Bringing the topic to my own business, I want to introduce it to Su Cheng.

On second thought,

Gu Jia also felt that it was good news that Su Cheng had a girlfriend, and she could use this to promote the fireworks of confession.

Just introducing, looking at Su Cheng,

Gu Jia's heart beat faster for no reason.

Before wearing glasses, Su Cheng was very handsome.

Wearing glasses, it seems that there is an inexplicable charm, more handsome, and better looking.

Gu Jia feels that she has never been a good-looking party, and she is also a little handsome.

"Mr. Su..."

Gu Jia lowered her eyelashes slightly, and continued to introduce in a gentle voice,

"You can imagine, giving your girlfriend an unexpected surprise;

"This surprise, there is nothing more surprising than a romantic and beautiful firework..."

"how much is it……"

Su Cheng pretended to be interested and asked about the price.

"Prices are based on customization..."

see him interested,

Gu Jia was excited, hesitated a little, and quoted a high price.

"Generally, it starts with a million, and if it goes up, it can be tens of millions or tens of millions;

"The bigger and the more beautiful;

"Like some very important celebrations, our family's fireworks have participated in it..."


Su Cheng took a sip of coffee and said noncommittally:

"That's all for today, I have other things, next time I'm talking..."

Without saying anything, Su Cheng left directly.

"Mr. Su, walk slowly..."

Gu Jia smiled gracefully, and wanted to persuade her to stay, but she didn't say anything to persuade her to stay.

When Su Cheng's figure left, he disappeared.

Gu Jia immediately sat down and supported her forehead, feeling very disappointed and anxious.

She knew that the offer was too high, and Su Cheng, who was originally interested, immediately lost interest.

It is true that the rich second generation are rich, but it does not mean they are stupid.

Hundreds of thousands of fireworks, a bubble, to show off, to show off, to chase women, it is not impossible.

Millions, tens of millions, just to please women, it is true and a bit fake.

On top of that, it's also a little unrealistic.

10,000+ buy a limited-edition bag, and you can show it off for half a year.

More than a million, it will be gone in a few hours,

In comparison, there is no price/performance ratio.

At this moment.

Gu Jia was secretly disappointed, she was too impatient, she shouldn't have quoted a high price,

Quote a low price of more than [-] yuan, and let Su Cheng see the effect first, which is the correct sales.

・・・ Flowers・・・

In the future, just a little price increase will do.


Gu Jia didn't particularly regret the high price,

In the business field, that's how it is. Only when you are bold can you earn more.

Now, Su Cheng is gone,

If Su Cheng hadn't left, he would have made money.

Moreover, nowadays, there is no way to follow the rules and develop steadily step by step.

In order for the children to study in noble kindergartens next year.

With a loan of tens of millions, he bought a house in Grand Hyatt Mansion.

Now, there is no money for renovation.

Although, the house is a high-quality and luxurious decoration, so you can just move in with your bags.

But Gu Jia understood,

The real rich will redesign and decorate even if the original decoration is magnificent and luxurious.

Because only in this way can we prove our strength.

Otherwise, in the future, when the neighbors walk around and see that the original decoration is still there, doesn't it prove that the economic strength is not enough, and they bought a house and have no money to decorate it.

It's a matter of face, so you must not show cowardice.

So, I would rather spend a million more.


Gu Jia is also firm and must redecorate.

It's just that the idea is good.

No money.

After buying a house, the company's account cash has been stretched, and the cash flow will be cut off at any time.

If money is diverted for decoration, the company will not be able to operate.


The most important thing is to open up business and negotiate a few big orders.

The cost of fireworks is not high, and even without various commissions, they can earn half and half.

As long as there are a few big orders and millions of decoration funds, it can be easily settled and rich.

Because of this, even if Su Cheng left.

Gu Jia didn't intend to give up either. It's hard to find a high-quality big client like Su Cheng with a lantern. It would be foolish to give up.

This time, the preparation was a little hasty.

Gu Jia secretly planned to visit Su Cheng tomorrow, bring some videos of fireworks, and make some cakes and snacks,

Just because Su Cheng isn't tempted doesn't mean his girlfriend isn't tempted.

Moreover, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in getting to know Su Cheng's girlfriend.

Even if the fireworks business fails, there may be other business opportunities.

"Gu Gu..."

Zhong Xiaoqin looked at Gu Jia and couldn't help but pat her on the back.

Now, how could they not see Gu Jia's purpose of waiting for Su Cheng together.

But, know, understand.

Zhong Xiaoqin was not angry either, and felt honored to be able to help Gu Jia.

"The fireworks in your house are so beautiful. I think Su Cheng is not uninterested. There must be something real. When I meet next time, I will help you mention it..."

Listening to Zhong Xiaoqin's words,

Gu Jia's heart is warm,

It has always been realistic and down to earth.

Being friends with Zhong Xiaoqin is not only because Zhong Xiaoqin's family is not short of money, but also because Zhong Xiaoqin has such a good personality.

is a man who can always be trusted,

When you are tired and exhausted one day, you are also someone you can always rely on.

It's not that Zhong Xiaoqin can really be relied on.

Gu Jia is more aware of how unreliable Zhong Xiaoqin is and how well she is taken care of by her parents. Even though she is married, she is very pure-hearted, like a child who has not grown up, and is unreliable in all kinds of ways.

This dependence is spiritual.

In being strong and independent, I also hope to have a safe harbor forever and be able to relax wholeheartedly.

Chapter 198 Plump and flirtatious, I like it to the bottom of my heart, (seeking subscription)

Ode to Joy,

The big three-bedroom in 2201 is originally decorated.

Fan Shengmei is not renovating into a one-bedroom apartment either, she has already moved in.

Su Cheng opened the door and entered the room,

Seeing Fan Shengmei sorting out something with a beautiful figure.

[Investment target: Wang Manni. 】

[Investment risk: four stars. 】

[Investment introduction: Worshiping money, admiring vanity, dreaming of staying in the big city, having persistent demands on the other half, who fits the eye, likes, is special, is especially handsome, and is especially rich. 】

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