It's just that after I originally planned to evolve into Silver Superman, I went to look for the two of them, but I didn't expect Wanda to come to my door...

At this point in his thoughts, Lin Feng said slowly: "The matter is actually very different from what you imagined..."

He was going to pave the way for Wanda to tell the truth about some things, and gradually pulled Wanda into his camp.

Forcing Wanda to be used for his own use is not what Lin Feng wants to see, and Wanda will not be used by him sincerely.

In the following time, Lin Feng's words completely overturned Wanda's cognition for so many years.

He threw out the origin of Hydra, the goal of controlling the world, and the Stark missiles.

When it comes to the key points, some Chitauri's origins and some threats in the universe are mixed in to achieve a shocking effect.

Lin Feng spit all over the place, and the little girl was taken aback by what she said.

This world, or the universe, is far more complicated than she imagined.

She didn't want to believe everything Lin Feng said, but her intuition told her that everything was true.

Lin Feng is the superman that everyone is looking at, so there is no reason to lie to himself a member of the organization who does not see the light.

There is nothing worth coveting about myself. (If Lin Feng knew that Wanda thought so, he would definitely jump out and shout: Why not?)

While talking, Susan came over with two cups of hot cocoa.

When the two started talking, she made two cups of hot cocoa. This little girl didn't look like a heinous person.

From Lin Feng's words, it is obvious that he was misled by bad people.

And her big boy obviously frightened the little girl.

Hot cocoa can ease the mood of the little girl.

This is how Lin Feng eased the fear in her heart before.


Wanda took the hot cocoa blankly, drank it in small sips, and her brain was constantly digesting the information that Lin Feng said.

I have remembered the hatred of Tony Stark for more than ten years, but the enemy is not him.

This runs counter to her goal of more than ten years, and it cannot be relieved all at once. Wanda needs time.

Lin Feng patted the sofa beside him, motioning for Susan to sit down and listen together.

"I know that you and Pietro are not born bad people, you are just misguided."

"Hydra is not for you, it is destined to be destroyed."

Lin Feng drank hot cocoa and guided Wanda step by step.

"If you want, I can arrange a place for you and Pietro, and I will also help you improve your corresponding abilities! And in terms of my application of gems, it will be safer and more efficient than Sterak!"

"Of course, improving your abilities is not about revenge. Although Tony is my friend, there is no lie in what I just told you."

"You can verify what I say as you like! I guarantee it with Superman's reputation!"

This made Wanda's heart move.

Lin Feng's words are not groundless, his status and right to speak in the hearts of the citizens is even much higher than that of the Avengers.

The main credit comes from Lin Feng's continuous resolution of the disasters that occurred.

In the Chitauri battle, Lin Feng went out of outer space and shot down Chitauri's mothership.

Lin Feng's strength and actions have won the support of the public. To put it bluntly, Lin Feng's reputation is endorsed by all the citizens.

Seeing Wanda's emotion, Lin Feng made a direct prediction.

"I think you just saw what I went through too, didn't you?"

As soon as these words came out, the fear in Wanda's heart was drawn out again, and her eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

In Wanda's view, those pictures are too unbelievable...

She swallowed her saliva: "Those pictures... are they all real..."

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, I have experienced those."

“True and authentic experience!”

"In the universe, there are too many species that we have never seen, and there are countless threats that we don't know."

"Isn't the Chitauri invasion a good proof!"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Wanda nodded subconsciously. Almost everyone was unaware of the Chitauri invasion.

After all, the alien invasion is such a sci-fi event, how unforgettable it is after it actually happened!

Seeing that the foreshadowing was almost done, Lin Feng euphemistically guided his thoughts.

"Blue Star will also experience these dangers in the future, or similar dangers."

"I will improve your ability, maybe you can fight side by side with me in the future to repel these invaders."

"I don't think you want to see countless wives and families being torn apart because of the war, right?"

Lin Feng is not alarmist. Although he can solve Thanos, there is no guarantee that the plot will be exactly the same as the original novel, and there will be no threat from other cosmic powerhouses.

These words reached Wanda's heart.

She has a kind heart, and the despair she experienced in her childhood is shocking.

She also does not want to see other innocent people go through this.

Those words were like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Lin Feng's meaning is very clear, although you have experienced misfortune, you can help others to avoid repeated misfortunes!

"Can I, think about it..."

The large amount of information received at once made Wanda's mind a little messed up. Although she was heartbroken, she also needed to calm down.

Lin Feng nodded: "No problem!"

Seeing who said what, Wanda's heart was doomed that she would not reject Lin Feng's proposal with a high probability.

Lin Feng patted Susan who was sitting beside him: "Susan, take her upstairs to take a hot bath! In case she catches a cold."

Susan came back to her senses and nodded.

Pulling up Wanda who was still bowing his head in thought, the two walked towards the second floor.

Susan understood the conversation between the two of them.

I also understood that Wanda was frightened into such a state after seeing the scene of Lin Feng's experience.

Lin Feng never told her about these experiences, aliens, battles, hydra, and disasters in the future.

Probably because I was afraid that I was worried, so I didn't want to tell.

She thought of Lin Feng's two outings, those experiences should have happened during this period.

Suddenly, Susan felt sorry for Lin Feng.

Others at his age are enjoying life, nightclubs, parties, racing.

But Lin Feng has experienced one after another battle that ordinary people can't imagine...

Fortunately, her little boyfriend is strong enough to deal with any difficulties she sees.

Although I don't know what outstanding abilities Lin Feng mentioned about Wanda, Susan decided to persuade Wanda when taking a bath.

After the conversation, she also saw that Wanda seemed to be misled by some bad people, otherwise Lin Feng would not have wasted so much talking to enlighten Wanda.

Look at those bad guys in the past, Lin Feng didn't even say a word to them, he just punched them to see God!

Seeing the two of them going upstairs, Lin Feng touched his chin. Susan's mood was also a little bit wrong, which should be caused by what he said.

Susan must have a lot of doubts.However, during the conversation between the two, the little girlfriend did not interrupt their conversation once, which made Lin Feng very happy and very lucky.

My little girlfriend is very sensible!

Chapter 80 Wanda Joins, I'll Pick Up Your Brother

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Feng pondered for a while, then suddenly took out his cell phone and dialed.

Wanda's joining his camp is a sure thing, and now he needs some evidence to act as a catalyst for Wanda to join his camp quickly.

After all, he will set off to the universe again soon, as short as two months and as long as half a year.

On the space carrier, Nick Fury took out the communicator and glanced at the incoming call on it.

Lin Feng?

Cyclops was a little puzzled, since he gave Lin Feng his contact information, this was the first time Lin Feng contacted him.

"Lin Feng?" Nick Fury answered the phone.

"Hi! Director Braised Egg."

Nick Fury's face darkened instantly.

"What's the matter..." Nick Fury directly ignored Lin Feng's "kindly address" to him

"I need some videos of Hydra! Video evidence of doing bad things!"

"I know you have it, send it to my mailbox, I want to use it!"

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes: "What do you want this for?"

He didn't deny that he had these materials, everyone was a smart person, Lin Feng's ability to call him this time proved that Lin Feng was sure that he had these materials.

Instead of arguing with each other, it is better to open up and talk.

"Hmm... win over two superheroes! How about it!"

"Oh? Tell me in detail?" Nick Fury frowned, becoming interested.

"It's too troublesome to say, how about you send me some videos and assign you a superhero then?"

Lin Feng's words made Nick Fury narrow his eyes again, is Lin Feng so kind?

"……make a deal!"

Nick Fury hung up the phone, constantly analyzing Lin Feng's intentions.

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