how she did it.

Although it was only singing softly, Chang Bo felt the faint yearning in the singing.

Love and song are perfectly blended together, which makes people intoxicated.

Song Baoyu, you are really a genius when riding a horse.

How on earth did she do it...?

Chang Bo's mind is now in a fog.

【154】Because of a song, Song Baoyu is homesick

"Bao Yu, how did you do it?"

The song is over.

Song Baoyu gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Different from the excited Chang Bo, Song Baoyu was unusually indifferent.

It's just that the eyes are deep, and there is an inexplicable sadness.

It took her a long time to recover from this emotion.

"Teacher Song Yi Song, he should be a father who loves his children very much!"

Song Baoyu's sudden words made Chang Bo confused.

"Song Yi does have a daughter."

This is no secret.

Back then, everyone placed great expectations on this girl who was born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

I hope she can inherit her father's talent in music, and one day she will become another legend in the Chinese music scene.

Especially for Song Yi's fans Jiu Ye Dang, the daughter of his idol is also a continuation of inheritance in a sense.

During that period of time, the most popular post on Weibo was always this child who never showed up.

Although everyone does not know who the mother of this child is?

16 But when she thinks of her father Song Yi's once prosperous appearance.

Many people are extremely looking forward to whether their daughter will inherit such a peerless beauty.


Song Yi is very protective of her daughter.

In order to avoid the harassment of the paparazzi, the man who had no scruples moved into a private villa with extremely strict security measures.

Until now, everyone's impression of Song Yi's daughter comes from a blurry photo.

"It's not Baoyu, what did you mean by suddenly mentioning Mr. Song Yi Song?"

Chang Bo didn't know why.

We are obviously talking about emotional substitution, what do you mean by the author of this song?

"I think this song should be written by Teacher Song Yi for his children."


Chang Bo looked at the lyrics, and the only thing he turned over and over again was the description of his parents' love.

You have such a big brain, you can think of children.

"On the surface, this song is about missing my parents, time goes by too fast, and my parents are getting older.

We should cherish the time we spend with our parents. "

"But from another level, we can actually interpret it this way."

"Parents, look at the children who are growing up slowly.

The little feet in memory, the chubby little mouth.

Where has the time gone, they've all grown up.

The laughter and laughter that surrounded them all seemed like yesterday's fireworks.

Children are not around, but I am getting old slowly. "

"I think Teacher Song Yi's child should not be by his side.

Through this song, he actually expressed his longing for his children in the distance.

As time goes by, the child grows up.

It's a pity that the days of being with me are becoming less and less. "

Chang Bo picked up the lyrics again, feeling more and more that Song Baoyu's interpretation made sense.

This kind of longing for his children is faintly revealed between the lines.

"Bao are truly a genius..."

Chang Bo was sincere this time.

Song Baoyu sighed sadly.

A melancholy expression appeared on his face.

She is not a genius, she just judges others by herself.

I left the prairie and my father for so many days.

I believe he, like Teacher Song Yi, misses himself very much.

Suddenly, Song Baoyu had an impulse.

She really wanted to be back on the prairie right now.

See if that slovenly man is still riding on horseback as usual.

Speeding across the prairie.

"Teacher Chang, I'm going to make a call!"

Seeing Song Baoyu who was running out clutching his phone tightly, Chang Bo scratched his head in wonder.

"Dad! What are you doing?"

For some reason, Song Baoyu, who was talking and laughing with everyone else, always felt that there was nothing to talk about when he faced his father.

Song Baoyu clearly remembered that what the father and daughter talked about most on the prairie was eating, here we come.

However, today Song Baoyu was eloquent.

"Dad, do you know Song Yi?"

Suddenly there was a coughing sound from the other end of the phone.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay... Choking on food.

Song Yi, a singer! "

"Dad, he is a legendary superstar in Huaguo, okay! Why does he sound like a busker in your mouth?"

"You know, I've already sung several songs created by Mr. Song Yi.

Really talented. "

"Dad! Why did I suddenly have an extra aunt?"

"Dad! I may not be able to go home for the New Year this year!

I participated in the Spring Festival Gala!Uncle Chen Yande asked me to sing a song composed by Mr. Song Yi. "

"Hey. Dad, let me tell you, Teacher Song Yi actually has a daughter.

But this daughter should not be around.

So Mr. Song Yi created this song to express his longing for his daughter. "


Song Baoyu kept talking, and the other end of the phone also cooperated from time to time, um, um, ah.

A kind of father-daughter relationship dissolved in blood, connected through mobile phones.

For a long time.

Song Baoyu felt that both of his hands were extremely sore, only to realize that the call time had already passed an hour.


"Hmm! What's wrong?"

Maybe it was Song Baoyu's low tone, but the father on the other end of the phone asked eagerly.


Song Baoyu took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

"Dad...I miss you!

After the Spring Festival, I will go back to the grassland to see you. "

With a bang, Song Baoyu hung up the phone.

She couldn't help but feel shy on her face.

This sentence was held in her heart, and she had hidden it for an indeterminate amount of time.

Today, I blurted out when I was emotionally excited.

Just feel inexplicably embarrassed.

The tradition in the bones of Chinese people makes them always very restrained in expressing their feelings for their parents.

Many people never say the word love to their parents.

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