"But I haven't heard about it for a long time, and I don't know who owns it now."

"Since you want it, little rascal, I will use my efforts to find it for you and get it back."

"So, I will wait for the good news."

The one-song-one-hea deal came to an end, and both parties felt that they had taken advantage of each other.

After confirming the deal, Liangbing urged Su Xiu to deliver the goods.

She couldn't wait to meet her new warrior.

Naturally, Su Xiu wouldn't refuse to come?Since then, the little * said "group [9! 8; 0, 20, 5.~8-5/6 dazed, dazed at Liang Bing's request, he was just waiting for Thornton to join the demon army.

While joking, Su Xiu walked out of the cafe and walked towards the center of the battlefield.

When Su Xiu came to the center of the battlefield, Liang Bing had already arrived for a long time.

Brown long trench coat, black slim-fit cheongsam.

She has a charming face that is not dyed with powder and daisy, exuding a unique fragrance all over her body.

Several Nether team members surrounded the cold ice, staring cautiously at the woman who appeared suddenly.

Liang Bing didn't care about this.

Feel free to find a place to sit down, talking to Su Xiu and laughing from time to time.

Not long after, Su Xiu's figure appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

With a charming face, Liang Bing pretended to smile coquettishly and said:

"You little villain is finally here, the flowers that my sister waited for are all thanked~~~"

"A rose with thorns? Or a scented..."

Su Xiu laughed teasingly, and deliberately looked at the magnificent landscape somewhere in Liangbing.

Liang Bing pretended to be shy and half-covered, and said aloud:

"Little rascal, why don't you hurry up and let them all go away..."

Su Xiu turned around and waved to Wei Laoqi, and said aloud:

"do you know me?"

Wei Laoqi ran over quickly, saluted and shouted loudly:

"Wei Laoqi, the captain of the first sub-unit of the Nether Squad, met the young emperor!"

"You all performed well this time and deserve to be rewarded."

Su Xiu returned a salute, then pointed to the Taotie prisoner with bruised nose and swollen face and said:

"Next, just hand over these captives to this lady."

Chapter 124 Netherworld: It's all about peers (#^.^#)

Following Su Xiu's order, the Nether Squad quickly retreated.

Seeing this, the surrounded Taotie cast grateful glances at Liang Bing.

Liang Bing glanced at Taotie, stretched out his hand to his temple and said:

"Ato, I will leave these gluttons to you."

"Remember, be sure to send them back safely to the Queen."

As soon as Liangbing finished speaking, Atuo's heavy voice sounded:

"Queen, don't worry, Ato understands."

As the voice came out, a worm door opened in front of everyone.

Taotie looked at the opened worm door, hesitating a little nervously.

Although Liang Bing said that he would send them back safely, who knows if this is true or not?

Looking at the hesitant Taotie, Liang Bing said angrily:

"What? Do you want someone to help you in?"

After hearing the sound, the Taotie subconsciously glanced at the Nether Squad waiting on the side.

Seeing the tasteful smiles on everyone's faces, the gluttons shook their heads and hurried towards the worm gate.

hum ------

Ripples rose one after another, and the gluttons poured into the worm gate one after another.

Not long after, the entire battlefield was empty.

After all the Taotie entered the worm gate, Liang Bing laughed and said:

"The matter is settled, sister and I should go too."

Seeing this, Su Xiu invited with a smile:

"It's all here, don't you want to sit with me?"


Liang Bing's face froze, and he said hastily:

"Another day, another day, my sister is busy with business first."

As soon as the words came out, Liang Bing had already opened the wormhole and got in.

Seeing Liang Bing, who was proficient like a habitual offender, Su Xiu suddenly felt like laughing.

This is what happened to make the movement of running so skillful...

With the departure of Liang Bing, the central area was completely quiet.

Apart from the Nether Squad, there is only a pile of captured spoils left.

Su Xiu glanced at the spoils and said aloud:

"Keep an eye on this place and wait for Huang Lao to send someone over to receive it."

After Su Xiu gave orders to everyone, he got up and flew towards the southern theater.

Things here have been settled, but the southern part of the Xiongbing Company is still fighting.

South of Tianhe City:

Under the siege of Taotie, Xiong Binglian and others are fighting hard.

The fierce artillery fire constantly bombarded their young hearts, and the floating ship even impacted their three perceptions.

I thought it was just a pretext to fight aliens, but who would have thought that it was true? !

Besides, this is not the same as in the cartoon.

In the cartoon, the invincible wave directly bombarded him, why are they fighting back and forth like now.

Liu Er stood on a tall building, watching the battle below like a child's play house.

Looking at his leisurely appearance, one could tell that he had no intention of intervening at all.

While watching, Liu Er smacked his lips and commented:

"Tsk tsk...it's incomparable with Qilin's team."

"Fuck him, is your ax used for dry food?"

"Kick him, kick him...why is it still crooked?"

Regarding the performance of Xiongbinglian and others, Liu Er felt more and more uncomfortable the more he watched it.

It is also militarized training, why is the gap so big?

Just as Liu Er was commenting, two figures flew over unhurriedly.

As soon as the two figures landed, Liu Er quickly got up and clasped his fists and said:

"Six ears have seen the young emperor."

Su Xiu waved her hands to Liu Er, said with a smile:

"How does it feel to see it?"

"Aggrieved...very aggrieved..."

Liu Er shook his head, and struggled to utter a few words.

If you haven't seen the battle of the Nether Squad and others, the battle of the Xiongbing Company can barely be seen.

But after watching the battle of Nether, looking at the Xiongbing Company is a bit different...

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Netherworld: It all depends on peers (#^.^#)

Wukong glanced at the battlefield, patted Liu Er on the shoulder and said:

"Left and right are just a group of children, there is nothing to be aggrieved about."

"Besides, Kyushu doesn't rely on them now."

"I'm so aggrieved!"

Liu Er pursed his lips angrily, pointed at the few people bouncing back and forth below and said:

"As long as these resources are used well, the strength of the Nether Squad can at least be doubled."


Sun Wukong rarely refuted Liu Er's words, but voted in favor.

Glancing at the two monkeys, Su Xiu said aloud:

"After watching for so long, is there any good seedling?"

Liu Er and Sun Wukong looked at each other, and said aloud:

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