It is said that Xiaobie is better than newlyweds. After two months of separation, the two still miss each other very much!

Before she had time to express her longing that she hadn't seen for a long time, after a hasty greeting, Susan pulled Lin Feng to the sofa.

"Lin! Something happened to Tony!" Susan said, pulling the laptop over and showing it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was taken aback, what happened to Tony?

He quickly checked the news, looking at ten lines at a glance.

On the computer screen, Tony Stark's clamor and the bombing of Marbury Villa were played back and forth in a loop.

In the end, all the major reports expressed that Tony Stark's whereabouts were unknown, and his life and death were unknown.

Lin Feng knew in his heart, isn't this the plot of Iron Man 3?

Good guy, as expected of Tony.

Publicly clamoring for the so-called Mandarin, he even disclosed the address of his villa!

Really... a man of high art and boldness?

Lin Feng couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but then he thought, wouldn't Tony suffer from anxiety like the original book?

Susan looked at Lin Feng in surprise: "Lin! Why are you laughing?"

Wouldn't Lin Feng go out for a trip and go crazy?A good friend is not alive or well now, yet he can still laugh out loud?

Lin Feng waved his hand: "Ah, ah, Tony is fine, he is still alive."

"You know?" Susan froze for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

He knew that Lin Feng had super eyesight and super hearing. When she first found out that Lin Feng could see through, she blushed.

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, I know!"

Lin Feng thought of the Mark 85 armor in his own space, and had an idea in his mind...

"I'm out to meet Tony! I'll be right back!"

Hearing this, Susan pouted, she hadn't seen her for two months, and she just came back and was about to leave!

But Susan also knew that the business was important, so she didn't stop her.

In this way, Lin Feng, who had just returned home and had no time to rest, embarked on a journey again.

Chapter 72 Tony Stark's Anxiety

In the middle of the night, on a quiet road, a high-speed black Audi suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

Tony held the steering wheel with an inexplicable heart palpitation, and he breathed uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with the power supply?" Tony was a little emotional.

"This is my battle suit, I can't...God, it's coming again..." Tony pushed open the car door and slumped on the ground.

This symptom is not the first time.

When he learned that the suit could not be used, a kind of panic broke out uncontrollably.

Anxiety neurosis!Anxiety for short!

This symptom has appeared since the Chitauri war.

Unknown threats make Tony feel insecure all the time.

At the slightest hint of something wrong, even just mentioning the Chitauri, the Waist Twister, Tony would have a fit.

Now, he was going to Miami to find the Mandarin who ruined his villa, but he was told that the armor might not be activated.

Panic struck instantly, and Tony felt it was difficult to breathe.

"Tony?" Harry's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Are you having a seizure again? I didn't mention the twister!"

Tony stared, and his breathing became more rapid! "Yes, you just said it!"

"You said it when you didn't mention it!"

"Um... well..." Harry was a little embarrassed.

"Oh God" Tony panted violently, his brain was a little dizzy: "What should I do?"

"Take a deep breath! Tony, take a deep breath!" Harry tried to guide Tony to relieve his symptoms.

"You're a mechanic, aren't you!"

"Yeah! I'm a mechanic..." Tony replied breathlessly, as he had said when he was introduced to the brat.

Harry's voice came again: "Then why don't you build something?"

One sentence made Tony stunned for a moment, and then his heart moved.

Yes indeed!He calls himself a mechanic and is proficient in mechanical production.

In a seemingly ordinary hardware store, Tony can combine countless weapons!

Even without armor, he is not powerless to fight back.

Why not build something against the Mandarin?

Thinking of this, Tony's symptoms gradually eased, his inexplicable panic gradually eased, and his breathing also stabilized.

Tony nodded, his tone regained a little calm: "Yes, I'm a mechanic, maybe I should build something..."

But in the next second, watching the black figure flying from a distance, Tony suddenly had other thoughts!

"OK, thanks a lot, little brat."

"Maybe I have a better way! Let's talk next time!"

After speaking, Tony cut off the communication, leaving Harry on the other end of the phone with a dazed expression.

"A better way? What's he talking about?"

Harry glanced at the Mark 42, which was charging.

"Jarvis, do you know what he's talking about?"

"Eh... I don't know..."

Lin Feng, dressed in a black battle suit, landed in front of Tony.

He saw Tony's attack from a distance, and he was a little puzzled.

With his existence, the Chitauri's invasion was almost resolved at the lowest cost. Without the nuclear bomb, Tony did not fly out of the wormhole. How could he still suffer from anxiety?

"Hey, Tony!" Lin Feng suppressed the doubts in his heart, and was about to insinuate.

"Christmas, why don't you have a party with Pepper, and run to this wilderness by yourself?"

Looking at Tony's miserable appearance from top to bottom, Lin Feng's tone was very joking: "Could it be possible to make Xiaojiao angry again? You won't even be allowed to sleep on the sofa?"

Deliberately throwing down a few sentences, Tony instantly put the embarrassment behind him.


"Pepper didn't like my Christmas presents and kicked me out of the house."

"As you can see, I can only run to this wilderness now..."

Recently, troubles have piled up together, and Tony is too lazy to break up with Lin Feng.

"What did you send? That rabbit with a huge bear?" Lin Feng asked. He remembered that in the original book, Tony gave a big, tall, ridiculously bear doll rabbit.

Pepper was speechless for a while, did Tony think she was too small?

Tony was puzzled for a moment: "How do you know?"

Liangzi is speechless, it really is that big bear rabbit, who would like this ghost thing?Except Tony!

"Okay, it's useless not to talk about it, I saw the news!" Lin Feng said: "Your family has been expelled! What else popped up...Master Mandarin?"

"You are also a talent, and you directly announced your address to the world!"

Hearing this, Tony sighed. Of course he knew that he was on the news, and his information was published in all the newspapers.

"I also regret it now, the news is about to give me a funeral!"

"It's not a big problem, just don't be so impulsive next time!"

Lin Feng smacked his lips. He also knew that Tony had a lot of troubles recently, and most of them were caused by anxiety attacks.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng took out two small square boxes from the system space.

It was bought by him on the way here.

He handed one of them to Tony: "Here!"

Tony took it subconsciously.

"What is this? A Christmas present?"

With that said, Tony opened the box.

Tony smiled when he saw what was in the box.

It's a cheeseburger!

"Well...this might be the best gift I've ever received this Christmas!"

After speaking, Tony sat down on the floor again and gnawed on the hamburger in his hand.

Lin Feng was not a hypocritical person, so he sat down next to Tony with a hamburger, ate it, and then asked his own question a little casually: "Tell me, how did you suffer from anxiety?"

Hearing Lin Feng's question, Tony paused while eating the hamburger: "How do you know everything?"

"Hi..." Lin Feng didn't answer, he just stared at Tony and ate his burger.

The two just sat on the ground and ate, while Lin Feng looked at Tony, waiting for him to speak.

The silence was long and uncomfortable.

After a while, Tony felt uncomfortable, and the hamburger in his hand was no longer delicious.

"Okay, okay..." Tony took a deep breath. He didn't intend to say it, after all, it was a bit embarrassing...

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