Su Chengjian knew her well,

Yang Fan is not very beautiful, but he has a very special temperament,

This temperament seems intellectual, elegant, capable, and a bit lazy.

All in all very impressive.

Su Cheng is more profound,

After the entire signing process, Yang Fan's progress has only become 1%.

Obviously not a good-looking party, but also a label of self-improvement, it is difficult to set sail.

The signing is over, it's time for lovesickness.

I haven't seen Xia Qing for more than a week, and I have endless thoughts.

This yearning also includes Li Na.

Like in China, the two rented an apartment together.


Beijing, after six o'clock,

Scholarly Garden,

Qiao Yingzi went to study at night, bought some small cakes, went to find Liu Jing, and thanked her for her help.

Otherwise, Song Qian would definitely not agree to apply for Nanjing University.

However, Qiao Yingzi also clearly felt it.

Since this incident,

Song Qian's attitude became even more indifferent. Although she didn't talk much before, at least three meals a day were prepared.

Now, sometimes there is no food, and there is often no food to eat.

Such a change caused Qiao Yingzi's inexplicable panic and inexplicable worry. When she came to Liu Jing, besides thanking her, she also wanted to ask what should be done to improve the relationship with Song Qian.

"Yingzi, remember, there is no mother who doesn't love her children..."

Liu Jing's tone was gentle, comforting Qiao Yingzi,

"Teacher Song may just be too busy;

"It doesn't mean anything to neglect your care;

"Don't think too much;

"If you want to improve the relationship, it's actually very simple;

"Like us, if you buy some small cakes, milk tea, etc., and give them to Teacher Song, she must be very happy..."

In fact, as soon as Liu Jing heard Yingzi's description, she understood that Song Qian was angry with Qiao Yingzi.

This is also normal,

Work hard, get the grades in Tsinghua University, and insist on going to Nantah University,

Any parent would be angry.

Liu Jing is also glad that Qiao Yingzi is not her daughter, otherwise she would be pissed off first.


Qiao Yingzi nodded obediently, remembered, and looked at Liu Jing playfully,

"Aunt Liu, how do I feel, your complexion seems to have improved a lot, and you seem to be more beautiful..."

"Really? Maybe it's a good sleep..."

Liu Jing touched her face and smiled softly, but actually felt guilty.

She noticed the change in complexion immediately.

It is also very clear why this is the case.

The empty heart is filled with sunshine, and there will definitely be a different style.

And compared to this,

Liu Jing was even more excited that the tumor had shrunk a bit,

It proves that the treatment of cancer with massage and massage sounds outrageous, and it is absurd when you think about it, but it is really effective.

Because of this, Liu Jing is looking forward to the next treatment, which will come sooner.

However, what Su Cheng replied was that next weekend,

It's only Monday, and there are still four days left.

Think about these four days, think about these nearly a hundred hours,

Liu Jing was inexplicably lost, and also had an unexplainable sense of anxiety.

Lost, anxious,

jingle bell

I got a text message on my phone,

"Come to the fourth floor..."

Liu Jing was in a trance, confused, and tried to calm down,

Chatted with Qiao Yingzi for a while,

Liu Jing found a reason to go out, sent Qiao Yingzi to the elevator, went home immediately, changed into a plain dress, walked the safe stairs, and went to the fourth floor.

house on the fourth floor,

Su Cheng looked at the teleportation talisman in his hand, feeling very restless.

As described in the introduction, it is really what the mind 083 thinks, and it arrives in an instant.

When returning to Zhonghai from Xiangdao, the plane was delayed.

You can only go to the special zone by plane.

Su Cheng thought of the teleportation talisman. He had ten chances in total. He wanted to try it and see what it felt like to teleport.

Since I want to experiment, the distance back to Zhonghai is a little short,

Beijing is the first choice.

As soon as I thought about it, it was really meowy, so handsome.

If you have this ability, you are not a proper time management master.

At home in Beijing,

Su Cheng's mood calmed down a bit, and he wanted to text his little daughter-in-law Huang Zhitao.

Thinking of Liu Jing's illness, I sent it to her. Treat her early and recover quickly. It is important to cure the disease and save lives.

next door,

Song Qian stood in the kitchen in a daze, she heard the sound of Su Cheng's house closing in a daze.

But how is this possible? Su Cheng has gone to the country of Magnesium, and there is no one at home.


She thinks the only good news is that Su Cheng's house is still there,

As long as the house is there, Su Cheng will come back one day.


Song Qianxiu frowned slightly, she couldn't help listening, as if there was something happening at Su Cheng's house.

Did you recruit a thief?

Doubtful, Song Qian took a cup and stuck it to the wall, listening,

The movement is very trivial,

Like mopping the floor, like cleaning, more like knocking something,

I can't hear what the sound is,

But Song Qian knew that there was a real person.

Su Cheng is back?

This speculation arises,

Song Qian's heart was beating fast, and with a flash of inspiration, she immediately called Su Cheng.

The bell came from next door,

Song Qian listened, dazed, confused, the accumulated thoughts could not be closed, and immediately came to the door.

Chapter 185

Seeing Song Qian's caller ID,

Su Cheng was in a weird mood,

It's a bit of a coincidence, I didn't call early or late, and I called soon after I got home.

Do you have a good heart?

Su Cheng was thinking,

bang bang bang...

The door was knocked,

Liu Jing was about to cry in panic,

"How to do?"

"don’t worry……"

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