With her IQ, she soon realized that Su Cheng had already recognized who it was.

Recognized, but pretended not to know,

Especially thinking about it, I sent a lot of messages with him, but I didn't reply to any of them.

Even though he was always rational and calm, he still wanted to bite him to vent his anger.

"On the plane."

Su Cheng told the truth.


Andy guessed,

When chatting, I described myself as indifferent, cold, with such obvious characteristics, and I was on the same plane again, so I changed seats deliberately and sat next to me.

It's easy to be suspicious.

"I recognized it, why didn't you talk to me."

Why, Andy knows and understands,

But I still want to ask.

"Are you angry that I didn't go to see you?"


More than angry...

Su Cheng looked at her reminder to commit suicide, and changed his words,

"I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, I forgot what to say for a moment."


Knowing that he was lying, Andy didn't know why, and felt inexplicably happy.

had a good time,

Andy pushed Su Cheng, and said softly:

"Relax, I'm about to board the plane..."

Su Cheng's embrace is very beautiful, but also very nostalgic,

Andy is more aware that this does not belong to him.

this moment,

Thinking about flying to the other side of the ocean, I will never see you again,

Inexplicably, Andy felt more unexplainable emotions, and wanted to hug and have more.

"Where are you going? Back to Magnesia?"

Su Cheng didn't let go, but hugged her even tighter.

"Yes, back, Magnesium Country..."

The embrace is thicker,

The thick Andy is a little dazed, a little confused, with inexplicable hope, and will never let go.

"Before we go back, there is something..."

Su Cheng pressed against her ear, breathing warmly:

"Remember the first chat, what did you say?"


Andy naturally remembered, and his heart beat fast when he thought of that incident.

Said his name 01, like gay.

He changed his name to Qijilang One Night.

Tell the truth a few words, what is missing, what to make up from the name,

He was so angry that he wanted to prove it seven times.

The proof is the proof, I agreed, but I don’t know who it is anyway.

But seeing that he is coming,

Again declined.

Andy remembers what he said,

"If you can't do it seven times, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage and be taken advantage of by you, unless you can prove that you can really do it seven times."

recall these,

Andy couldn't help his face getting hot and flustered,

If you can't see anyone, you can say anything.

Now at this moment, being hugged and saying something provocative, wouldn't it be stupid and stupid.

"Remember, you said you were a man, you can do it seven times;

"I knew you couldn't do it without seeing each other;

"Now that we have met, I am even more sure of this, you can't..."


Su Cheng got angry and got up.

I mentioned the first chat, but I didn't want to talk about this,

Andy said, don't believe in fate, it's too ethereal.

He wanted to bring up this topic and lie to her with sweet words, that there are fates and miracles in the world, so as to dispel her idea of ​​suicide.

But she mentioned it seven times and said no.

Su Cheng instantly felt that fate was not fate, it was not important, there was something more important.

Compared to dispelling her thoughts of suicide.

Convince her, simpler and more effective.

Chapter 167 There is no other way, I have to persuade, (for subscription)

I hurried back to the hotel.

The moment the door is closed,

Andy understands the consequences of provocation, how serious it is.

Very long time.

Her blurred eyes regained some sense.

Nostalgia hugged Su Cheng tightly.

to leave.

leave this world,

Listening to Su Cheng talking about the first chat,

Suddenly, I thought of how to repay him for flying across the ocean, not far away - the hug of thousands of miles.

I'm leaving anyway,

Cherished, it seems - not so important.

I don't dislike Su Cheng and want to give him a gift.

I was also a little curious about what kind of feeling that was, and wanted to feel it before leaving.

right now,

Andy got it, and it was nice.

The beauty has forgotten everything, and just wants to be attached to this beauty.

Experienced and understood such beauty.

Andy regretted it,

I could have left without worries and regrets.

Right now,

She clearly felt a feeling of reluctance.

Reluctant to give up this nostalgic embrace, not to give up this pleasant smell,

Even more reluctant to hug this man tightly.

Is it love, is it love,

Andy didn't know, he only knew that he really wanted to have it for a while.

"Didn't you say seven times..."

Su Cheng hugged him even tighter.

Andy's hot face was buried in his arms, and the words he said were full of provocations,

"Why can't it work once..."

Su Cheng: "..."

This meow can bear it!


Lixiang Yayuan.

Qiao Yingzi came home from Liu Jing, hesitantly considering now,

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