She had to consider, the most practical issue,

Will falling in love with Su Cheng last long?Will there be results in the future?

It doesn't last long, there is no result, and is it necessary to fall in love?

pondering, worrying,

Qiao Jingjing was dazed and confused,

Intellectually, it is not suitable, Su Cheng is too young, seven or eight years old.

Emotionally, but clearly, despite his age, Su Cheng, who has a clean temperament, is really handsome and perfectly fits the appearance of his imaginary boyfriend.

Soon, board the plane.

Maybe it's because of the last shift at night,

Not many passengers, even first class.

Get on the plane, find your seat,

Su Cheng took the black technology mobile phone and replied the message.

By the way, I also sent messages with Gu Jia and Zhong Xiaoqin.

Originally, he wanted to go back to Zhonghai with them.

All the way with warm and fragrant nephrite in my arms, I am not lonely.

But think about it, they are still sleeping,

Tomorrow morning, I will come to the capital again, so we won't be together.

Prevent them from waking up at night, not seeing people, and worrying.

Su Cheng made up a reason and pushed Andy out who pretended to be his sister.

Andy also came to the capital to discuss important matters, and went to the hotel to find them tomorrow morning.

in the plane.

The seats of Qiao Jingjing and Sister Ling are not next to Su Cheng, but on the other side.

"Sister Ling, you also know that when I was in high school, I confessed my love once, but it failed, and I have no experience..."

Qiao Jingjing asked Sister Ling about emotional topics in a low voice,

"I have a classmate in high school. Her family urged her to get married and arranged a blind date for her;

"The blind date is 22 years old, how old is the classmate;

"Also because of age;

"My classmate, although I think the other party is good, I also have a good impression of him;

"But I am worried that we will not be together for a long time, and I don't know whether to contact and understand;

"Sister Ling, you have experience, what do you think should be done?"

"Cold salad..."

Sister Ling couldn't help but give Qiao Jingjing a blank look.

"Who has experience? Me and my childhood sweetheart, Ah Guo, said that I look like the Queen of the Sea..."

"Sister Ling, I was wrong. I didn't have experience, but I used your wisdom to help me think about it..."

Qiao Jingjing acted coquettishly,

Sister Ling hummed, and then reminded:

"To be honest, if you ask me about this kind of thing, I can't provide valuable advice;

"However, there is one thing;

"Life is not imaginary, worry about this, worry about that, don't get married at all;

"In the future, who can predict whether it is good or bad, we cannot predict;

"What we can perceive is only what is in front of us, only now;

"If it feels good now, grab it;

"In life, there are only two outcomes, one is good and the other is bad;

"Life is also like a gift bag. Only when you open it will you know whether it is good or bad;

"Always hesitate, don't choose, never know the answer;

"And life is full of surprises and surprises;

"What may appear to be good may also be bad.

"As bad as it may seem, it may be good;

"Good and bad, and everyone's attitude towards life, is very important;

"It seems that in ancient times, there was a saying that some women are blessed, Wangfu;

"How this prosperous is not a matter of attitude;

"Work hard, change, bad life can become good..."

Qiao Jingjing listened quietly, and couldn't help but glance at Su Cheng,

In her beautiful eyes, there was hesitation, but also firmness.

Sister Ling is right. The future is unpredictable, so there is no need to think too much about it.

Can feel, can feel, only at this time.

Now, I have a good impression of Su Cheng, and I don't dislike being in contact with him.

But if you want to talk about it, just fall in love.

Qiao Jingjing also felt that it was unnecessary.

It's just a good feeling,

This doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't mean that you have to fall in love.

It is very likely that such a good impression will soon disappear and disappear.

Qiao Jingjing wanted to use time to verify her goodwill.

If it's been a long time and you don't miss or miss it, it proves that the goodwill is gone.

If you still can't help but remember,

I'm thinking about whether to get in touch with Su Cheng further.

With a decision, I figured it out.

Qiao Jingjing felt much more relaxed, and chatted with Sister Ling about other things,

"Sister Ling, tell me how much box office will the movie get when it's released tomorrow?"

"I looked at some apps, and the estimate is 8 million. Su Cheng guaranteed a box office of 15 billion. I think it's hard enough, and I'm going to lose money..."

Lose money?

Qiao Jingjing was inexplicably worried, and couldn't help but glance at Su Cheng again,

Seeing his calm demeanor, he seemed not worried at all,

Qiao Jingjing also felt a little more relaxed.

Hope you don't lose money.

Qiao Jingjing couldn't help making a wish,

This is not for Su Cheng, but for himself,

Is the heroine of the movie, the box office is not good,

The first show of this movie has become a poison, which will greatly affect future notifications.

And this moment,

Qiao Jingjing was so blessed in her heart, her beautiful eyes twinkled.

I really want to make a wish for Su Cheng.

I also want to use the box office to decide whether to fall in love with Su Cheng.

If the box office exceeds 15 billion, and you haven't seen Su Cheng for a long, long time, you will still miss him, still have a good impression, and try to get in touch with him.

With a box office of 20 billion, go on a date with him to watch a movie.

With a box office of 30 billion, I will fall in love with him directly.

The box office is 40 billion, and they are intimately in love.

50 billion at the box office...

This is cranky thinking.

Such thoughts arose.

Qiao Jingjing couldn't help her heart beating fast,

With a box office of 50 billion, she will definitely become the most popular actress.

Thinking about this possibility,

Thinking this is impossible,

Qiao Jingjing's eyes were blurred.

With a box office of 50 billion, I want to marry Su Cheng.

It's not because of how many billion Su Cheng has earned.

It's because the impossible is possible, and the age difference with Su Cheng is nothing.

After more than two hours,


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