"This strength can't be seen that way."

Lin Feng also felt that the division of this gymnasium was not detailed enough, and the gold content was not high enough!

"The gymnasium competition is not only a one-time challenge, and the difficulty level is different from the real competition."

"The spirit of the gym master is fixed."

"There are even some Gym Masters who have fixed elf attributes that are commonly used."

Lin Feng said slowly while drinking coconut juice.

A very real question.

Not everyone is rich.

Breeding elves is a very time-consuming and expensive thing.

Not everyone can do it, raising six elves casually.

So some people raise elves for more convenience.

Most of the selected sprite attributes will be the same, or very close attributes.

In this way, experience and food can be used in common.

some of.

General attributes and insect attributes are elves with these attributes.

It is extremely common.

Trainers with six elves with completely different attributes are very rare.

"That is to say, before the trainer goes to challenge, he can conduct targeted training."

"The challenge of the gymnasium competition is more like giving them a more practical pre-match training, so that they can have a deeper understanding of the use of elves and the formation of troops."

Lin Feng said seriously.

Most elf trainers.

Relying on the actual training of elves and a down-to-earth understanding of elves-related knowledge.

Expect to be the same as Master Zhi, what do you not understand, purely relying on reverse attributes and passion to turn things around?

It's okay if it doesn't exist!

The old man nodded his head when he heard the words, as he recognized Lin Feng's words.

"If you say that...it makes sense."

The old man said seriously.

Lin Feng nodded.

"That's right!"

"After the second Elf Contest is over, we can divide the gymnasiums more carefully!"

"Weak gymnasiums are specially used to train novices."

"The more powerful gyms are divided into elite gyms, and these gyms are the backbone."

"As there are more and more trainers, after the overall strength increases, we still need to divide the levels of trainers."

Non-professional, professional.

Ordinary, Elite, Gym, Quasi-Uranus, Uranus, Champion.

Etc., etc.

Wait until this system is completely mature.

This is when Lin Feng can really breathe a sigh of relief.

The old man didn't expect that Lin Feng had thought about it for so long.

But he approved of Lin Feng's thoughts and what Lin Feng said.

"That's it."

"Step by step, steady and steady."

"Our state of Qin will definitely occupy an absolute position in terms of elves!"

The old man said confidently.

Lin Feng was also full of confidence in this.

there is him.

If Qin Guo couldn't reach this step, Lin Feng would have to wonder if something went wrong.


The two cheered happily.

No issues except that none of their glasses contained wine.

Lin Feng drank coconut juice, and the old man drank honey water.

Everyone's expressions were helpless and a little funny.

Wei Jianguo watched from the side, and forced his own cup into it.


Chapter 610 Psychological shadow almost committed a crime

the other side.

Xia Xuan and Jiang Xing finally crawled out of the secret realm.

when entering.

The two of them looked like dogs.

Full of vigor.

when coming out.

The two of them were ashamed, wishing they could lie on the bed and have a good sleep.

When you wake up again, you will be able to stand aloof from the world.


Jiang Xing couldn't just rest so easily.

He also had to organize the photos he took on his phone.

"Then send it to Mr. Lin Feng, I am full of curiosity about that place now."

"I wonder if Mr. Lin Feng can tell me an answer."

Jiang Xing muttered alone.

But it's getting late today.

Jiang Xing decided to wait until he woke up tomorrow before dealing with this matter.


Lin Feng chatted happily with the old man and Wei Jianguo.

Although Wei Jianguo sometimes, there are always some who are too rigid and serious.

But under the contact with the elves day by day.

Many of Wei Jianguo's concepts have undergone tremendous changes.

"By the way, that gigantic elf, can all elves do that?"

Wei Jianguo, who hadn't been drinking, was still quite sober.

He quickly remembered this matter, and asked curiously.

"Uh... In a sense, yes."

"All elves can be Dynamized."

Lin Feng thought of this trip to the Galar secret realm.

speak up.

He was going for the gigantic elves.

By the way, I want to see what happened to the elves who ran out of the Galar secret realm.

But who would have thought.

Lin Feng didn't meet any extremely giant elves in two days?

On the contrary, the gigantic elf in the real world appeared more like an accident.

thought here.

Lin Feng reached out and touched his chin.

"In fact, in the Galar Secret Realm, extreme giantization can be regarded as a...relatively speaking, a relatively common phenomenon."

"Except for the changes in body shape of the elves after extremely gigantic, the power of their moves will not increase much."

"But if it's Gigamax, it's a different story."

There is a big difference between extreme gigantic and gigantic maximal.

Lin Feng didn't explain clearly for a while.

Both the old man and Wei Jianguo frowned.

Or the old man asked.

"Hmm...according to what my friend said, there are different changes in elves in different secret realms?"

The old man and the others had noticed this before.

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