A flash of melancholy flashed through Li Jian's heart. Why didn't he persevere to the end and accept this piece of rough jade as a student?

However, after thinking about it, this child's teacher is Adele, a national treasure singer, and he felt even more distressed.

"We haven't seen each other for a week, Bao Yu has become more beautiful and mature."

Wei Jia's words were indeed sincere.

"Thank you for the host's compliment."

During this period of time, Song Baoyu had come into contact with all the top figures in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention the eldest brother Cheng who always let her be called uncle, and Li Shaolin who let her be called master, even the director Wang Yingqing who has no sense of existence.

That is also a well-known director in Huaguo TV, and has won the best director award many times.

That is to say, in front of Liu Yifei and the rest of the movie cafes, he is really back in the TV circle, and he is also a ruthless person who shows his might.

Huang Youzhi from the program group was quite old, and when he met Wang Yingqing at the wine table, he had to lower the rim of his glass when toasting.

When Song Baoyu stayed with these people, his vision and aura were long gone.

Of course, the biggest influence on Song Baoyu is actually her two godmothers, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei.

Yang Mi's glamorousness and Liu Yifei's indifference gradually affected her.

Song Baoyu combined the characteristics of the two people to form a unique temperament almost.

【85】A song "Xingqing", sung by godmother Liu Yifei

"I remember that Baoyu brought me Song Yi's sunny day in the first scene, and he performed a different emotion.

The second show is a new song "Proud Girl".

These two new songs ranked first and second in the number of new songs played on our official cooperation platform Penguin Music. "

Song Baoyu is now in charge of the traffic of the program group, of course Wei Jia has to interact with her as much as possible to get more shots.

As for the little transparent next to him, he is an obsolete product anyway, and it would be good to let him say his name later.

"Thank you for your likes!"

Song Baoyu felt that the host was nagging a bit too much today, did he ask people to sing?

"I heard that Bao Yu has been very busy during this time, and it seems that she is filming a movie, right?"

"Ah! Yes, the crew of "Xia Ying"."

Wei Jia exclaimed exaggeratedly.

""Xia Ying", I know, I know! It is the big joint production of the two countries, big brother Cheng, Li Shaolin and Liu Yifei co-starring action blockbuster!"


Although the contestants in the backstage had known about this for a long time, they were still sore.

It used to be the same starting line, but now it has been thrown away by an unknown distance.

Song Baoyu pursed his lips inadvertently. If this continues, "Youth Singer" should simply be changed to "Xia Ying" press conference.

"Let's take a look at Bao Yu's set makeup photos."

Song Baoyu really couldn't help but roll his eyes.

What people don't know is that the program group has charged the "Xia Ying" crew a lot of publicity fees. After such a hard introduction, they even released a set photo.

However, the image of Song Baoyu's cold and glamorous female killer is too amazing. Although most of the audience has seen it on the Internet, there are still bursts of exclamations at this moment.

Not to mention Wei Jia, with his exaggerated movements and winking expressions, he completely let go of himself, and his elegant image over the years was completely ruined.

Poor Wei Jia, she really worked hard for the program team.

Huang Youzhi nodded approvingly. Comrade Wei Jia's behavior deserves more money.

Song Baoyu is completely confused now, whether "Xia Ying" rubbed against "Youth Singer", or "Youth Singer" rubbed against "Xia Ying".

"You may not know that although Bao Yu is shooting a movie for the first time, his acting skills have received unanimous praise from many seniors."

Wei Jia praised Song Baoyu eloquently. If Huang Youzhi hadn't secretly urged him through the headset, he would have been able to talk until dawn.

"Well, let's invite this contestant to take the lead to perform on stage."


Labor and management don't even deserve a name?

It really doesn't deserve it.

Seeing this unknown player play, the audience returned to a flat state.

If it weren't for the program group to place support among the audience, there wouldn't even be an applause.

Fast forward during the show.

