The news that Big Brother Cheng invited Song Baoyu to participate in the Golden Melody Awards was only known to a very few people.

And these few people will never disclose the news.

It can't be that the Golden Melody Award itself leaked the news.

Yang Mi smiled and shook her head, this idea is really too ridiculous.

[191] The large size has been discarded, and the trumpet should be built

Zheng Wuer's revelation was simply a joke.

But for the Golden Melody Awards, it is indeed good news.

Because through such a method, with the help of Song Baoyu's fame, this long-lost award has returned to the public's eyes.

People suddenly discovered that the end of this month is actually the awarding ceremony of the Golden Melody Awards.

Coincidentally, the Golden Melody Awards also specially opened a related official Weibo this year.

Taking advantage of this hot discussion, there were millions of followers in an instant.

However, the Golden Melody Awards did not refute Zheng Wuer's revelation that Song Baoyu was originally selected as the song queen.

On the contrary, it seems to acquiesce to this fact.

He even blatantly posted a photo of Song Baoyu under the official blog.

"Boss Yang, this Golden Melody Award is too shameless!"

Brazenly borrowing Song Baoyu's fame, the Golden Melody Award is like a vampire.

Fat Di really felt worthless for Song Baoyu.

"What they did is right! After all, Bao Yu is now on their shortlist.

This is also propaganda in disguise. "

Golden Melody Awards, old vampire.

Back then, Song Yi went to Hong Kong and Taiwan for the first time as a local singer, and held [-] consecutive concerts at the Hung Hom Stadium.

The venues were sold out, singing throughout the entire Hong Kong and Taiwan Islands, and the moment was like no other.

The Golden Melody Award 230 didn't contact Song Yi through any official channels at all, and used Song Yi's portrait for publicity without permission.

The last sentence was fluttering and the staff made a mistake.

From that time on, Yang Mi knew how shameless the judges for this award were.

"Forget it!

After all, this is Bao Yu's first songstress award in her life.

It's rather commemorative. "

In the end, Yang Mi could only comfort herself like this.

Song Baoyu, who is far away in Hong Kong and Taiwan, has heard a little about what happened in Huaguo.

But she doesn't care.

In addition to her, Hong Kong and Taiwan singers Fan Weiqi, Yang Linlin, and Wen Xian were nominated for the list of best female singers this time.

But no matter in terms of popularity or his own strength, Song Baoyu thinks that he is not inferior to any of them.

Although it is said to be an internal decision, such an internal decision is also due to one's own strength.

Besides, my own participation brought more traffic to the Golden Melody Awards.

It's not that Song Baoyu thinks highly of himself, the other three singers are still active in the front line except Fan Weiqi.

(bgbh) During the Spring Festival Gala, he sang a song with others, and he still has some popularity in China.

Wen Xian and Yang Linlin are both second-rate and above.

Although fans are familiar with the two of them, they don't have any attraction.

Only Song Baoyu, as a rookie who debuted for half a year, has a lot of enthusiasm.

This can also be seen from the popularity of Weibo topics.

Brother Cheng's villa is located on the top of Taiping Bridge, next to Li Chaoren, one of the best locations.

Standing on the rooftop on the second floor, you can look down to Repulse Bay.

The unique scenery is refreshing.

Expensive is really expensive, but it is also very reasonable.

Especially a few days ago, the eldest brother Cheng took her to take a special ride on the retro red cable car on the top of Victoria Peak.

That kind of shock is something she can't forget even now.

This is different from the natural style on the grassland.

There are more high-rise buildings here, crowded and prosperous with people coming and going.

It really deserves to be the Pearl of the East.

"How many times have I told you, drink less, drink less!

You just don't listen.... "

Looking at Prince Long who just came back drunk from drinking outside, brother Cheng couldn't help but get angry.

He rarely has time at home.

However, Prince Long wished he could not return home until three or four in the morning from morning till night.

Every time I go home, I'm drunk and delirious.

"Dad, we're all friends.

I was happy and drank two more glasses. "

Prince Long didn't take it seriously, suddenly a full belch exhaled the smell of alcohol, which directly made eldest brother Cheng feel like he was about to vomit.

"Two extra drinks and you'll get this drunk.

Nizi, really Nizi... "

"Look, you are the one who spoils me like this!"

Seeing Mrs. Long who hastily stepped forward to help Prince Long, the eldest brother became angry and couldn't help it.

"Drinking too much can easily damage your throat, do you still want to sing in the future!"

"Besides, if you want to be a star, can you train harder?"

"Dad! I'm the son of Big Brother Cheng! Is there anyone in the entertainment circle who won't give you face."

Prince Long didn't take it seriously.

In life, you should enjoy yourself in time.

Besides, his father is the eldest brother Cheng, who in the entire Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment industry would dare not give him face.

He, Prince Long, has already reached the finish line of his life since he was born.

What can I do if I work hard.

Especially seeing ordinary families who are busy from morning to night every day and don't even have time to rest.

He felt a sense of superiority in his heart.

My father is the eldest brother Cheng, and he is such a cow.

Lamenting its misfortune, anger is indisputable.

"You can't imitate Jia Baoyu.

This time I specially invited Bao Yu to come over, just to let people know what is beyond others and beyond the sky.

Song Baoyu is so talented, you have seen his performance in the past few days.

Can you have a little snack? "

Song Baoyu, who came to Hong Kong and Taiwan for the first time, did not choose to go out for a stroll, but often hid alone at his eldest brother Cheng's house.

I have been silently improving my singing skills.

No matter her background or network strength, she crushed Prince Long in every aspect.

However, she was not satisfied with the results she had achieved, and instead trained harder.

This is a dedicated and responsible singer.

On the other hand, my stupid son only knows how to eat, drink and play all day long.

I sang halfway through the song, said no talent and then it was over.

As for acting, this acting skill is really indescribable.

I was criticized by myself last time, and now I have no motivation at all.

He has been in bars and KTV for a long time, enjoying the praise of others for his success as a big brother.


Looking at Prince Long who was doted on by Mrs. Long and dragged into the room.

Brother Cheng really felt tired.

He had a faint feeling that this account had been practiced and abolished.

Are you considering building a trumpet with Mrs. Long?

Wanchang is over.

Ask for ten monthly tickets.

[192] Song Baoyu, she is a little rich woman

Children in Huaguo will always have an old enemy in their lives, and that is the children of other people's families.

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