I wanted to fall in love with Su Cheng, marry him, and change my life, so how could I refuse.

What is hesitant is how to tactfully agree, but also appears very reserved, and it is not easy to be chased.

"We've only met twice, and we're not yet familiar with each other."

Think for a while.

Zhu Suosuo bit his lip lightly and dropped a hook, trying to regain the dominance.

This answer is very reserved and vague.

He didn't refuse or agree, but he left a daydream.

Not familiar now, does not mean, can not be familiar with,

Dating, meeting more, contacting more, will gradually become familiar with each other.

The underlying meaning is that it's too early to try to date, but don't refuse to meet and get to know each other.


Su Cheng glanced at the text message,

Seeing that it wasn't rejection or agreement, I didn't care too much, and concentrated on exchanging information with Aipel.

You can see what's in the pot, but you can't eat it.

There is no fragrance in a bowl.


Su Cheng went to the Garden District, Tong Wenjie,

After getting out of the taxi, I didn’t walk a few steps into the community.

It was found that Lin Miaomiao was sitting on the lawn behind the green plants with her knees hugged, her expression was very depressed, and she seemed unhappy.

I met Wang Shengnan who was drunk last night and was almost hit violently. I am sure that the plot of "Youth Pie" is over half.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao again.

Su Cheng guessed that there was a high probability that Lin Miaomiao had an awkward relationship with her good friend Deng Xiaoqi, and was isolated by Deng Xiaoqi's win over her classmates.

Not very familiar, only met once.

Su Cheng didn't say hello to Lin Miaomiao either.

When approaching the corridor,

Wang Shengnan happened to come out.

Su Cheng glanced at her,

In the morning, Pei Yin was there, and she felt embarrassed about what happened last night, so she didn't say hello.

This time,

The same is true for Su Cheng, with a calm expression, pretending not to see it.


Seeing him, Wang Shengnan panicked, and immediately put on a cold expression.

However, seeing that he ignored it, it was as if he didn't see it.

Thinking back to his indifference last night.

Wang Shengnan was inexplicably fluctuating with an indescribable emotion.

The two passed by.

Su Cheng went upstairs to go home, and as soon as he met Tong Wenjie, she hugged her tightly.

"Your admission procedures are completed, do you want to go to school tomorrow..."

"Don't go."

How could it be interesting to go to school with a warm fragrance like jade.

"In a few days, the school will hold a high school mobilization meeting..."

"Don't go..."


Tong Wenjie threatened fiercely,

"After the mobilization meeting, you have to go to the test on the second day..."

It's impossible to refuse,

I made an appointment with Tong Wenjie to take the exam.

But before that,

Tong Wenjie had to do homework day and night.

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.


downstairs bedroom,

Pei Yin listened to the seemingly invisible movement, and stared at the night with ecstasy,

It seems that something is lost, nothing is there, and there is a sense of emptiness.

Accompanied by the sound, an unforgettable picture emerges.

She was confused, in a trance, and subconsciously clenched her phone tightly, wanting to send a message.

The same night.

Zhu Suosuo sat on the window sill, looking at his phone from time to time, feeling very disappointed.

Texted back, lost hook.

I just look forward to Su Cheng taking the initiative to date and meet.

Time passed for so long, and there was no movement.

Zhu Suosuo was upset and annoyed, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

The reply was that I met twice and I am not familiar with it.

Could it be that Su Cheng didn't understand what it meant and thought it was a refusal?

But it's not a refusal,

But look at it from another angle,

This is not a refusal, but also no promise,

It is easy to misunderstand, and it is a tactful refusal.

Because if you want to say yes, why not just say yes.

The more Zhu Suosuo thought about it, the more annoying he became, and he was very worried that Su Cheng had misunderstood him.

If there is a real misunderstanding, it is tantamount to losing face, Su Cheng will not be unreasonable, and also missed the opportunity to change his life.

Right now,

Zhu Suosuo also regretted it, why didn't he just agree.

・・・ Flowers・・・

It's just to confirm the relationship and try to communicate,

It's not a wedding, a wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Even if it's a wedding night, there are still ways to hook Su Cheng.

It's been two days since I added friends, but Su Cheng hasn't moved.

Finally, there was movement. Although it was a sudden confession, it was also a god-sent opportunity.

Such a good opportunity, how good it is to agree to it.

How stupid, just to get the dominance of love, to return ambiguous information.

After waiting for a long time, Su Cheng still had no news.

Zhu Suosuo couldn't wait any longer.

She has always been decisive,

Otherwise, he wouldn't have known from Jiang Pengfei that Su Cheng was rich, so he would have spent a huge sum of money to buy clothes and send them away.

Now I am worried that Su Cheng will misunderstand.

Zhu Suosuo tested and sent him a message.

"Why don't you speak?"


Tong Wenjie is like a koala,

Su Cheng hugged her tenderly,

See the pop-up information on the system interface,

Rubbing Tong Wenjie's fragrant shoulder with her chin, she replied the message.

0 ......

"say what."

Look at the information.

Zhu Suosuo is no longer lost, and his mood has improved.

Being able to reply to the message shows that Su Cheng cares.

If you don't care, ignore it, or delete the friend.

"Why did you submit the past? It was too sudden for me."

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