Lin Feng waved to Kamigui, Bi Diao, and Tianxi.

"Go! Now it's your turn to play!"


Kamigui tilted his head in confusion, and looked at Lin Feng curiously.

A look of not understanding the meaning of what Lin Feng said.

Bi Diao waved his wings, with a very serious expression on his face.


What can we do for you?

Absolutely duty bound!

Tian Xi also nodded vigorously.

"Are we going to fight that big guy? But it doesn't seem to be as vicious as it was at the beginning?"

Tianxi said in a thin voice, full of doubts.

It's like confirming.

Tianxi glanced at Liberated Hoopa over there again.

The state was superimposed twice, plus Liberation Hoopa who was beaten up a lot.

It looks like it's a mess.

Most importantly.

Lin Feng banned the Lao Lao skill that liberated Hupa.

Otherwise, even if the divine beast is fished out, it is just the phantom of the divine beast.

Six together.

It was enough for Lin Feng to have a good drink.


Was banned.

Lin Feng: Hey!Not guilty at all!

Facing the doubts of the little guys around.

Lin Feng coughed twice before speaking to them.

"That's right, do you want to have another little friend to play with?"

"It's still the kind of little friend who can take you to various places anytime, anywhere."

Lin Feng said to Kamigui and the others in a tone full of temptation.

Listen to Lin Feng's words.

Emotions of longing appeared on their faces, too.

It sounds... a bit exciting!

Lin Feng struck while the iron was hot.

"See that big guy over there?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"It can do it!"

"You can also become small and play with you!"

"And it would be lonely here by itself."

"Go and tell it, how are you all doing, okay?"

Kami Turtle Pidiao and Tian Xi agreed without hesitation.

They are not greedy for Hoopa's ability!

They just feel that it is very pitiful to leave Hoopa here alone as a companion!

And Hoopa loves to play.

You should play with them!

Seeing several elves happily running towards Hoopa.

Lin Feng sat on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, with a rippling smile on his face.


He has evolved!

You don't have to kidnap the elves yourself!

The first time Liberation Hoopa woke up, he noticed several elves around him.

Not a beast.

It is the breath of an ordinary elf.

Liberated Hoopa has come to his senses from the state of rage because of the severe beating.

Then fell into a state of depression.


Got beaten!

Hoopa, it hurts!

Hoopa, sorry!

Hoopa just wants someone to play with!

Why do this to Hoopa!

Liberate Hoopa a big one.

But it made a dejected look, which looked pitiful.


Hello big man!Want to come play games together!


Delicious energy cubes for you, do you want to eat?

"Oh, brother Darkley brought a game console, do you want to play?"

Tianxi tilted her head and asked with a smile.

Liberate Hoopa: "..."

Free Hoopa: "!!!!!!"


"Yes! Together!"

Darkley, who was flying in the sky over there, silently stared at Diancie and Jiefang Hupa, without speaking for a long time.

game console...

its gaming console...

But after seeing Dianthi's watery eyes and the contrasting pitiful little eyes of the muscular man Jie Hupa.

Darkley... Darkley still couldn't resist and took out the game console.

Look at the size of the game console.

Looking at Liberation Hoopa's size.

Last minute.

In front of Liberating Hoopa, Darkrai put the game console in Tianxi's hand.

Jiefang Hupa, who was stretching out his hand and looking pitifully: "???"

Liberation Hoopa is full of question marks.

Seeing it is about to make trouble again.

Tian Xi said in a low voice.

"Hoopa, it's too big!"

"Game console, it will break if you take it!"

Jiefang Hoopa tilted his head, as if he was thinking.

Followed by.

Liberate Hoopa's size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Little by little, slowly shrinking and shrinking.

Finally changed.

It has become a cute little creature that looks about the same size as Tianxi.

Only one pair of hands remained.

The lower body has also become the lower body similar to Aladdin's lamp god.

The small face and small hands are cute.

Then Hoopa couldn't wait to rush to the game console in Tianxi's hand.

Chapter 562 Little Hoopa: Watch me act as a self-selling myself

Darkley also moved to Little Hoopa's side.

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