Dreams become ridiculous, and cherished things are no longer important.

Parents are asking for money more and more, and the place to live will be gone. The poverty is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

I don't want to cherish anymore, I want money.

Su Cheng is handsome, young, and rich, with ten houses and assets worth over [-] million.

Clearly he has no shortage of young and beautiful girls.

You can find any kind of beautiful woman.

did not expect to marry him,

But he understands that if he cherishes it, he can get a lot of money.

I also hope that he can raise it like raising a canary.

Raise one day, count one day,

Over the years, all the money earned has been filled in the bottomless pit of the family,

Being dragged down by such a family is really exhausting, and I want to find someone to rely on and take a break.

He didn't want to raise it anymore, so he found someone else to raise it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if the things I cherish are gone, I just want to live less hard.

But no matter what, I can't think of it,

There will be tens of millions of houses and millions of pocket money.

I have never received love from my parents since I was a child.

I don't know what love is either.

Right now,

Fan Shengmei understood,

Love is a man willing to give a woman ten million.

Love is the safe embrace of a man giving a woman.

Love means wanting to treat this man well forever, wanting to be a canary for him for the rest of his life.

"Ding, the investment was successful, and I got 1 points..."

successful investment,

Su Cheng was not surprised,

Surprisingly, Fan Shengmei's plumpness is really different, it is a natural air,

On the first day of work, I was tireless and worked so hard.

She is self-motivated, what else can she say.

We can only work hard together to make progress together.

Work hard, work hard.

There was the sound of the door opening.

"Sister Fan, Sister Fan, I brought you something delicious..."

With joyful and crisp shouts,

The footsteps approached, or two, and soon reached the room.

Su Cheng couldn't help but look,

[Investment target: Qiu Yingying. 】

[Investment risk: three stars. 】

[Investment introduction: Simple and kind (brainless), sincere and simple (stupid), self-improvement and hard work but dislike thinking (working hard and lonely), longing for beautiful love (easy to cheat). 】

[Investment income: 1 points. 】

[Investment tips: Greedy, handsome, treat her a little better, and you can fool her. 】

【Investment progress: 0】

"..." Su Cheng.

[Investment target: Guan Juer. 】

[Investment risk: three stars. 】

[Investment introduction: Shy, obedient, introverted (I pretend), hardworking (no direction), gentle personality, well-behaved and sensible (no assertiveness), and super jealous (really). 】

[Investment income: 1 points. 】

[Investment Tips: If you are handsome, she will believe everything you say, and look handsome ahead of time. 】

【Investment progress: 0】


Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer were stunned at the door.

In the next second, they exclaimed in unison and ran away in a panic.


Su Cheng felt weird, these two don't admire vanity, nor worship money, so why do they feel that they are more cheating than vanity and money worship.

I'm not thinking too much, I still have a career to work hard on.

next door.

Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer panicked for a long time.

Qiu Yingying looked at her and said in a trembling voice:

"Guan Guan, what did you see?"

I saw how handsome that man was.

Guan Juer shook his head violently, his voice was also trembling,

"I didn't see anything."

"Me too, I didn't see anything..."

Qiu Yingying agreed, she nodded fiercely, and couldn't help complaining:

"How can Sister Fan do this? We have agreed that we can't bring our boyfriend back."

That's because you don't have a boyfriend.

Guan Juer echoed in a low voice, "Sister Fan, it's really too much, she should tell us."

Think about that handsome look.

Guan Ju'er felt a little uncomfortable. Fan Shengmei was almost thirty, and the boyfriend he was talking about seemed to be around 20 years old, so he was not a good match at all.


Qiu Yingying glanced at her, "Speak to Sister Fan later, okay;

"In the future, I can't bring my boyfriend back;

"No, it's not that you can't bring it back, but you can't, you can't..."

After a while, Qiu Yingying blushed and couldn't come out...

See her blush.

Guan Juer was also infected and blushed.

After a while, a seemingly invisible voice came.

Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer glanced at each other, and they blushed even more.


Qiu Yingying's voice trembled, "Otherwise, we'd better go out."


Guan Juer blushed and nodded fiercely.

Like thieves, the two opened the door lightly and left.

After waiting for a long time,

The two have transferred eight laps downstairs.

Qiu Yingying looked at Guan Juer and asked vaguely:

"Guan Guan, tell me, can we go back now?"

"I, I don't know either..."

Guan Ju'er's heart trembled, and when he thought about going back, he panicked.

"Or, let's look it up online..."

Qiu Yingying suggested, checking online with her mobile phone.

The two got together, blushed and looked at it for a while, and agreed that they could go back.

But not long after entering the house, the two ran away again.

Got downstairs,

Qiu Yingying couldn't help it, she blushed and complained: "Really, Sister Fan is too, too..."

"That, Yingying..."

Guan Juer whispered an idea:

"It's okay for us to go back, we just stay in our rooms and wear headphones."

"Guan Guan, your idea is too good..."

Qiu Yingying gave a thumbs up, very much in favor, even though she didn't have earphones, she also very much agreed.

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