I really want to know what this man is thinking.

This is also the last doubt in life.

Andy wants to investigate clearly, and wants to draw a complete end to his life.

The next investigation,

Andy has already made a perfect plan,

In the name of investment, contact Star Ventures,

To reach out to the people around this man,

Understand this man's style, this man's character, everything about this man.

To analyze, to judge, to reason, why, not far away, across the ocean, want to give a hug.

External contacts of Star Ventures,

Her name is Tong Wenjie, and she is the chief financial officer.

There is also a deputy director named Xia Qing.

There is also an assistant, Li Na.

Andy ran back to the hotel, thinking about which one to contact first.

I ran to the hotel lobby, but I haven't confirmed this matter yet.

A familiar figure suddenly appeared.

Andy stared in a trance, stunned.

Such a coincidence, is there any fate in the world,

she doesn't know

Just curious, why come to the hotel.

Chapter 161 Finding the door, active tenderness, (seeking subscription)

into the hotel,

Su Cheng quickly noticed Andy,

Such an obvious investment goal, it doesn't matter whether you want to pay attention to it or not.

However, I didn't care much.

I met Andy for the second time, and the investment progress is 1%.

Being handsome is useless,


The last time I went to see her in the country of Magnesia, she let her go,

Su Cheng didn't forget, he didn't want to talk to him, so he went to the elevator as if there was no such person.

Andy's eyes reflected his figure, keeping a cool look, followed him,

I lost someone last time, but this time, I will never do it again.

The elevator is coming soon.

Su Cheng pressed the 12th floor and stood in the elevator.

Andy looked cold, not far from him,

He didn't look directly at him, and there was no meeting of eyes,

Like a passerby, I took an elevator by chance,


Andy watched him from the corner of his eye.

Who are you here to see?Or are you staying in a hotel?

is analyzing,

The elevator door opened, Su Cheng left,

Andy was a little later, after a pause of more than ten seconds, he walked out of the elevator.

In the corridor, left and right are clear at a glance.

Andy pretended to be a guest on the same floor, and followed Su Cheng far away,

Seeing his room card open the door, he entered a guest room.

Andy frowned slightly,

Su Cheng is very rich, so he must have a place to live in the capital, so it's not normal to come to a hotel to get a room.

Have a tryst with a woman?

Andy thought about it, and looked at the room numbers of the nearby rooms,

Go to the front desk of the hotel, and get a room diagonally across from Su Cheng's room.

in the room,

Andy opened a crack in the door,

Standing at the door, quietly observing Su Cheng's room,

I can't help thinking about the guess just now,

If Su Cheng came to have a tryst with a woman,

It means that that woman must not be Su Cheng's girlfriend.

It's a girlfriend, that's an aboveboard relationship,

There will be no place to live without 067 going to the hotel,

This happened to be the case, and it just showed that this relationship should avoid people.

It also shows that Su Cheng is a philandering man, with a few boats on his feet.

of course,

Andy also knew that this was just a guess.

But to confirm this conjecture, it is very simple, just keep it here.

Andy looked at his watch now and then, waiting patiently,

Time passed.

The door opened, and Su Cheng's figure appeared.

Andy looked at his watch, it was almost eight o'clock,

She didn't follow immediately, but watched Su Cheng's figure go to the elevator, and waited for more than ten seconds before following.

The floor of the elevator is descending.

Andy glanced at it, immediately went to the safety stairs, and trotted down the stairs.

Run to the eighth floor in one breath,

She went to press the elevator button and continued to run down,

Six, five, four, three, press the elevator again,

She arrived at the lobby, took a magazine to cover it up, panted secretly, adjusted her breathing, observed the elevator, went to the front desk and called a hotel van.

Su Cheng's figure quickly appeared, and at the entrance of the hotel,

After a while, a car came,

Andy watched Su Cheng get into the car,

When the car started slowly, he followed it out immediately, wrote down the license plate number, got in the commercial vehicle, and asked the driver to follow.

Followed for more than 20 minutes.

The car in front stopped at the gate of a community.

Su Cheng got off the car and entered the community.

Followed by parking, too conspicuous,

Andy asked the driver to slow down and drive past the gate of the community to stop.

This slight delay,

When Andy got off the car, Su Cheng was no longer in sight.


Arrived in the district,

Su Cheng didn't go home, so he didn't really want to see Song Qian.

The progress is 99%, knowing that she cares, she is a little bit strong, so she lets it go.

But thinking about her, she cared, but still pretended to be indifferent, without even saying a word, she was about to move to Zhong Hai, and she didn't want to talk to her.

Li Na went to Xiangdao,

There is no one in the third-bedroom office.

Su Cheng asked Huang Zhitao to meet here, and told her how much he missed her and how much he liked her.


in the neighborhood,

Andy walked around for a long time, but didn't see the familiar figure.

Instead, I found a chubby woman who was very talkative and seemed to be very familiar with people in the community.

No matter who you meet, you can chat a few words,

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