In this room, in the night,

The dream is very jumpy, and it is also a kind of flashing fragment memory,

how did we get together

There was no picture, but a strange sound was heard.

Dai Qian felt that Su Cheng and Jiang Nansun were together and were talking sweetly.

What exactly was said, but I couldn't hear it.

Because dreams are vague,

Fragments of memory, very short.

Similar memories will soon disappear.

A new memory suddenly reappeared.

It seems that a figure is leaving,

I don't know if it was affected by those voices, and I was inexplicably looking forward to something, so I stepped forward and hugged it affectionately,

That embrace is warm, that chest is firm,

With a fresh and pleasant smell,

That special smell is exactly the same as that of Su Cheng,

The hug in the dream is the same as the hug of Su Cheng in reality,

Warm and safe, and easy to hold.

When holding, do not want to let go.


Thinking back, Dai Qian's breathing was a little messy, and her eyes couldn't help being blurred.

The previous dream was very vague, and I don't remember much.

From then on, the broken memories condensed into pictures.

Remember every minute and every second.

Every minute and every second is so real,

It's not like a dream, it really happened.

Really thinking about it once,

Dai Qian's face was hot, flustered, and her thoughts became more blurred.

In the dream, it is so beautiful,

The good ones only exist in dreams.

In the dream, that figure was so hot.

Hot, like the sun, can melt everything.

It also seems that all of this is so unreal.

Because that figure cannot appear,

It's just a dream,


Daisy took a deep breath,

I want to block these thoughts, don't want to think too much about this strange dream,

Maybe it was the sound of breathing, or maybe it just happened to wake up.

at this time,

Jiang Nansun woke up,

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her aunt Dai Qian looking at her, and she forgot her nervous breathing for a moment.

Last night, although she knew that Dai Qian had drunk, she understood that it didn't mean that she was drunk and passed out.

At most, it is a relatively deep sleep,

Always worried, Dai Qian suddenly woke up and protested many times,

But the nostalgic ones didn't listen, and quickly forgot their worries and everything.

At this moment, being looked at by Dai Qian like this,

Jiang Nansun was really nervous and worried. She woke up Dai Qian last night and she noticed everything.

"Auntie, early..."

Jiang Nansun said hello in a vague voice,

I am very worried, and I don't want my aunt Dai Qian to know about her relationship with Su Cheng.

After all, Su Cheng is Zhu Suosuo's boyfriend, which is disgraceful.

But if only I knew.

Jiang Nansun thought about it, and felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Because it's clear, it's clear,

No matter how Dai Qian objects, she will never be separated from Su Cheng.

This point remains the same, if Dai Qian knows it, she will know it, and if she opposes it, she will object, it's nothing.


Dai Qian's expression was cold, and she responded softly,

She sat up in bed, wanted to take a bath, sober,

something doesn't feel right,

Dai Qian looked down at the pajamas, and noticed the abnormality of the underwear, she couldn't help being in a daze,


Thinking of that dream,

Daisy's heart flustered and her thoughts fluttered.


After greeting, Jiang Nansun observed Dai Qian,

Seeing that she didn't say anything, she still had her usual demeanor,

Jiang Nansun breathed a sigh of relief,

This also means that Dai Qian slept soundly last night and didn't know what happened.

I know Daisy well,

If Dai Qian knew that she had an intimate relationship with Su Cheng, she would definitely stop her, instead of saying nothing now.

"Auntie, what are your plans for today?"

Jiang Nansun remembered that Dai Qian said she was going to divorce last night, and pretended to be concerned:

"If you go for a divorce, I have nothing to do. I'll be with you..."

"Nothing to do today..."

Dai Qian pinched her palms secretly, and glanced at Jiang Nansun with a calm expression.

But there seemed to be a tornado blowing in her heart, and she couldn't calm down.

When I was resting last night, I remembered clearly that I was wearing underwear under my pajamas,

Now, it's gone, both are gone,

what does this mean

Daisy is very clear,

Think back to that dream, think back to that moment in the dream,

Daisy's mood was complicated and painful,

I thought it was a dream,

Except because that figure can't appear in this room,

It was because of waking up without any discomfort.

Although the dream is beautiful, it is not beautiful from the beginning.

At first, it wasn't good at all,

That is not good, but also remember clearly, unforgettable.

But wake up, feel no discomfort,

It's not a dream, what else can it be.

If it does happen, more or less, it will feel a little bit wrong.

Just because I didn't notice any abnormality,

I thought it was a dream,

At this time, now, the close-fitting clothes are gone, so how could it still be a dream.

slightly sideways,

With her back to Jiang Nansun, Dai Qian gently flipped through the Xia Liang quilt,

Looking for intimate clothing,

Xia Liang was opened, but no clothes were seen,

Darkness on white sheets,

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