Zhu Suosuo couldn't say he regretted it,

But he was worried that Su Cheng got it easily and didn't cherish it.

also clearly understand,

In the future, I can only fasten the man I like and can give me a good life.

The night was more peaceful.

Su Cheng gently caressed Zhu Suosuo's hair,

Look at her 85% progress, krypton gold,

"Suosuo, do you like this bungalow or a building;

"I like the bungalow, I will transfer the title to you tomorrow;

"I like buildings, I will buy you a set of similar value tomorrow..."


Zhu Suosuo's heart beat so fast that he forgot to breathe, and subconsciously hugged him tightly.

How much is one billion.

There is no concept.

What I know is that I want to give all the good things to this man I love.

The progress is jumping, and it freezes at 99%.

More than [-] million, did not get through the last grid.

Su Cheng was a little surprised, but he wasn't in the mood to be surprised. He had more important things to do.


Early the next morning.

Sunlight pours down the house.

Zhu Suosuo woke up in a daze, and stretched lazily.

Just woke up, she looked at the strange bedroom, a little confused,

Waiting for the good memories of last night to emerge,

She was even more confused,

Confused blushed, also blurred.

had a good time,

Zhu Suosuo was inexplicably lost because he didn't see Su Cheng.

I was in a trance for a while,

She felt nothing wrong with herself, sat up from the bed, and wanted to find her clothes.

With this thought.

She remembered with a burning face that this was the bedroom on the second floor, and the clothes were on the first floor.

Just when she wanted to wrap herself in the cool summer quilt and went to the first floor to look for clothes, she noticed that the clothes were neatly folded and placed beside the bed.

Watch this scene.

Zhu Suosuo was gentle and sweet in his heart, knowing that Su Cheng cared for him.

But look at the underwear on top.

Her embarrassing face became even hotter, and she hummed to herself, only Su Cheng wasn't there, otherwise, she wanted to bite him.

Think of Su Cheng, think of this sentimental man.

Zhu Suosuo was a little puzzled again, where did he go early in the morning.

"Su Cheng..."

finish dressing,

Zhu Suosuo opened the bedroom door and shouted.

The house was deserted and there was no response.

Zhu Suosuo felt a little lost, and wanted to go downstairs,

Noticing the other two rooms, she opened the door and looked.

In the room, there is nothing missing, and it is obviously newly purchased.

But there is no bedding.

Zhu Suosuo opened the closet again to have a look.

Empty, nothing.

Zhu Suosuo was thoughtful, even if it was a guest room, there should be spare bedding.

No, what does it represent?

Zhu Suosuo guessed and went to the third floor.

while walking,

Zhu Suo looked around.

The layout of this bungalow is similar to that of the Jiang family.

The overall texture is better.

There is not much difference between the attic upstairs and Jiang Nansun's boudoir...

The difference is that it is arranged as a study room.

A row of bookshelves full of books, and a large desk.

Zhu Suosuo looked casually, then walked up the stairs to the first floor.

She knew that there was also a master bedroom on the first floor,

I looked and found no bedding either.

Zhu Suosuo was basically sure that his intuition was accurate.

Su Cheng has no relatives, not even friends.

Otherwise, in other rooms, there will be no shortage of furniture, but no bedding.

Buying furniture, but because the house is empty and not pretty.

Now that I bought it, I was buying bedding, and it didn't cost much.

Can buy, but don't buy.

It must be because Su Cheng knew that no one would come to live there, and he didn't need it, so he didn't prepare.

It also means that Su Cheng has no relatives.

Originally, when guessing at this point.

Zhu Suosuo was very happy and surprised,

Because Su Cheng is handsome, rich, and without any relatives, he is the most suitable marriage partner.

Don't have to face the complicated relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Don't worry about anything, the door is not right.

As long as Su Cheng likes it.

At this moment, it is confirmed that the guess is true.

For some reason, Zhu Suosuo was not happy.

Although I live in the house of my uncle far away, I still have relatives and a father, but I don't see them a few times a year.

Su Cheng is different, it is very likely that he has no relatives.

Think about these.

Zhu Suosuo was gentle in his heart and felt sorry for Su Cheng.

In the future life, I want to take good care of him.

With the closest relationship, it is his woman and his only relative.

Zhu Suosuo stood firm, and worried and wondered where Su Cheng had gone, so he sent him a message with his mobile phone.

"Where have you been and when will you be back?"

"I'm a little busy, I'll go back later, the kitchen has prepared breakfast for you..."


Zhu Suosuo was feeling a little hungry and went to the kitchen.

On the stove, there are two pots, one 2.1 large and one small.

The small one is a cooking pot, in which white rice porridge is boiled.

Open the lid, still steaming.

The big pot is a steamer,

When you open it, there are steaming steamed buns, all of which are cute and naive.

Zhu Suosuo was surprised that Su Cheng could cook and steam buns.

can not help,

Zhu Suosuo picked up one and tasted it, feeling dazed.

I have been dependent on others since I was a child, and I have always hoped to have a superior life, a home, and a warm home.

Now, with Su Cheng, I have a superior life.

There is also a home.

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