"You come to our company, I can order..."

Tong Wenjie didn't object, "I'll ask the boss about the investment."


Sister Ling smiled and nodded, curiously asking:

"May I know what your boss calls you?"

"Su Cheng."


Such a familiar name.

Sister Ling's first thought was that handsome young man with a clean temperament.

But then, she wavered again,

Su Cheng is too young,

Moreover, the reception that night was considered a very formal occasion,

Su Cheng's attire is very ordinary, not like a rich man.

Just that night, as long as he was dressed more formally, he would not take the initiative to recruit him to develop in the entertainment industry.

"Do you have a photo of Mr. Su? Maybe we've seen it before..."

Although Sister Ling doubted it, she couldn't be sure, so she wanted to see the photos.


Tong Wenjie was questioned, so it's not because she doesn't have photos.

There are so many photos,

However, they are all intimate photos, which are not suitable for Sister Ling to see.

"Wait a minute, I'll look for..."

Tong Wenjie pretended to be looking for photos, and sent Su Cheng a message,

"I miss you, post a photo, I'll take a look."


Su Cheng was in class, when he saw the message, he took a random selfie and sent it to Tong Wenjie.


Tong Wenjie saw the photo in school uniform, hesitated a little, and showed it to Sister Ling.

She thought it was nothing, and wanted to tell Sister Ling how good and powerful her man was, with a test score of 740.

"This is Su Cheng..."


Although she had guessed, Sister Ling was still stunned when she saw the photo.



Qiao Jingjing was reciting the lines with the script,

Seeing that Sister Ling came back with a dazed expression, she walked up to her curiously, waved her hand in front of her,

"Sister Ling, what's the matter with you? What happened to you? I'm absent-minded."

Sister Ling glanced at her and said quietly:

"Do you remember Su Cheng you met at the reception?"


Qiao Jingjing nodded, so handsome, how could she forget,

What's more, he has a kind of youthful feeling that I like very much.

"He is the boss of Star Ventures. He released "War Tiger" with a guarantee of 15 billion at the box office. The promotion fee is [-] million..."

Sister Ling was filled with emotion:

"Most importantly, do you know what it is?

"He is still a third-year student in high school, and his studies are also very good, with a score of 740;

"My God, how can there be such a perfect person in the world..."


Qiao Jingjing's inexplicable emotional ups and downs, a feeling of thumping,

No wonder there is a sense of youth, it turns out that I am in the third year of high school.

Chapter 127 In the future, Qiao Yingzi, the fierce brother, can't be taken anymore (please subscribe)

Leave from Song Qian,

Su Cheng went to Dasanju where he worked,

Xia Qing is here.

Helping her work hard to grow her career for a long time,

Su Cheng sat on the sofa, held her in his arms like a koala, checked the growth effect-, and asked softly,

"Do you have a passport?"


Xia Qing nostalgicly breathes his good-smelling breath,

"I used to work in an investment bank. I thought I would have the opportunity to go abroad, so I did it."

"There is something..."

Su Cheng's tone became more gentle,

Introduced about Magnesia's investment, and showed her overseas assets,


Xia Qing trembled all over,

It is unbelievable that there are billions of dollars at home, but if it is replaced by domestic, it will be tens of billions.


What moved Xia Qing even more was that Su Cheng was willing to hand over so much money to himself.

This trust, this liking.

Xia Qing's tenderness was rippling, overflowing, and she couldn't hold it anymore, she just wanted to treat him well forever.

Well, long time, long time.

The atmosphere is peaceful.

Xia Qing felt very sad at the thought of going to the country of Magnesium, and was very reluctant to part with it.

Before being with Su Cheng,

Always think that in life, money comes first,

All feelings are illusory, ethereal,

I can't catch it either.

Only money is real and will not change.

But at this time, people who know that there is a lot of money will not be able to spend it all their lives.

Only then did Xia Qing realize that money is not the most important thing in life.

The important thing is to be with the one you love and the one you love.

As long as I think about going to the country of Magnesium, I won't see Su Cheng anymore, and I won't see him for a long, long time.

Xia Qing felt that the world was dark.

"Su Cheng, I..."

Xia Qing subconsciously hugged him tightly,

I want to say that I will not go to the country of magnesium, but I can’t say it.

Su Cheng likes and trusts him to manage such a large sum of money, and he also hopes to help him.

If not, who will manage the money?

If you hand it over to outsiders, how can you rest assured.

"what happened?"

Su Cheng gently caressed her back.

"I miss you……"

Xia Qing hugged him even tighter.

"When I think about going to the country of Magnesia, I miss you so much that I haven't seen you for a long time."


Su Cheng gently caressed her back,

Feeling her nostalgia, thinking of Tong Wenjie from Zhong Hai,

It's just thousands of miles away, and I can often see it, but I still don't feel happy.

As soon as he got together with Xia Qing, he threw her thousands of miles away in the country of Mei,

Didn't consider her feelings, is it a bit too selfish.

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