By the same lake, workers were cleaning up the ruins of the Avengers base.

The Avengers gathered in the small gazebo that had been damaged.

Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Button, Saul Odinson, Scott Lang

They stood quietly behind Lin Feng, with serious and dignified faces.

Lin Feng turned around and looked around them.

He took a deep breath, nodded as if preparing for something.

Everyone nodded in response, their eyes filled with solemnity and anticipation.

Lin Feng turned around, took another deep breath, and closed his eyes.

The six infinite gems on the wristband slowly lit up at this moment.

Under the eager gaze of Stark and his group, Lin Feng raised his left hand, just like the one he snapped on the battlefield two days ago!

Lin Feng calmed down, and with the help of the system, he slowly spoke in his heart.

"Soul Gem! I know you have self-awareness!"

"Return Natasha's soul!"

That's right, Lin Feng was communicating with the soul gem.

Infinity stones have their own consciousness, and under the connection of the system, Lin Feng can simply exchange some information with them.

The gem was silent for a long time, and there was a wave of rejection, which represented rejection.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry, he just spoke again.

"A soul is nothing to you! Give Natasha's soul back. Don't make me rough!"

The wave of rejection came faster, even mixed with a trace of disdain.

"I'll say it again, return Natasha's soul, otherwise, I will use other rough stones to destroy you!"

"Don't doubt what I say!"

"I only give you 1 minute to think about it, and after 1 minute, I will snap my fingers"

"Whether it's your destruction or Natasha's return, the decision is in your hands!"

Seeing that good words were not enough, Lin Feng directly threatened with a cold face. He believed that the soul gem would make the right choice!

The waiting time was long. With his thumbnail against his teeth, Tony couldn't help but tilt his head and asked Steve in a low voice.

"Why hasn't he moved?"

Although the voice was small, everyone heard it, and all eyes were on Tony.

Steve frowned and shook his head at Tony, motioning him to read on.

Tony was also uncomfortably stabbed and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Feng again.

After some negotiations, the Soul Gem reluctantly transmitted a hint of submissiveness.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he got the information, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The soul gem is not a fool, in the face of a soul and its own survival, it knows how to choose!


Lin Feng snapped his fingers.

Several people cheered up and their eyes widened.

In front of Lin Feng, ripples were visible to the naked eye.

With the fluctuation of snapping fingers, a figure slowly walked out of it.

It was the black widow with braids and a blank face, Natasha...

Chapter 70 The True Face of the Exile, Going Home

For infinite gems, the results of different usage methods are also quite different.

Just like a goddess, you approach her carefully, and she will make you happy for a few days with just a few perfunctory words.

However, when you take off her goddess halo, you will find that the goddess is not much different from other girls.

In Lin Feng's eyes, the Infinity Gem is a large augmentation tool, equivalent to an artifact in online games.

You have to be its master, not its licking dog!


The endgame is over, Thanos is wiped out, countless lives return, and Natasha brought back by Lin Feng with a snap of his fingers.

Blue Star ushered in a happy ending. A group of Avengers gathered in a club and had a celebration carnival.

In the club, the whole environment is warm and harmonious.

The older Tony is not more calm than when he was young, otherwise there should be an atmosphere group composed of a group of hot girls now!

Everyone gathered together in twos and threes to chat, enjoying the rare time that belonged to them!

Smiles filled everyone's faces, and when it came to excitement, there was a burst of laughter from time to time.

There was also a dinner party in the evening, and Lin Feng also received an invitation.

No one will forget him, the great hero who solved the war with three punches and two kicks.

Natasha and Hawkeye sat together, looking at Lin Feng from time to time.

When looking at Lin Feng, he would smile and nod his thanks.

Lin Feng sat on the sofa, and after dismissing the one-eyed marinated egg with a few words, he drank his wine and watched the carnival in front of him with a smile.


A wonderful voice rang in Lin Feng's ears.

The system brought the settlement of this task!

The rewards for this task are settled as follows.

Main task: Reward 3000 million prestige.

Killing one exile: Reward 1000 million prestige.

Evaluation of this mission: A- (combined with the difficulty of the mission and the progress of the plot collapse)

Reward: 3 pieces of special red kryptonite.

Enhanced version of tree of life leaves 30 packs.

Weak artificial intelligence program.

Templar II spaceship.

A master key (use times 3).

In addition to prestige, it also gave some weird things.

Seeing the Spaceship No. [-] of the Temple, Lin Feng froze for a moment.

Isn't this the car of Thanos?They also disappeared together with a snap of their fingers!

What are you doing for yourself?This thing is not as fast as its own flying speed!

After thinking about it, Lin Feng planned to find an opportunity to throw him to Tony, let him study and study, maybe there is some technology that can be used!

As for the universal key, Lin Feng took it out and glanced at the description.

Master key (use 3 times)

The key to open the world with coordinates.

Brief description, concise and to the point.

It seems that it should be the kind of prop that allows oneself to go to the DC universe.

Lin Feng put it back and left it alone for now

As for the 1000 million prestige value of the exile, it is equivalent to missing it, and the two exiles are a bit ridiculously weak.

And the strength of Thanos in the movie version is not enough to watch at all. The reason why there are so many prestige points is probably due to the bonus of the main line and event nature.

After all, if Lin Feng hadn't appeared, Thanos probably would have snapped his fingers.

After the reward settlement was completed, Lin Feng couldn't help asking the system.

The system obviously concealed a lot of information from him. If these problems were not made clear, Lin Feng would not be able to sleep.

Under Lin Feng's insistence and constant questioning, the system reluctantly revealed some information again.

The reason why the exiles will focus on the system is because the system will disappear completely only if the authority and functions of the system are completely deprived.

Exile has been doing something similar, collecting all system permissions and functions that are opposed to him.

The two little bastards sent this time thought that Lin Feng's Kryptonian blood system was an ordinary system, but they didn't expect it to be the strongest system!

"Wait!" Lin Feng interrupted suddenly with a wave of his hand.

"You can't even kill an exile, you say you are the strongest system?"

The system nodded, and replied with some pride: "That's right, and I'm still the one with the most resources and the strongest cards in all the systems."

Lin Feng leaned back: "What are you bragging about? I didn't see it at all!"

"It also has the most resources. There are only three melons and two dates in the system store. What impresses me the most is that... the black widow's underwear..."

Lin Feng's eyes were full of contempt and disgust.

"Um..." The system was embarrassed.

"What I said is true, the dog host can think about it, if I am not the strongest one, how could it be possible for you to have a superman template from the beginning?"

"Huh?" Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

What he said is so right!In the novels that Lin Feng has read, it is true that the host grows up bit by bit, and he himself touched Tianhu from the very beginning?

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