Surprised and curious, Su Cheng stroked her back gently and asked:

"What email did you send?"

"It's nothing, some financial analysis..."

Tong Wenjie's eyes glowed, and she introduced:

"I found several finance workers who had worked in this company through the alumni group;

"Understanding approximate financial information;


"It can be roughly analyzed that the financial situation of this company is not optimistic, and there are major problems in the capital chain;

"Most importantly, I learned a very important piece of information;

"The developer mortgaged the unfinished building to a bank loan of 3 million;

"This is also why, after the capital chain problem, the developer did not pre-sell the building for funds;

"Compared with pre-sales and bank loans, you can get more and faster money in the short term;

"Moreover, the developer must be optimistic that the capital chain problem can be resolved quickly, so they do this;

"Unexpectedly, the east wall was repaired, the west wall was leaked, and the bank loan was not repaid, and the problem became more serious;

"The most important thing is that the bank loan is due in a few months;

"After the expiration, the unfinished building will be auctioned by the bank;

"That is, over time;

"Developers must sell unfinished buildings as soon as possible to withdraw funds;

"Otherwise, this unfinished building has nothing to do with the developer;

"As a result, the quotation will become lower and lower;

"At that time, there will be more and more companies that want to get involved in the acquisition;

"The information that makes money is profitable, like the smell of blood, capital predators will quickly enter the market when they smell it;

"Do you wait a while, or buy now;

"I suggest that if you want to buy it now, the price of 5 million is still inflated, and there is no capital to enter the market;

"After a period of time, although the price will be reduced and the benefits will be higher, it may not be available..."

At this moment, Tong Wenjie is confident and radiant,

The charm of an urban beauty is particularly charming.

Su Cheng couldn't pull it out when he saw it in his eyes,

Never mind what she says,

I just want to set off fireworks with her and watch shooting stars flash across the night sky.

Very long time.

Tong Wenjie's progress remained unchanged.

Su Cheng gently caressed her back, planning to try krypton gold,

"Sister Wen, you have made great contributions to this acquisition project, saving the company 5000 million and rewarding you with 1000 million, isn't it reasonable..."

"It doesn't make sense at all..."

Tong Wenjie blushed, and gave him a tender look,

"In major companies, this is a normal event;

"The item of 6 million is the budget;

"5 million is actual payment;

"If this is the case, it is considered a great contribution, and there is such a high reward;

"The capitalists are already bankrupt;

"I said, I don't have any credit;

"Although the developer's quotation is 6 million;

"Actually, as long as there is a company talking about acquisitions, it will probably be reduced to 5 million;

"It's just that the price is too high, and no company is willing to buy it;

“So, across companies, it’s really not a credit;

"Employees are paid monthly, which is part of the job, and there are no bonuses."

"That's different..."

Su Cheng is righteous and strict,

"Our company is people-oriented, united and friendly;

"The employees of the company, I regard as relatives;

"Saving the company 5000 million;

"Such credit must be rewarded;

"Ten million is reasonable, not a single point less..."

"don't want……"

With tenderness in Tong Wenjie's eyes, she bit him fiercely.

"This is not a reward, you evil capitalist, you want to keep me and don't give you a chance."

Su Chengteng took a deep breath, and reluctantly took a step back,

"1000 million won't do, but 100 million will do."

"No, it's too high..."

Tong Wenjie hugged him nostalgicly, and said angrily:

"No reward is really needed, I told you;

"I don't want any money from you except salary."

"One hundred thousand..."

Su Cheng took another step back, "It can't be less, it seems that my boss is stingy."


Not yet!

Su Cheng was so angry that he retreated a little bit, and he had no choice but to retreat.

"One hundred thousand won't do, ten thousand will do..."

"No, no, no, I'm paid..."

"If you don't want it, you have to..."

Su Cheng became angry from embarrassment,

There is no way to retreat, so I will not retreat through 990, go forward bravely,

Now, it's not 1000 million, it's hundreds of millions.

This billions of dollars of wealth will be given away no matter what.


For rewards.

Su Cheng and Tong Wenjie quarreled for a long time,

From the living room to the bedroom,

From the bedroom to the kitchen, and from the kitchen to the bathroom,

Finally broke up.

Tong Wenjie asked Song Qian to go shopping and furnish the rented two-bedroom apartment.

Su Cheng was fine, he saw Xiaomeng's text message.

Instantly, I feel that the air is hot and dry, and I have gone to a new home.

password to open the door,

Su Cheng entered the room, but he didn't see Xiaomeng, so he yelled,

"Miss Meng..."

In other words, a one-bedroom apartment also has the benefits of a one-bedroom apartment.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw Xiaomeng.

Moved to a mansion, there are many rooms, and I have to look for them.

This is not a delay.

"Miss Meng..."

Su Cheng shouted and went to the bedroom.

go to the door,

Aipel's beautiful figure came into view and jumped into my heart.

Su Cheng stiffened.

Can't help but think of last night.

different bed,

Equally alluring April.

Last night, the blood was burning and boiling, there was no restraint, Xiaomeng was sad.

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