Chen Nanxing looked at her expectantly,

Besides wanting to fall in love with Su Cheng,

Want to experience the beauty of love.

Chen Nanxing wanted to find out more, how did Su Cheng know that he was sick.

The cancer has spread, there is no hope of a cure, no illusions.

Think back to Su Cheng's strange reminder.

Chen Nanxing was really curious and wanted to see him soon.


There are Su Cheng's friends and contact information.

Xu Hongdou was hesitant again, whether to say it or not.

what was said,

Chen Nanxing will definitely contact Su Cheng to talk about love affairs.

Su Cheng is such a scumbag, how could he refuse a beautiful woman who was sent to his door for nothing.

After thinking about it,

Su Cheng and Chen Nanxing are so sweet with each other.

Xu Hongdou was inexplicably angry, especially at Su Cheng, and wanted to beat him and bite him.


Xu Hongdou secretly eased the anger in his heart, and made up a reason,

"Today, my colleague suddenly asked for leave. I was going to take over the shift. I was too busy, so I forgot about it;

"Tomorrow, I will go to work tomorrow, I will check it for you, and I will send you the contact information..."

"Well, let's drink, cheers..."

Chen Nanxing was disappointed in his heart and didn't show it. Rourou smiled, and took a beer to drink with Xu Hongdou.

It was late.

The two had a light barbecue and drank some wine.

Xu Hongdou was worried about Chen Nanxing's health and advised him to rest.

turn off the lights,

The night is a little dark.

Chen Nanxing wasn't sleepy at all, he quietly looked at the night, feeling dazed.

You can pretend nothing is wrong in front of Xu Hongdou,

Can pretend to face death calmly,

You can force a smile,

Desperate and sad, but nothing less,

Very confused, very sad.

Why is it me!

But it's me, so what?

Who can help, who can rescue!

No, nothing.

Chen Nanxing was dejected and closed his eyes,

Everything has become dark, without a ray of light,

I want to grab something, but I can't grab anything.

Nothing but darkness, still darkness.

Rather than waiting for death, I would rather end it early.

Then, don't suffer,

All those who care about will not be saddened by the pain.

The night is quiet,

Xu Hongdou gently patted Chen Nanxing's back, his thoughts were confused, and his mood became even more confused.

Although Su Cheng's contact was postponed until tomorrow.

Waiting for tomorrow, Chen Nanxing asked, so what?

Why are you making up?

What reason can you make up?

I thought and thought,

Xu Hongdou subconsciously bit her lip and decided not to make up any reason.

Help Chen Nanxing fulfill this wish.

Although I was close to Su Cheng,

But just like what Chen Nanxing said just now,

For a playful scumbag like Su Cheng, we can't have any expectations or illusions.

I never thought of making him responsible, never thought that he was a boyfriend, let alone fall in love with him or marry him.

He is nothing, has nothing to do with him, why should he care.

Chen Nanxing wanted to fall in love with him, that's all, there was no need to resist.

Yes, that's it.

Xu Hongdou comforted himself like this, and he knew it was the truth, but he still felt an unexplainable emotion that was ups and downs.

Didn't think much about it, and didn't care.

Xu Hongdou patted Chen Nanxing's back for a while,

I found my phone next to the pillow and sent a message to Su Cheng.

"You misunderstood, it's not that I want to fall in love with you...¨..."


At around 12 o'clock, the plane landed in Zhonghai.

Su Cheng arranged for Lan Lan and Lan Hong to live in a five-star hotel near the airport.

Originally, I hoped that Lan Lan and Lan Hong would live in the top-floor duplex of Grand Hyatt Mansion.

There are many rooms and luxury.

However, it may be that Andy was described as too vicious,

When I heard that Andy, the sister, lives there,

Lan Lan and Lan Hong immediately reminded them that it was too late and it was not appropriate to make a formal visit another day.

Su Cheng was amused when he heard that, it will be another day, I don't know when.

Not to mention, it's very good to have the evil sister Andy as the top tank.

after two o'clock,

Su Cheng left the hotel and went to the garden area.

This point.

Su Cheng thought that Tong Wenjie had gone to bed early, and planned to gently push her to wake her up.

Unexpectedly, when the door was opened, she was in the living room, not asleep yet.

There was one more person who surprised Su Cheng.

Sister Ling was lying sideways on the sofa, and the coffee table beside her was full of wine bottles, she seemed to be drunk.

"Su Cheng, it's great that you're back..."

heard the door open,

Tong Wenjie turned her head, saw Su Cheng, and immediately stepped forward to hug him,

With a pure and delicate face, she was nostalgic and buried in his arms, rubbing against each other.

"You help Sister Ling to the guest room, and you can't lie on the sofa all night."

"Why is Miss Ling here?"

Su Cheng gently caressed her back, and looked at Sister Ling suspiciously,

this look,

Su Cheng stared.

Just now, Tong Wenjie was standing there, doing nothing.

this will,

Tong Wenjie was in her arms, and there was no obstruction of sight between her and Sister Ling. She could clearly see Sister Ling wearing a blue skirt and a slim white shirt.

It's too slim, it should have a coat,

Gone at this point.

Sister Ling was lying there again, looking horizontally into mountains and sideways into peaks, just because she was in this mountain...

just took a look,

Su Cheng's eyes immediately shifted and fell on Tong Wenjie.

eyes are averted,

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