It is also to give a sigh of relief to the staff who have been busy for so many days.

For example, Lin Feng.

He was ready to go home and take a good rest.

Zhao Jin looked at Lin Feng with tears in his eyes.

Lin Feng touched his conscience, which didn't feel any pain at all, sat on Kuailong's back without looking back, patted his buttocks and left.


"Phew—the four-day qualifiers have finally come to an end."

"Next is the official match with 2 people..."

Sitting on Kuailong's back, feeling the evening wind blowing in front of him, Lin Feng thought with a terrible headache.

How come there is so little regret all of a sudden?

I always feel that I shouldn't have agreed at the time!

I have found a big trouble for myself for no reason!

But now the promise has been promised.

It was too late for Lin Feng to refuse.

The only thing that can make Lin Feng feel lucky is that.

The next official game will also be held in the capital, so he doesn't need to run around.

The official game is divided into two days.

From the [-] contestants, the top [-] must be competed again.

Then there is the final final.

That's when it gets really exciting.

"Let's rest today! If there is anything, it will be the day after tomorrow."

Finally, Lin Feng waved his hand very heartily.

At the same time, he looked at Meloetta and Tianxi who were on his shoulders.

He touched the small heads of the two elves.

"How are you feeling these days? Is it fun?"

"It's not convenient to chat with you during the game, will you feel bored?"

Tianxi shook her head.

There was still a longing smile on Tianxi's face.

"It's very interesting! Everyone looks very motivated!"

Tianxi's voice was full of joy.

Tianxi, who had never seen a big scene, was easily attracted by the lively atmosphere created by the elf competition.

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

He looked at Meloetta, who hadn't spoken for a long time.

"What? Doesn't Meloetta like it?"

Meloetta's expression looked a little bit tangled.

After thinking about it, Meloetta spoke slowly under Lin Feng's gaze.

"Interesting... a little familiar?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.


This is interesting!

Lin Feng didn't say anything, he just patted Meloetta on the head.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember where you are familiar with."

"Take it easy, we still have a lot of time."

As he spoke, Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

He suddenly had a good idea.

"Melloietta, want to sing?"

Meloetta looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

It didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

Lin Feng explained to Meloetta with a smile.

"...In this way, singing before the start of the game can be regarded as adding a buff to them, isn't it?"

Meloetta is a fantasy Pokémon!

Can use singing to affect the emotions of elves!

Listening to Lin Feng's description, Meloetta felt a little bit moved.

It doesn't quite understand the opening song or something.

But what Lin Feng meant was that he could sing in front of many, many people, and many, many elves.

Meloetta was moved.

"...Are you embarrassed?"

Meloetta said shyly.

"Either it counts..."

Meloetta retreated in her heart.

It still prefers the feeling of singing with its heart.

Lin Feng smiled and touched Meloetta's head, and said in a gentle tone.

"It's okay Meloetta, if you want to agree, just agree."

"Besides, feeling this kind of atmosphere up close may remind you of that familiar feeling?"

Lin Feng saw that Meloetta was emotional.

He smiled and comforted Meloetta.

Meloetta looked even more excited.

In the end, following her own wishes, Meloetta nodded and agreed.



It was late at night when I got home.

After Lin Feng finished washing, he sat on the soft bed and checked his recognition level.

A slightly satisfied expression appeared on his face.

The aftermath of the elf race.

It's not just that more people have recognized elves and want to try to contact elves.

Even the awareness of elves is slowly increasing.

Although not much.

But Lin Feng took a look at the growth rate, and he was about to make up for the 20 billion he had consumed.

Looking at the gradually added numbers, Lin Feng's mood finally became more comfortable.

It seems that the harvest of this competition is quite large!

"Elf competition is very necessary!"

"After this rookie cup is over, I will find a way to arrange gymnasiums in each city!"

"Trainers need a steady stream of fresh blood!"

Imagine a bright future.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 479 Someone Wants to Persecute Me

the next day.

When Lin Feng was still struggling in sleep, he was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

Stretching out his hand, Lin Feng groped without opening his eyes.

Finally, before the phone was about to fall under the bed, the little angel Tianxi picked up the phone and put it in Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng murmured his thanks to Tianxi.

Just before the other party was about to hang up, he picked up the call.


Lin Feng, who hadn't woken up yet, had a somewhat hazy voice.

The person opposite obviously didn't expect that Lin Feng hadn't woken up yet at this point.

"Little friend Lin, the sun is almost drying your butt, are you still asleep?"

He heard the old man's familiar voice.

Lin Feng finally opened his eyes reluctantly.

Glancing at the LCD alarm clock showing ten o'clock on the wall, Lin Feng let out a long sigh.

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