susan and Wanda to the universe, why are you still so excited now?

Well, the scenery of the solar system is indeed different from the barren space that Lin Feng was looking for before.

And the planets here are all named by Susan, so it's normal to be interested.

In order to enjoy the ritual feeling of the journey, Lin Feng deliberately slowed down the iron blood.

But even so, Tie Xue also needs to go through at least ten jumps before he can go to the transit star that Lin Feng visited for the first time.

The whole trip lasted about three hours, so I didn't feel tired, and I fully enjoyed the anticipation on the road.

An hour later, Susan sat back in her seat. After seeing enough, she chatted with Wanda about the itinerary.

Susan and Martina didn't know where to mutter something, they glanced at Lin Feng from time to time.

Lin Feng didn't bother to care about them either.

These are the two brats, and not to provoke each other is the most correct way to get along.

"Lin Feng, are aliens friendly?" Susan sat beside Lin Feng, thinking about this question.

This is what Wanda just asked Susan.

"Friendly?" Lin Feng shook his head quickly.

"No, no, generally more irritable."

"Try not to pay attention to those aliens, and don't keep staring at them, otherwise, some behavior may arouse their anger."

As for aliens, everyone seems to have a natural hatred, and they want to fight when they meet.

On alien planets, no matter the major forces or organizations, the control over the life of each race is limited.

So compared to Blue Star, they are more irritable and destructive.

"But there is no need to be afraid. If there is a conflict, it is they who should be afraid!"

With just these few people, sending a cat out might kill the entire planet, so there is no need to worry about safety issues at all.

The reason why Susan was not allowed to stare at others was because it was a little impolite.

"Oh!" Susan nodded, indicating that she understood.

Immediately took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

Afterwards, he asked many questions that Lin Feng needed to pay attention to.

Lin Feng scratched his head.

Is Susan trying to make an alien friend?

To be honest, he has traveled the universe for so many years, and he has never deliberately studied how to get along with aliens.

Moreover, aliens of different races follow different habits and rules.

In this regard, Susan could only give up resentfully, sitting on the seat imitating Lin Feng with closed eyes and resting her mind, and began to wait for the arrival of the destination.

Susan finished asking, and she took a rest, but Lin Jili pulled Martina to Lin Feng's side again.

"Brother Lin Feng, brother Lin Feng!"

"Do aliens really look like big lobsters?"

Lin Jili held a kneaded photo in her hand, pointed at the photo and asked Lin Feng with shining eyes.

This was "grabbed" from Lin Feng's hands, and there are some alien races that Lin Feng photographed on the planet Garnier.

The most conspicuous among them is the huge blue lobster head in the center of the photo.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched.


"There are also catfish-headed aliens?"

"Uh, there are also..."

"Can I say hello to them?"

Lin Feng scratched his head and thought for a while.

"It should be possible, as long as you can understand what they are saying."

"Then, can I take one home to raise?"

Lin Feng: "???"

Take it home? ?Raise a catfish-headed star or a lobster-headed star?

How can there be such a weird hobby?

Lin Feng pointed at Susan.

"Ask Susan to see if she will let you raise her!"

Susan opened her eyes and glanced at Lin Jili with a sneer.

With a wave of her palm in the air, Ling Jili wilted.

This is self-evident.

You dare to raise, be careful your ass blooms!

Ling Jili retreated while clutching her buttocks.

Martina on the side seemed to want to ask something, but she obviously gave up.

People only have two buttocks, she doesn't want to have four, so goodbye!

In the following time, everyone chatted about some interesting things, and the spaceship was full of laughter.

Three hours passed quickly in this case.

The iron-blooded spaceship is about to arrive at its destination.

Inside the spaceship, Lin Feng stood up, came to the environment glass, pointed out the window, calling for everyone to take a quick look.

"Look, Garnier Transit Star is also the first living planet I have reached in the universe!"

"I'll see, I'll see!"

Susan and others swarmed up and looked in the direction of Lin Feng's finger.

Looking through the cabin, you can see a huge, colorful planet.

It is mainly black and brownish red, with a small amount of blue and metallic matte silver.

They are completely different styles from Blue Star, and this is the first stop of their itinerary, Garnier Transit Star!

Susan's little face flushed with excitement, without saying a word, she took out her phone and started taking pictures.

Wanda was also staring at the planet Garnier in a daze.

This is the first time for several people to see alien life planets in a real sense, and their hearts are full of unprecedented freshness and thirst for knowledge.

"Quick, let's land quickly, I want to see the lobster man and the catfish head!"

Ling Jili hopped and urged, she couldn't wait to see the strange alien race.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry." Lin Feng chuckled.

"Iron Blood, did you see that spaceship docked!" Lin Feng pointed to the huge building suspended in the outer orbit of the planet.

"Fly over, you stop there!"

Every spacecraft that comes to Garnier needs to stop there for resupply and registration.

Most transit stars do not allow spacecraft to directly land on the surface of the planet.

And having such a stop generally means that the transit star belongs to the alliance.

Lin Feng didn't care about it before, and it wasn't until later that he learned from Xixing that Planet Garnier was a transit star under the control of the alliance.

There was a muffled grunt from inside the spaceship, and then it twisted its steel body and slowly flew towards the docking station.

The family's journey to Garnier star begins...

Chapter 550 Lobster Head Star Tour Guide

After docking the spaceship and paying some fees, Lin Feng and his party arrived on the surface of the planet by the alliance channel.

When you come to the ground, you can find that the various reds you saw in the universe are actually the color of the earth, as well as the messy metal houses with various coatings.

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