The ratings of the show started to pick up again.

At this time, everyone understands the fact that a hot contestant with traffic and topics can bring much help to the show.

Seeing the roller coaster-like ratings, the program director immediately found the traffic code.

With Song Baoyu, there will be no shortage of topics in the program, and it will be able to attract more people to watch.

"Director, the ratings have gone up."

"Director, a new record has been set. The highest ratings threshold so far is 2.5%."

Originally, the "Youth Singer" program group still felt a little guilty about Liu Cuncun.

After all, the originally determined champion was eliminated in the play-in round.

In the editing of the first version, some small actions of Liu Cuncun on the stage were deleted.

It's just that the villain Liu Cuncun filed a complaint first, which not only disgusted Song Baoyu and Yang Mi, but most importantly directly embarrassed Mango TV.

Although everyone knows about shady things, it is somewhat inappropriate to be stabbed on the stage by a contestant.

It's just that Liu Cuncun was malicious at the beginning, and he didn't think too much about the face of Mango TV.

You are not benevolent and I am not righteous.

That night, the "Youth Singer" program team received a notice of re-editing. Through the spirit of seeking truth from facts, we must ensure that the real side of the contestants is presented to the audience and friends.

So everyone saw a very real Liu Cuncun.

Also standing on the stage, Liu Cuncun actively expressed himself, tightly grasping the microphone and never letting go, just not giving Song Baoyu a chance to speak.

Obviously, they are deliberately making things difficult for others.

Real, real makes the scalp tingle.

Who is bullying whom?

However, Liu Cuncun's "Youth Doesn't Regret" was originally bought by her from a well-known creator at a high price.

It is a customized song, which is more suitable for the program, and Liu Cuncun has indeed learned music for so many years.

Many viewers in front of the TV found that although this person was a bitch, he was still quite capable.

So here comes the problem. According to Liu Cuncun, she obviously lost this duel.

How did Song Baoyu be able to eliminate her...

With this kind of scrutiny, many people are more interested in Song Baoyu's next singing.

"Next is the commercial time, and the excitement will continue after the commercial."

Mango TV has always been urinating, the more critical the moment, the more frequent the advertisements.


"Fuck, this ad is really convincing."

The psychology of this wave of audiences has been carefully manipulated.

Trying to type...

3 monthly tickets have been received.

Continue to ask for flowers and evaluate.

[21] Hard work is worthless in front of talent

Any art form has its own expressive form to express the meaning and shape the artistic image.

Music is a special kind. It uses sound to form auditory imagery, and it is the art form that can impress people most instantly.


This also represents people's yearning for beauty.

Accompanied by the accompaniment of "Sunny Day", Song Baoyu's natural voice came out leisurely from the unprofessional sound channel on the TV.

It's like a spring of clear water flowing in my heart.

The anxiety of waiting in the advertisement, the doubts about the shady plot of the show and the doubts about Song Baoyu's strength disappeared at this moment.

Everyone emptied their minds and immersed themselves in the beautiful singing.

Following this song, I feel the youth that has passed away.

Lying on the playground of the campus, I closed my eyes and heard Xia Chan's voice in my ears. The melancholy of graduation came more from the separation from you.

This classic song sung by the legendary Chinese superstar Song Yi has moved many people's tear glands.

Everyone thought they were strong enough.

However, today, because of a young girl singing with love, I shed tears again.

This is the real sound of nature, without the blessing of any singing skills, but it brings the purity of the sound that is unique to it.

In contrast, Liu Cuncun's behavior of constantly showing off his singing skills is more like showing off his identity as a singer.

When the two compare each other, they will be judged.

Fatty held half a biscuit in one hand, but he didn't put it into his mouth for a long time. He looked at Song Baoyu's figure on TV in disbelief.

"This is Song Baoyu?"

She never thought that the girl who was grabbing snacks with her had such a beautiful voice.

Suddenly, she looked at Yang Mi.

Fat Di now wonders if Boss Yang has any superpowers, able to see the potential of others.

Otherwise, how to explain, all the newcomers she signed are geniuses.

Like her Fatty, like Song Baoyu...

Yang Mi dotingly looked at Song Baoyu on the screen.

Self-confident, exuding a different charm from top to bottom.

This involuntarily reminded her of the man she loved deeply.

Back then, perhaps it was because of this that she fell into the abyss of love step by step.

"Boss, boss! Your goddaughter, she sings really well."

"Of course, you don't see whose daughter she is..."

Yang Mi's words were full of inexplicable pride.

Fatty rolled his eyes suspiciously. Could it be that Song Baoyu is really Boss Yang's biological daughter.

However, this age is not right.

On the Inner Mongolia prairie, due to the strong wind, the signal was vague.

Song Yi sat cross-legged in the yurt, listening to his daughter's singing, smiling like an old father.

He took out a pocket watch and muttered to himself.

"Honey, you saw it too! Our daughter's talent..."

My heart seems to have unloaded the burden, and the whole person glows with new vitality.

After stroking the bearded face, he lay down on the table and wrote hard.

On the waste paper scattered on the ground, there are all staves.

"Impossible, impossible!"

Liu Cuncun went crazy and smashed the things in the room to pieces.

When recording the scene, because of her hostility towards Song Baoyu, she didn't put too much energy on this song at all.

Although I feel good, but still full of confidence.

However, reality gave her a resounding slap.

He received the most professional music training since he was a child, and then spent a lot of money to study abroad.

On the road of music, Liu Cuncun is confident that his efforts will not lose to anyone else.

Participating in a competition like "Youth Singer", with a solid background and solid singing skills, she is bound to win the championship.

Now she understands a cruel truth.

Hard work is really worthless in front of talent.

From her professional eyes, it can be seen that Song Baoyu has never received any professional music education.

It is completely at the level of mass KTV.

Basic ventilation, breathing performance is completely a layman.

Perhaps, all techniques are just means to help the mediocre to catch up with the genius.

Singing is much better than singing, but the background is not as good.

Liu Cuncun, who was double crushed, was completely defeated.

Knowing this, she was immediately disheartened.

She knew that she had lost a complete defeat this time.

Originally, with her strength, she might not be able to make a difference in the Chinese music scene if she debuted in a different way.

Just out of jealousy, he maliciously slandered Song Baoyu and Yang Mi.

It can be said that all retreats have been cut off.

Maybe Song Baoyu doesn't care about this, but Yang Mi will never tolerate such behavior.

【22】How fortunate it is for "Sunny Day"!

Perhaps the Chinese music scene has been silent for too long, and there is a lack of fresh blood to join.

Or maybe because Yang Mi is not a singer, she underestimated the shock brought by the perfect vocal range.

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