

Su Cheng put the medicine on the dining table, went back to the bedroom and pretended to be sick.

After a while, I heard Li Meng ask again:

"Su Cheng, did you take this medicine according to the instructions?"


Knowing that you are sick or not, you can't hide from this medicine.

Su Cheng got up from the bed, walked to the door,

Li Meng was holding two bowls and was turning them upside down, pouring hot and cold water.

watch quietly,

Li Meng's progress has not changed.

Su Cheng felt his own progress, jumping ten frames and ten frames.

"If you don't take a good rest, what are you going to do..."

Li Meng noticed him and blamed him with a cold face,

"Go back and rest, the water will get cold in a while, I'll send you to the house..."


What more can be said.

Su Cheng continued to pretend to be sick.

Lying on the bed, covered with a cool summer quilt, staring at the roof in a daze, without any focus.

At this moment, my thoughts were a little chaotic.

"Su Cheng, I took medicine..."

Li Meng walked into the bedroom with water and medicine,

After Su Cheng took the medicine,

Li Meng looked at his eyes and found that they were even redder. She placed her plain hand on his forehead, tested the temperature, and found that it was not hot, so she reassuredly said:

"I'm going back to school first, if you feel uncomfortable, call me, just take a few steps, and come soon;

"Wait for noon, I'll bring you food."


Su Cheng, wearing a mask, responded vaguely.

In the red eyes, her appearance is reflected, and her distant figure is reflected,

Wait for the door to close,

Make sure Li Meng is gone,

Su Cheng went to take a shower and sent a text message to Tong Wenjie.

Xiaomeng is too far away and wants to see her immediately.


outside the district,

Song Qian waited far away, saw Su Cheng's figure, and wanted to ask him how he was and if he was better.

I suppressed this thought again.

It was a hot stove.

It must be cold, without any temperature, let alone close.

Otherwise, the high temperature of the stove will spread and melt, making everything out of control.

Waited for a long time.

Song Qian looked at the time anxiously, and finally saw Li Meng's figure from a distance, and immediately pretended to go back to the community, and met her.

"Teacher Song is back..."

Li Meng greeted her when she saw her.


Song Qian smiled and nodded, pretending(.) to ask casually,

"You are going back. You have seen Su Cheng. Is he all right?"

"He said the doctor was fine..."

Li Meng introduced casually, "I think his mental state is fine, he doesn't have a fever;

"It's just a little cough, but the eyes are very red, the red is scary..."


Li Meng looked at Song Qian and discussed as if thinking of something,

"Teacher Song, Su Cheng lives next door to you;

"If you are at home at noon, can you go and see him for me;

"Well, he's sick, he must have no appetite, and he doesn't know if he's had breakfast;

"I'm so busy, I don't know what time I will be here;

"If it's convenient, please send him a lunch;

"By the way, I'm buying an electric kettle for Su Cheng;

"I will transfer the money to you;

"His house doesn't even have a kettle;

"Drinking cold water for so long, how can this work;

"It's too bad to take care of yourself;

"Usually, I really don't know how he lives..."

Listen, Song Qian wanted to refuse,

But listen, listen, something's off the hook.

"Ms. Li, don't say that, neighbors, I should go and see him..."

Song Qian pinched her palms and kept a gentle smile,

"I said, he is a student I tutored;

"Don't mention any money. After a while, I'll take a hot water bottle and give it to him..."

Upon hearing that Song Qian is Su Cheng's tutor,

Li Meng immediately asked with concern:

"Mr. Song, do you think there are any weaknesses in Su Cheng's grades..."

"I only tutored him in physics, I don't know anything else..."

"Su Cheng got a full score in physics in the basic test. This result is inseparable from Teacher Song's tutoring..."

I have always had a good impression of Li Meng.

Right now,

Song Qian felt that Li Meng was really annoying and had a lot of problems.

After chatting perfunctorily for a few minutes, I anxiously found a reason to go home.

when you get home,

Song Qian hurriedly cooked white rice porridge,

porridge time,

Her eyes were flustered, her heart was beating fast, and she couldn't help walking up and down the room,

walked for a while,

She bit her lip subconsciously, went back to the bedroom to pick out clothes, changed,

I looked in the full-length mirror, it was not bad, and I went to the bathroom to put on makeup again,

Wait until the makeup is done,

It felt too gaudy and deliberate, so I quickly washed it off and changed to light makeup.

Everything is packed.

Song Qian hesitated a little, took off the scrunchie on her hand, and tied it in her hair.

Looked and looked in the mirror.

Light makeup is always suitable for heavy use.

The autumn water rippled in Song Qian's eyes, and her fair face was slightly flushed.

Thinking of Su Cheng, I feel flustered,

Thinking of seeing him, her heart beat fast, and she couldn't calm down no matter what.

Good porridge,

Put it well and let it cool, watching the tumbling heat.

Song Qian's eyes were blurred, and she felt something rolling and rippling inexplicably.

It feels like something is spreading irresistibly.

"No, calm down, calm down..."

Song Qian couldn't help taking a deep breath, and exhaling again,

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