"I didn't see..."

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao said in unison,


Song Qian wanted to explain to Su Cheng, but she didn't want to look familiar.

In the end, without saying anything, I watched Li Meng go to another place,

I searched and searched, but couldn't find anyone.

Li Meng immediately called Su Cheng again.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

Still no signal?

Called it once before, and it was the same prompt.

Li Mengxiu frowned slightly, found Wei Xin, wanted to speak to Su Cheng, but saw the text message from him.

"Teacher Li Meng, please take leave today, I won't be attending the swearing-in meeting..."

Looking at the text message.

Li Meng blamed herself very much.

If I had seen it earlier, no matter what, I would call Su Cheng over,

Flying wishing balloons is a good sustenance for the future.

It is also a student period, an unforgettable memory.

Li Meng didn't want him to miss it.

But now, the wishing balloon is about to be released, and it is too late to make a phone call.

at this time,

Li Meng also probably guessed,

Why didn't Su Cheng come to the swearing-in meeting.

Every student has relatives to cheer.

Just him, all alone.

Come, seeing this scene, will be very sad.

Li Meng raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, annoyed at herself,

Obviously thinking about taking care of Su Cheng more,

I was busy with work, but I still neglected it.

Why didn't I think of this in advance.

"Su Cheng, come to school..."

a little thought,

Li Meng wanted to quietly help Su Cheng make up the wishing balloon.

This time, the collective release of the balloon was applied to the relevant department.

After that, it's okay to launch a few more balloons.



in a taxi,

Su Cheng saw Li Meng's message,

Compiled a reason to reply,

Inadvertently looked out the window, his eyes fixed.

[Investment target: Zhu Suosuo. 】

[Investment risk: four stars. 】

[Investment introduction: Some people love vanity, long for a peaceful, superior and warm home, and want to find a man who is rich and meets his wishes. 】

[Investment income: 5 points. 】

[Investment Tips: Those who have something to do with luxury goods are warm and caring. 】

【Investment progress: 0】


Chapter 107 Like glue, like paint, blending in milk and water (seeking subscription)

The car is moving.

The figure flashed by, and soon disappeared,

In a metropolis with a population of tens of millions, the chances of encountering it next time are very small.

If it was before, I would definitely get out of the car and try to find a way to make various investments.

This is 5 gift bags, so beautiful and attractive.


Su Cheng has a calm mind. If there is a chance to brush up the progress, he will do it. If there is no chance, it doesn't matter.

Most importantly, unfamiliar, very strange,

It's more difficult to brush up the progress, so I don't want to bother.

Unlike sisters Xia Qing, Lan Hong and Lan Lan, they learned to grow when they knew they were rich.

This is the correct way to open it.

"Su Cheng, where have you been? Won't you come back in the afternoon?"

Just lied that Li Meng was not at home, and she responded with concern.

"I haven't climbed the Great Wall before returning to China. I just arrived here, and I can't go home very late."

Su Cheng made up things randomly, and Li Meng said concerned again:

"Tomorrow Saturday, you come to school, and I will fly the wishing balloon with you."

Su Cheng rubbed his forehead involuntarily,

There is nothing to put the balloon, and there is one more.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Li..."

And Li Meng, they must have released the balloon in a serious manner, and it wouldn't take a few minutes.

Su Cheng didn't refuse,

On Zhong Hai's side, there are only Tong Wenjie and Ai Poer,

In the capital there are Xiaomeng, Huang Zhitao, Wang Yidi and Song Qian.

There are also Xia Qing, Lan Lan, two waiting to be opened.

I can't stay here any longer,

The plane returns to the capital at ten o'clock tonight, and there is plenty of time tomorrow.

Wait until the elite high school.

Su Cheng and Tong Wenjie texted her to tease her,

"Sister Wen, miss me."

"Do not want to."

"what are you doing."

Tong Wenjie was lying on the bed, looking at the text message, feeling very depressed,

If he was in the capital, he would have dealt with this stinky guy long ago.

Thousands of miles away, I can't even think about him,

As long as I think about it, I want to cry, I want to see him, I want to hold him.

24 hours a day, I can't control not thinking about him, but I can't control thinking about him.

In his sleep, it was all about him.

"I just took a shower, waiting for you."

Tong Wenjie matched a proud emoji,

She wanted to ask Su Cheng, if he said last time that he would come to Zhonghai on Saturday, is it worthwhile?

Tomorrow is Saturday, I want to see him.

I was afraid to ask again, and I didn't have time to come, which made it even more uncomfortable.

"Send me the address, I want to check, are you lying to me?"

"I won't give it."

Tong Wenjie bit her lip and said tentatively:

"You don't have to buy me a house here;

"I thought about it and thought it was unnecessary;

"Waiting for Lei'er's college entrance examination, she won't live here;

"Here I am, I have rented a house;

"I rented two sets, one on the third floor and one on the fourth floor;

"The third floor is for Lei'er, and the fourth floor is for you to rent;

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