After the game testimonials, two sentences.

Even the few mentors were lack of interest, and they were dismissed with a few words.

Anyway, what everyone is looking forward to is of course the next highlight, Song Baoyu's performance.

The unknown player retreated to the sidelines in desperation, looking sourly at the loud applause that erupted from Song Baoyu's reappearance.

Huang Youzhi's complexion was not very good at this time, because he already knew that Song Baoyu actually sang Song Yi's song this time.


This time the ratings battle is hopeless.

Song Yi, as a legendary superstar in Huaguo's music scene, has excellent singing and writing skills, all of which are at the top level.

This is a fact recognized by all fans.

For the same song, it is difficult for anyone to reach Song Yi's live level.

With his world-class singing skills and perfect vocal range, he is known as a top-level scene that can make people's ears pregnant.

Famous singers rarely cover his songs, after all, it's just a joke.

Although Song Baoyu's "Sunny Day" did not receive too much ridicule, it even aroused a good reputation.

The main reason is that she is not a professional singer, and her KTV-style singing skills have undoubtedly exposed her rookie identity.

Everyone's requirements for her are naturally relatively low.

Of course, the most important thing is the completely different Song Yi's perfect vocal range in the female version.

Although Adele, a student of Song Yi, also has a perfect vocal range, she is not from Huaguo after all.

More importantly, Adele has never sung a Song Yi song in her life.

So Song Baoyu appeared and sang "Sunny Day", everyone's curiosity was aroused.

There are various reasons why Soong Baoyu's "Sunny Day" can receive so many praises.

However, one has two but not three.

Huang Youzhi felt that it was unwise for Song Baoyu to choose Song Yi for his second cover song.

This time everyone will definitely have stricter requirements on her.

They even put her and Song Yi together for a direct comparison.

Complete abuse.

With the same perfect vocal range, Song Baoyu and Song Yi are competing in singing, isn't this a joke?

However, it was too late now, Huang Youzhi let out a sigh as the audience was plunged into darkness.


really lost.

Huang Youzhi immediately lost confidence in Song Baoyu's next performance.

In the middle of the stage, Song Baoyu bathed in the colorful lights, chuckled, obviously full of confidence.

"A song "Xing Qing" for everyone."

As the prelude sounded, Song Baoyu looked into the distance, it was the direction of the Imperial Capital, and it was also where Liu Yifei was.

She sang this song for her godmother Liu Yifei.

On the bed that day, Song Baoyu only heard Liu Yifei say that this is her favorite song in a daze.

At that time, she made up her mind that she wanted to sing this song at today's competition.

The lips moved slightly, but there was no sound.

Godmother, this song is also dedicated to you.

The lyrics, composition, chorus, self-guitar and chorus of the song "Xingqing" were all done by Song Yi himself.

It can be said that it was this song that made him bid farewell to the logo of the top star in the past.

Since then, Song Yi has been galloping all the way to become a legendary superstar in Huaguo music scene.

For "Xingqing" Jiuye Party is deeply loved, but also hated.

It was also after this song that Song Yi, who used to be an angry horse in fresh clothes, with sword-browed eyes and a peerless look who beat all invincible opponents in the entertainment circle, became more and more unkempt, and gradually moved closer to the Jiu Ye that everyone will be familiar with in the future.

Why can't a person be able to coexist with beauty and talent?

This is one of the things that the Jiuye Party regrets the most.

The melody and rhythm of "Xing Qing" has always been praised by many musicians, and is considered to be the ultimate balance of modern music.

It can be said that whether it is in terms of music theory or the combination of lyrics and music, "Xing Qing" is a well-deserved classic among classics.

Among the must-listen songs released by many music platforms, "Xingqing" must occupy a seat.

"One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking at the sky holding hands.

One, two, three, four, and watch the stars form a line. "

Song Baoyu's unique humming in the prelude like a whisper, made everyone's eyes shine.

Very bold approach.

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