Mission Objective: Solve the Thanos Legion that crosses over and kill at least one Exile

Mission reward 1: 3000 million reputation points

Task reward 2: Depends on the evaluation of the host to complete the task.

A mission reminder suddenly sounded from Lin Feng's ear, followed by a long-lost voice from the system.

"Yo, dog host, here I come!!" came a skinny and cheap voice.

Hearing the familiar tone, Lin Feng's eyes flashed brightly, and his heart beat faster.

"Dog system!" Lin Feng's tone was a little excited, and he felt that the system's cheap voice was unprecedentedly kind.

"Tell me, do you miss me!" The system had his hips on his hips. Although there was no entity, Lin Feng felt that the system was presenting an arrogant poss.

"Hehe, without you for the past few days, the roots of my ears are very clean." Lin Feng laughed, his mouth was stubborn.

The system's voice became even softer: "Damn it, you just say what you mean! A straight man who needs the help of the system after chasing a woman!"

Lin Feng had black lines and question marks on his face: "Why did you mention this..."

"Who hasn't had a first time..."

Seeing this, the system laughed out loud, and said, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore!"

"This system has been exhausted these days."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng seemed to hear the system let out a long sigh, guessing that the system is not doing well these days.

He couldn't help laughing, and started to tease: "What, I haven't seen you for a few days, so why?"

"Come on, tell me, what have you been doing these days? I'm very curious!"

Lin Feng had 180 questions in his mind to ask the system, and he would first ask the dog system what it had done in the past two days.

Hearing Lin Feng's inquiry, the system's voice became a little annoyed: "Hey, stop talking, you've been fucked by two punks..."

Chapter 63 The glove is ready, how about I snap my fingers?

Two punks?Lin Feng expressed doubts.

"Do you remember the exile from last time?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Is that the guy in the black robe from the DC world? What's wrong? Is it his fault?"

"Not only that, he also found the Exile from the Marvel Universe as a helper!" the system continued.

"Two shameless guys, they don't talk about martial arts and engage in sneak attacks. The purpose is the superman template you just exchanged."

"And this system!"

Speaking of this, the system voice became even more angry: "These two bastards still want to tamper with my database and drag me into their camp! It's wishful thinking!"

"A bunch of crooks with unrighteous views, I don't bother to be with them!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt a little palpitation in his heart.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, didn't they fail!" Lin Feng comforted.

Now that the system is safely back, it proves that the exile's plan to tamper with the system was unsuccessful.

After reassuring the system, Lin Feng then asked, "What about my Silver Superman template? They won't snatch it, right?"

The system waved his hand: "That's impossible, they didn't get any benefit from me, host, don't worry!"

Seeing Lin Feng's worry, the system continued to explain: "After the exile appeared, I put the Silver Superman template into a square device and sent him to a certain place in the universe..."

"Well... our universe, you know."

"When you return to our universe, you can continue to evolve..."

"But before that, you need to complete the mission just announced!"

After the system explained, Lin Feng felt relieved, as long as he wasn't snatched away.

How to put it, it was Lin Feng's bit by bit, I don't know how many times he saved the reputation points accumulated from disasters.

Now it's all right, the system is back, and everything seems to be back on track.

As for the task, Lin Feng pulled out the panel again and checked it.

"I saw the mission this time, and the exile will also appear, right?"

The answer given by the system is in the affirmative: "This time they plan to help Thanos, snap their fingers and take away all the life in the universe!"

"You can't let them get the Infinity Gauntlet, without the Infinity Gauntlet, they have nothing to do!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled indifferently: "It shouldn't be a big problem. With me here, they can't get the gloves!"

"At that time, I will snap my fingers with gloves on and send them away neatly! Let you vent your anger!"

But the system shook his head: "Host, you think too much, the snapping of infinite gems is useless to them"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "How do you say?"

"They are the same as the host you, they are also the traversers outside the fourth wall, and they are unique."

"The snapping of the Infinity Gauntlet is ineffective for you and them."

"You can beat them with Infinity Stones, but Infinity Stones can't erase them."

"Unless it is a physical kill!"

As if afraid that Lin Feng would not understand, the system added: "In other words, you can use the Infinity Gauntlet to control a boulder and smash them to death! You can also use the energy of the Infinity Stone to burn their heads!"

"However, you can't directly take their lives with gloves!"

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"That means I can kill them, but I can't snap them away, right?"

"Yes, that's the truth!"

Lin Feng smiled without the slightest fear.

"That's okay, let's see whose fist is harder!"

"Guys!" Tony yelled suddenly, drawing everyone's attention.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Tony nodded solemnly.

Everyone's heart moved, and they all surrounded him immediately. Lin Feng also stood up and walked over.

Tony pointed to the table: "I made it..."

Looking around, Rocket Raccoon was fiddling with a golden-red mechanical glove under the mechanical arm.

On the glove, six infinity gems lay quietly on it.

Rocket was doing the final inspection procedure, and said without raising his head: "The glove is finished..."

"The question is who's going to do that damn snap?"

Everyone was stunned, and Thanos snapped his fingers twice. Everyone present has seen that tragic scene.

The titan's body, which was as strong as Thanos, barely snapped his fingers, and then fell into a weak state.

The bodies of the titans were all seriously injured.

Let alone ordinary people.

"I come!"

Sol, who was fat into a ball, suddenly stepped forward, reaching for the glove.

"WOWOWO!" Captain America and Tony stopped Saul at the same time.

Now Sol's stomach and mind are full of beer. With his current state, the success rate of snapping his fingers is too low.

Look at what's flowing in his veins now, it's probably cheese sauce!

The opportunity is too precious to let Saul take this risk.

"We haven't decided yet who will snap the fingers!" Captain America explained.

"Why, are you just standing here and watching?" Sol panted heavily, dissatisfied with how many people blocked him.

"Sitting here won't bring everyone back!"

"I am the strongest Avenger, let me come!"

Several people tried to dissuade again, insisting that Sol should not snap his fingers.

Sol was so anxious that he almost cried.

Poor Thor, blamed himself for not stopping Thanos.

He woke up in a dream countless times. If his head had been chopped off that time, the ending would have been completely different.

God knows how much he looks forward to such an opportunity...

But now his teammates are stopping him, although Sol also knows that they are doing it for their own good.

But Saul really needs this opportunity...

Lin Feng stood aside and watched this scene.

Seeing how many people were arguing endlessly, Lin Feng couldn't help but said, "Why don't I come?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked over in unison, with a hint of vigilance hidden in their eyes.

"NO!" Captain America said.

"Lin Feng, you don't belong to our universe, you shouldn't bear this responsibility!"

"Besides, we don't know if you, who come from a parallel universe, will have other effects by snapping your fingers!"

It is difficult to refute the righteous words that Captain America said.

After Lin Feng shrugged indifferently, he stopped talking.

He knew that no one would agree to snap his fingers.

The American team said it nicely on the surface, but the main reason is to guard against Lin Feng.

After all, they knew very little about Lin Feng. If Lin Feng snapped his fingers and took away the life in the other half of the universe, wouldn't it be the end of the game...

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