Under the catalysis and stimulation of these fresh blood, he woke up bit by bit.

In order to prevent the counterattack of these ocean "monsters".

More and more speedboats and small boats were abandoned, and they came to stronger warships.

Using hook guns, fishing nets and other weapons to stimulate the "monsters" under the ocean.

Then use firepower to kill it and salvage it.

During these processes, some soldiers were counter-killed or injured.

Seeing the opportunity, Nakamura Ryota immediately said loudly.

"These are your honors! The country will remember your efforts!"

"Your family will be proud too! Don't be afraid! Don't hold back! Keep going!"

"The more you are afraid, the more rampant these monsters will be!"

"We can't give Warcraft a chance to fight back!"

Under Nakamura's constant brainwashing and encouragement, the soldiers of the Sakura Kingdom became more and more brave and fearless.

They still didn't stop hunting until the strong smell of blood made people sick and want to vomit.

Even though the ocean is big, the sea is wide.

There are fewer and fewer "Warcraft" who dare to continue to emerge.


The sea seemed to be gradually calming down.

This is the sign before the storm.


On the other side of the Fushi Mountain, the situation is even worse.

There is no powerful "Warcraft".

All the relatively weak "Warcraft" are huddling together to keep warm.

They don't understand.

Why didn't they take the initiative to hurt those humans, but those humans wanted to gather together to hurt them?




At this moment, Fushishan was like a huge zoo, and there were panicked and worried cries everywhere.

Where can they go?

Where else can they escape?

Witnessed the death of a compatriot.

They cannot be saved.

They are about to be next.

In order to prevent these "monsters" from counterattacking, armored tanks opened the way at the forefront.

Facing these hard and insulating hard leather, no elf can break through these defenses.

A bird with sparse feathers stood on the Fushi Mountain, looking at the iron man and the soldiers who were coming up with sorrowful eyes.

It roared up to the sky, and its voice was full of grief and desolation.


Is there any place for them to escape?

Even if they flap their wings and take off, they cannot escape the heavy weapons that have been aiming at them.

In the sky, there are still several helicopters approaching in this direction.

The closer it was to the final moment, the more preparations Sakura Country made.

We must not let a "monster" escape from today's encirclement and suppression operation!

More and more "Warcraft" are gathering towards the top of the mountain.

It is not considered a big mountain top, and there is almost no place to stay under the hustle and bustle of countless "monsters".

Seeing that a Jenny is about to roll over.

Bi Diao hurried forward, and firmly grasped the Squirtle that almost fell with his claws.

But the next moment, because of the scars on his wings, Bi Diao almost couldn't bear to roll down with Squirrel.

Fortunately, the two Frog Seeds in the back worked together to hold Bi Diao and Jenny Turtle who were about to fall.


Too late to thank.

Violent vibrations and the smell of gunpowder came from below again!

Chapter 416 The Awakening of the Divine Beast—Graldo Appears

The entire Ukiyoyama.

From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, it is full of people.

They're still going up.

The number of people has almost exceeded the number of people that Fushishan can normally accept. ,

And those "monsters" have been pushed to the extreme.

They have no way out.

All the roads behind them were surrounded by Sakura soldiers.

No matter whether they are going forward or backward, there is only one dead end for them.

Dozens of drones hovered in the sky, perfectly transmitting this scene back to the meeting room.

Yamano Taro looked at those "monsters" who were full of despair, without showing the slightest smug smile on his face.

In his opinion.

Isn't it natural to be able to do this?

He has already prepared all the weapons and manpower.

Instead, the speed of the army is too slow!

It should be faster!

Thinking of this, Yamano Taro raised the walkie-talkie in his hand, put it to his mouth and said expressionlessly.

"There is still a monster that hasn't come out yet."

"It doesn't matter. After all these monsters are wiped out, you can slowly find them by climbing over the mountains."

"Now, all there, ready to shoot!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Yamano Taro's usual calm voice carried a bit of fiery breath.


Destroy all the monsters here!

The moment his voice fell.

The entire peak of Ukiyo Mountain was almost covered by firepower.

There are so many bullets that the trajectory cannot be seen clearly, and more powerful artillery fire.

Like fireworks, it resounded richly and colorfully on Mount Ukiyo.

The barrels on those armored tanks were not idle either.

Under the operation of the soldiers inside, the gun barrel was raised, and one after another, the shells were fired at the monster not far away!

Whether it was bullets or artillery shells, they all hit the places where the monsters gathered.

The Squirrel was directly sent flying!

Several squirrels shrank their heads and limbs into their shells, trying to keep out of the way of the other elves.

But it's useless!

One after another, the cannonballs that seemed to never stop, easily bounced them away.

Accompanied by the shells one after another, their turtle shells also slowly showed signs of cracking.

The little fist stones wanted to stand up, trying to block the bullets with their bodies.

Still useless.

No matter how hard the stone is, it can't resist the continuous fire attack.

Not to mention the wonderful frog seeds, Bidiao them.

Even flying is not allowed.

The monsters on the ground are densely packed.

The flying monsters instantly became targets.

A few rumbling stones stood out firmly.

If they don't stand up at this time, there will be no chance!

They must stand up!

Under the pressure of continuous artillery fire, the Squirrels gritted their teeth and went together.

They are slowly approaching the soldiers closest to them.

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