Jiang Nansun was flustered and hurriedly arranged his clothes.

Zhu Suosuo was happy, he ran like a butterfly and hugged Su Cheng,

"You're back……"

Lovingly hugged him,

Zhu Suosuo smiled sweetly and introduced Jiang Nansun,

"Su Cheng, this is my best friend, Jiang Nansun, who lives next door..."


Su Cheng greeted politely and watched her progress become 41%.

Thinking back to that scene just now, I couldn't restrain my heartbeat.


Jiang Nansun smiled gently and responded generously.

However, this is what she showed,

Su Cheng saw that scene,

She felt very embarrassed, said hello to Zhu Suosuo, and left.

"Suosuo, I'm going to school, let's go first..."

"Yeah, I'll send you off..."

Zhu Suosuo sent her to the door, and as soon as she closed the door, she felt surrounded by warm embrace.

The clear breath spreads and ripples,

Zhu Suosuo happily forgot everything.

Very long time.

Su Cheng stroked her back tenderly, and said softly:

"In a while, let's transfer the ownership."

Zhu Suo buried his hot face in his arms.

It is clear and clear that after the transfer of ownership, there is an old bungalow worth hundreds of millions,

Even after breaking up with Su Cheng in the future, they still have a good life.

At this time, Zhu Suosuo didn't want the house anymore.

She didn't want to appear vain.

I also don't want this sentimental man to see his real side.

The appearance of a woman who pleases herself is not only about her appearance.

It also includes conduct.

She wants to be a perfect woman,

I also want to be a virtuous wife, who will always be attached to this man.

Since we are together forever, it doesn't matter whether the house is a house or not.

"Su Cheng, do you think we will be together forever?"

Zhu Suosuo hugged him nostalgicly, and murmured.


Su Cheng was gentle and fragrant her hair, and his tone was gentle:

"We will be together forever, even if you want to leave one day, there is no chance;

"No matter where you go, I will find you and hold you in my arms."

Zhu Suosuo's eyes blurred.

Never believe in promises, never believe in men's rhetoric.

Thinking of Su Cheng's billion-dollar house, he gave it away as soon as he said it.

Thinking of him making breakfast intimately.

Thinking of his hot love,

Zhu Suosuo wanted to believe it, wanted to protect all of this, and was tender and affectionate, but he couldn't keep it shut.


Attic next door.

Jiang Nansun was lying on the bed, his delicate face buried in the quilt.

Recalling that Zhu Suosuo and Zhu Suosuo were scratching their clothes, and when Su Cheng saw it, she regretted it.

Fortunately, there are also close-fitting clothing for protection, Su Cheng didn't see much.

But even so,

When Jiang Nansun thought about it, being seen by Su Cheng with such an appearance, he still felt awkward and even more shy.

"It's nothing, I haven't been seen anyway, if I want to be seen, I have to be seen a lot..."

Jiang Nansun comforted himself, slightly dazed.

Only then did she remember,

When Su Cheng came home, Zhu Suosuo immediately ran to hug him intimately.

Just confirmed the relationship last night, how can it be so close.

After chasing Zhang Anren for so long, he also has a good impression of Zhang Anren, and they have never held hands with each other.

Such a comparison.

Jiang Nansun felt that the relationship between Zhu Suosuo and Su Cheng progressed too fast.

I also thought of Zhu Suosuo's exhortation yesterday that you should protect yourself when you are in a relationship, and don't take advantage of anything.

Jiang Nansun wanted to roll his eyes, and they all hugged, what kind of advantage is this not to take advantage of!

"Suosuo, haven't you and Su Cheng just established a romantic relationship, and are trying to date, get in touch, why are you so close..."

Jiang Nansun was a little worried that Zhu Suosuo would be taken advantage of, and reminded:

"¨. You can't accommodate him just because you like him, you have to keep a distance..."

Ding bell, the phone rang.

Zhu Suosuo's beautiful face was buried in the pillow, and Sujing's fingers also gripped the pillow tightly, not in the mood to look at the phone.

For a while, there was no reply.

Jiang Nansun thought for a while, then sent another text message:

"Suosuo, don't forget yesterday, how did you remind me, you have to pay attention..."

Sent a text message, still no reply.

Jiang Nansun was a little worried. Zhu Suosuo never didn't reply to text messages for so long.

especially thinking of,

There are only Su Cheng and Zhu Suosuo in the house, and it is easy for lonely men and widows to happen.

Jiang Nansun was even more worried and called directly.

Jingle bell, Jingle bell...

Su Cheng's breathing was buried in Zhu Suosuo's hair, and he picked up her mobile phone to look at it. Seeing that it was Jiang Nansun, he suddenly felt that the weather was hot and he couldn't breathe.

"Nan Sun's phone..."

Su Cheng reminded Zhu Suosuo, and put the connection next to her ear.

"Shuo Suo, what are you doing, why haven't you replied to my text messages for so long..."

"I, I didn't notice..."

"Where are you?"

Jiang Nansun was puzzled and strange when he heard that Zhu Suosuo's breathing was disordered.

"What are you doing, why do you feel like you can't breathe..."

"I, I'm working out..."

Zhu Suosuo restrained his breathing, and said quickly:

"After you left, Su Cheng was going to the gym, and I had nothing to do, so I came here with him;

"I'm running on the treadmill; (Wang Zhao)

"And you, where are you, have you arrived at school yet?"

"not yet……"

Listening to Zhu Suosuo's smooth speech, Jiang Nansun didn't think much about it, and reminded:

"Did you not see the text message I sent you?"

"What text message? I didn't pay attention."


Jiang Nansun hummed and said:

"Yesterday you reminded me to protect myself when I am in love;

"What about you, didn't you say that you and Su Cheng are trying to get in touch, trying to fall in love;

"Then, why did you hug him so intimately?"


Zhu Suosuo couldn't explain, so he responded vaguely:

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