Zhu Suosuo wasn't worried or nervous, but he was puzzled.

Why does Su Cheng call Sister Su, Sister An.

Sister Andy, Sister An?Abbreviation?

"You haven't eaten lunch yet, let's cook together..."

Su Cheng hugged Zhu Suosuo and went to the kitchen.

Before cooking, tell her that she misses her very much first,

After thinking for a while, Zhu Suosuo shyly protested,

"An, Miss An, you're still in the living room..."

Andy is Su Cheng's older sister, so it's rude to ignore her like this.

Zhu Suosuo felt that it was inappropriate,

I also don't want Andy to leave a bad impression on himself.


Su Cheng gently forgave her, and continued to tell her how much he missed her,

"No, I'm going to greet Sister An..."

Zhu Suosuo gave him a shy look and ran away.


Su Cheng sighed, a little troubled,

Andy is here, many things are not convenient.

If you think about it, it would be better to go to one more place, Jinwu Zangjiao.

in the living room,

Andy sat on the sofa calmly, looking at the house.

She didn't feel disappointed because Su Cheng went to the kitchen with Zhu Suosuo in his arms, favoring one over another, and ignoring herself.

Before I came here, I knew that when I was alone, I could get all of Su Cheng's care,

But I still want to blend into Su Cheng's life and be with him all the time.

Instead, waiting, looking forward to, that short-lived beauty.

"Sister An, drink water..."

Zhu Suosuo came out of the kitchen, fanned his hands to relieve his shyness, and politely helped Andy pour a glass of water.


Andy thanked him coldly, and asked again:

"Su Cheng, didn't you mention me in front of you?"


Zhu Suosuo nodded hesitantly, but he didn't mention it, or he didn't mention it at all.

I thought Su Cheng had no relatives left.


Andy pretended to sigh, and told the story calmly,

"Su Cheng and I have been living in Magnesia;

"We have no other kin;

"Depending on each other;

"He depends on me;

"It's just that we are all adults and should have our own lives;

"I mean, he can talk about girlfriends;

"He misunderstood that I didn't want him anymore and wanted to start a family;

"I didn't say anything, I didn't say hello, I went back to China;

"I searched for months before I found him..."


Zhu Suosuo's eyes sparkled, and he understood.

It means that Su Cheng is a sister-in-law?

If you think about it, it's pretty similar.

He is six or seven years older than Su Cheng, and Su Cheng still likes it so much.

looking at Andy,

Qingli and bright, first-class beauty.

Sister Su Cheng's accusation seems to be normal.

in the kitchen,

When Su Cheng heard that Andy was making up nonsense there, he was so angry that he immediately sent a text message to Zhu Suosuo.

"Sister An, I live here temporarily, there is no extra bedding at home;

"Go to the home city and buy some."

"Hmm, I'll go right away..."

Zhu Suosuo replied to the message, greeted Andy politely, and went out.

"Sister An, I'm going out to buy something..."

At this time,

Zhu Suosuo also saw Jiang Nansun's text message and explained that she was Su Cheng's sister.

Jiang Nansun quickly responded to the message,

"Didn't you say that Su Cheng has no relatives?"

"I didn't think so either. I just found out that Su Cheng and his sister had an awkward relationship and didn't want to mention it at all..."

Looking at the information,

Jiang Nansun bit his lips lightly and asked:

"How about Su Cheng's sister, is she easy to get along with?"

"We just met. I don't know too well. I just feel that people are quite indifferent..."

Just so there is no word,

Chatting with Jiang Nansun.

Zhu Suosuo took a taxi to the nearby home city,

About half an hour.

When he came back with the bedding he bought, Su Cheng had already cooked a good meal.

After dinner,

Zhu Suosuo wanted to show off, so he took the initiative to clean up the dishes,

When she packs up,

You can see it from the kitchen.

Su Cheng and Andy are sitting on the sofa, watching a hit drama.

Just look at it, it's nothing.

Sitting posture is very problematic,

Su Cheng sat with his back against the sofa,

Andy snuggled into his arms.

Zhu Suosuo blinked,

Seeing this scene,

Whether Su Cheng is a sister-in-law, she is not sure.

She is sure and sure that Andy is definitely the brother-in-law.

Siblings are as close as a couple.

this moment,

Zhu Suosuo was also in a strange mood,

She is obviously Su Cheng's girlfriend, she feels out of place, like an outsider.

Although weird,

Zhu Suosuo didn't think too much,

I heard from Andy that Su Cheng and Su Cheng depend on each other for life, and it's normal for siblings to be close.

However, the girlfriend is the most intimate one.

Zhu Suosuo immediately sat on the other side of Su Cheng and hugged his arm, burying her charming charm in his arms.

Su Cheng: "¨..."

The weather suddenly became hot and dry.


Very long time,

Zhu Suosuo fell asleep exhausted.

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