Chapter 96 Monkey King: Can You Teach Me Freedom?

"What? How is it possible?" Jebit was even more surprised.

That's the Great Realm King God.

Although he was absorbed by Majin Buu, he was also a super strong existence during his lifetime.

In the end, Lord Kaiwangshen actually said that his strength could be compared with Lord Kaiwangshen.

Are you right?

"However, things are going in a good direction, isn't it? Jebit." After being surprised for a short time, Kaiwangshen smiled slightly, "With him, even if Majin Buu is resurrected, we have a way to deal with it."

"But, back then, even the Great Kaiwangshen was no match for Majin Buu." Jebbit didn't think much of Sun Wutian.

Your divine power is quite amazing.

But compared to Majin Buu, it's still far behind~.

"Of course, the resurrection of Majin Buu I said is just the worst case!" Kaiwangshen said in a deep voice, "In any case, we should find his seal as soon as possible and kill the magician Bafidi. Things to do.-"

"Understood!" Jebbit nodded vigorously.

in the audience.

"Look! That little guy has changed too!"

"Hair turned red!"

"There's still flames coming out of him! Could it be that he set himself on fire?"

The audience talked even more, each one was more surprised than the other.

Especially Trunks, who was completely sluggish at this time.

What is this for?

What is this transformation?

The problem is, I can't feel his breath at all.

This leaves people speechless.

"Tranks, let's start over." Sun Wutian smiled.

"What are you changing?" Trunks felt that the whole person was not very calm.

"I don't know what this change is called, but I'm very happy, I finally broke through!" Sun Wutian grinned.

"Breakthrough? Is it a breakthrough if you dye your hair red? A child is a child after all!" Trunks snorted.

"Come on, Trunks." Sun Wutian's face was full of confidence.

"Hmph, playing tricks!" Trunks snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and bombarded Monkey King.

Looking at the fast approaching fist, Sun Wutian stretched out a finger.


The next moment, Trunks' fist hit Sun Wutian's finger heavily.

To be precise, it should be on Sun Wutian's right index finger.


There's no after that.

Just like that, Sun Wutian blocked Trunks' heavy punch with a finger of his right hand.

"Well, it feels good." Sun Wutian smiled.

"What?" Trunks' face changed again and again, as ugly as it could be.

Is this too powerful?

He actually blocked my attack with one finger?

Am I dreaming?

"This is impossible!" Trunks screamed, and golden energy burst out of his body immediately.

"Tranks, it's wrong to be angry. The stronger your opponent is, you should maintain a peaceful mind to defeat your opponent." Sun Wutian was stunned for a moment, looking at Trunks Chunchun's teaching.

Trunks' nose was crooked.

You little brat, are you still teaching me here?

See how I clean up you!


Extremely powerful energy surged from Trunks again.

At the same time, the golden flames around Trunks became more intense.

And after feeling the powerful aura of Trunks, Piccolo's face changed color, and cold sweat even slipped down from his face.


Are the children of today so powerful?

At this moment, I even felt that his breath had far surpassed mine.

Piccolo wiped his sweat.

Trunks can actually be so powerful, it's really hell.

Kelin was so frightened that his face turned pale, and his whole body was covered with pyroxine.

Just because of the powerful energy of Trunks, Klin felt that if he collided with him, he would be instantly killed.

Just horrible.

"What? Can Trunks raise the aura to this level?" Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, "It's amazing! The strength of this aura has almost reached the energy I had when I challenged Cell seven years ago."

Vegeta said nothing with a dark face.

You are so special!

Your son has a new transformation, are you still talking about Trunks' aura improvement?

Do you find it interesting?

Vegeta's body began to tremble again.


What happened to that kid Sun Wutian?

Sun Wuhan's eyes widened even more, and he kept looking at the transformed Sun Wutian.

Could it be so easy to block Trunks' attack with just one finger?

Trunks is in Super Saiyan state.

"Wutian, I won't lose to you!" Trunks snorted coldly, clenched his fist tightly, and concentrated the energy on the fist.

"Well, come on, Trunks." Sun Wutian nodded.

"Damn it!" Trunks gritted his teeth.

"call out!"

Trunks no longer hesitated, and launched a fierce attack in the direction of Monkey King.

This punch is like a dragon coming out of a hole.

Both the sky and the earth changed color at this moment.

It seems that there is only one fist left in the whole world.

The fist is facing Sun Wutian's direction, and bombards it quickly.

It seems to carry endless energy.


A surprising scene happened, and Sun Wutian stretched out his palm, which easily blocked the powerful punch released by Trunks.

"Hee hee, it's blocked." Sun Wutian smiled.

"What?" Trunks' face became pale and ugly.

Immediately afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, Trunks hurriedly backed up, and quickly distanced himself from Sun Wutian.

Trunks' body began to tremble, and he looked at Sun Wutian vigilantly.

I released all my energy to bombard the punch in the past, but it was easily blocked by him.

Is there any reason.


How to do?

How can I deal with him?

I seem to have no hope of winning.

"Isn't the gap too big?" Kelin trembled.

"Yeah, I really don't know how Wutian did it?" Sun Wukong scratched his head.

When Sun Wukong said this, all the people present immediately looked at Salo.

Yes, it's Saro!

It's what Salo said about freedom.

Could it be said that it is the ultimate intention of freedom?

Something is wrong.

Isn't Zizijiyi able to dodge automatically by the body?

However, Sun Wutian did not evade automatically, but had a new transformation.

But this new transformation is stronger than ordinary Super Saiyans, "Saro, is Goten's transformation really a self-indulgent intention?" Son Gohan asked quickly.

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