"In about thirteen hours, meet, okay?"

Andy: "Okay, I'll pick you up at the airport."


Su Cheng hesitated a little, booked a plane ticket,

Simply carry a shoulder bag and set off to the airport.

On the way, they sent text messages to the women at home.

Hugging is too much to say, so here we go.

But think about it.

Su Cheng felt that it was very necessary to go to the country of magnesium.

If it's that Andy.

I remember that she was engaged in financial work in the country of Magnesium. She had a good character and was as trustworthy as Tong Wenjie.

Even if it is not full, it is still a good partner, and if it is full, it is a good wife.

Going to the country of magnesium is not just about hugging her.

I want to ask her to help me invest.

Before the cornucopia of Starlink was successfully built,

There is a system prompt that the best cornucopia for gift packages is the Magnesium stock market.

That is not like the shallow pool of the domestic stock market, it is a deep sea, with a daily trading volume of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Don't fish when there is too much, and fish for sustainability,

A small beauty knife a day, a small gift bag two days, inconspicuous and low-key.

The first place I crossed was the country of Magnesium, and I did this for a while.

However, I didn't like foreign countries, and I didn't feel safe there, so I went back to China.

There are too many restrictions on domestic investment.

There is no way to buy magnesium stocks, at most buy some virtual currency, which is better than nothing.

If Andy is in Magnesium to help, there is no need to increase leverage quickly to make quick money.

Hold some long-term stocks, inconspicuous, and make more money.

13 hours later.

Four o'clock in the morning in Beijing, 11:[-] noon in Los Angeles,

Su Cheng got off the plane and sent a message to Andy,

"Here, are you here?"

For a while, there was no reply.

・・・ Flowers・・・

This is also normal, it is impossible to hold the mobile phone all the time.

Su Cheng found a coffee shop at the airport,

I ordered a cup of coffee, and returned a few messages from the woman at home,

After waiting for more than half an hour, I received a text message from Andy,

"You're really here, I'm here, where are you?"

"In the East End, the cafe..."

Su Cheng replied, his heart beating a few times faster.

After flying for more than ten hours, I came to a foreign country to meet netizens.

Pretty crazy.

"I didn't see a coffee shop in the East District, are you sure you've arrived?"


Su Cheng took a few photos and sent them over.

Andy: "Why are you at the Los Angeles airport?"


This question asked,

Su Cheng felt a little bad, and asked:

"You're not in Los Angeles?"

Andy: "I didn't say in Los Angeles."


Su Cheng frowned slightly, and reminded:

"Last chat, you said you were in Los Angeles."

Andy: "At that time, I was in New York. Now, I'm in New York. Sorry, I thought I said it, but I didn't seem to say anything about being in New York."


It is [-] kilometers away from Los Angeles.

Su Cheng understood, and didn't want to meet at all.

Thinking about it, I guess it was Andy who came here.

0 .. 0

For Andy, there is no guessing on his side,

It is a person who has no concept, does not know whether it is good or bad, how can we meet.

One day in the future, she might get sick and go crazy,

Now, be cool, be sensible, be smart.

If you want to meet, where, how can you not tell, how can you forget.

It seems that the one who is sick and crazy is himself.

Only then will I take it for granted, preconceived, thinking that she is in Los Angeles.

Thousands of miles away, across the ocean, flying for twelve hours, to come here.

Su Cheng took a sip of coffee and held his forehead, feeling a little angry and wanting to laugh.

As for being angry with Andy, really not.

I am stupid, what does it have to do with others.

Andy: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Su Cheng watched quietly, did not return, secretly thinking about the investment candidates.

Andy didn't intend to meet,

Really want to see, buy a ticket, fly here.

I don't want to see it, I can't see it, and I can't help you invest.

Retreat to the next,

Xia Qing graduated from the Department of Finance of Tsinghua University, so she is also a good candidate.

However, her conduct is not up to standard, so she is really worried.

Go back to krypton gold krypton full.

With a decision,

Su Cheng looked at the flight, went to buy a ticket, and took off in an hour.

Andy: "Are you mad at me?"

Andy: "Tell me the truth, okay, why did you come?"

Andy: "Really just want to hug?"

Andy: "Why do you want to hug me? You haven't seen me, and you don't know what I look like."

Su Cheng looked for the settings, but he couldn't delete his friends, so he set it to Do Not Disturb for Messages.

I don't want to have any communication with this person.

Across the illusory network, naturally distrust, there is nothing to say.

Waited for the plane.

Su Cheng put on the blindfold and fell asleep,

Twelve hours is too long.

Empty your brain and sleep, the fastest time.

When I woke up, I was woken up by the radio.

Beijing International Airport has arrived.

Su Cheng took off the blindfold, his vision was a little blurred,

When he noticed his side, he became even more confused.

He remembered that she was also a woman at first, but she was not so beautiful, nor was she so irritating.

[Investment target: Andy. 】

[Investment risk: four stars. 】

[Investment introduction: Self-confidence, self-improvement, self-reliance, logical and meticulous, ruthless, and a lonely and fragile heart, longing for some protection. 】

[Investment income: 5 points. 】

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