Dismiss the men.

General Ross returned to the office, and immediately started smashing frantically, venting his anger and the deepest fear in his heart.

Water cups, files, and cabinets, as long as he can destroy them, they will all be completely destroyed!

"Damn Qin Luo! Damn S.H.I.E.L.D.! Damn Tony Stark! Damn Hulk! Don't you all think about it! One day I will make you regret what happened today! Pay the price!!!"

Rose's roar spread far away.

The soldiers outside have all become 'dumb' and 'deaf'.

They are very aware of the virtues of their generals, if they go in at this time.

I'm afraid that if you don't die, you will have to peel off your skin.

Suddenly the 'disabled' soldier outside the door suddenly felt dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned black, and his body was crumbling.

In the next second, these soldiers fell to the ground and completely lost consciousness.

at the same time.

General Ross in the room has stopped smashing.

With his current physical condition, it is simply impossible for him to carry out such "vigorous" exercise.

General Ross sat in the only surviving chair.

He kept panting heavily, making a whirring sound like a broken bellows.

Blood flowed from his nose, without him wiping it.

The blood quickly dyed the skirt of his chest completely red.

"General Ross, it looks like you need a vengeful partner."

An extremely gloomy voice sounded, and then the door of General Ross's office was pushed open.

In came a man who looked like a baby with a big head.

This man looks extremely strange.

Apart from being thinner, there is nothing unusual about her body.

But his head is frighteningly big.

It is more than three times larger than normal people.

Moreover, there are green veins all over the head, which looks weird and disgusting.

The big-headed baby-like man is Banner's former good friend, Seriol Stern.

The Hulk is in the city and fighting the Abomination.

The main reason is that Banner came to him, a good friend, to discuss how to get rid of the Hulk in his body.

It's just that they haven't waited for the results of the two people's discussions.It was interrupted by the sudden appearance of hatred.

After the abomination knocked Seriol Stern unconscious.Then he chased the transformed Hulk and left.

No one noticed that the blood drawn by Seriol Stern and Banner for research had happened to be knocked to the ground.

And blended in along the wound on Serior Steng's head.

Hulk's blood mutated Serior Stun's head.

His head became extraordinarily large, three or four times larger than normal.

The change of Seriol Stern is not reflected in strength like the Hulk or the abomination.

His mutation comes from a change in intelligence.

Even from a certain point of view, he has surpassed Tony, who is in charge of IQ.

But this guy's mutation also has side effects.

As his IQ increased, the darkness in his heart also expanded.

Different from hating the obsession with the Hulk, Serior Steng only has hatred for the Hulk, an extremely pure hatred!

General Ross, who hadn't vented his anger yet, heard the voice, stood up abruptly and turned around, only to see Serior Stern's shivering face.

General Ross' pupils shrank for a while, and he couldn't help but took a few steps back.

But in any case, General Ross is a battle-tested existence.

He quickly suppressed the fear in his heart, pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Seriol Shideng and asked, "What the hell are you? How did you get in here!?"

"Hehe, General Ross, don't get excited. I'm sorry to meet you in this way, but we all have a common enemy, so I want to cooperate with you for revenge."

Seriol Shi Deng chuckled lightly, his expression was very relaxed, and he didn't feel nervous about being pointed at by a gun at all.

When General Ross heard this, his heart couldn't help but move, looking into Serior Stern's eyes, he felt a sense of trust inexplicably.

The huge head doesn't look so ugly and disgusting anymore.

General Ross pondered for a while, lowering the muzzle of his gun slightly: "How do you want to cooperate? What can I get."

"I can help you capture that man named Qin Luo, and I want Hulk's blood and body."

Seriol Shi Deng said directly.

"No, Hulk can't give you all, I need to use him to make super soldiers."

General Ross shook his head resolutely.

"I can help you build a super soldier, there is no need to waste Hulk's precious body."

Serior Stern spoke with some pride, and said again with a look of disdain on his face: "With all due respect, in my eyes, your so-called elite researchers are just a group of mentally retarded researchers." That's all."

The moment he heard this, the first thought in General Ross's mind was that the big-headed baby in front of him was blowing NB!

Does a large brain mean a high IQ?

"I will let you see the results. If you are not satisfied by then, you can kill me at any time."

Serior Shi Deng spoke confidently.

General Ross didn't know why, and felt very conflicted in his heart.

He didn't want to believe the big-headed baby in front of him, but he had an inexplicable sense of trust in him in his heart.

Hesitate again and again.

General Ross's sense of trust prevailed.

"I hope you can do what you said, otherwise I will let you know what life is like death!"

General Ross stretched out his hand threateningly.


Serior Shi Deng didn't care, instead he laughed loudly, reached out to shake hands with General Ross, his eyes were full of viciousness and madness: "Our cooperation will be very pleasant!"

Chapter 37 May Parker's Request, About to Awaken

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed since the battle between Hulk and the abomination.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is kind of interesting.On the same day, all the surrounding dark sentries were withdrawn.

He didn't even pay attention to the surveillance around him.

Of course, they want to pay attention, but there is no way to pay attention.

When returning home that day, Qin Luo told Tony.

Let Jarvis fully control the monitoring on his side.

Don't let S.H.I.E.L.D. or some caring people use surveillance to make things happen.

He didn't want to be like Truman.

Every move is under surveillance.

Of course, Tony would not refuse this small request.

Qin Luo lived peacefully during this time.

In addition to practicing every day.

Just enjoy the food.

Occasionally, I also chatted with May Parker about the progress of the little spider's study, and talked about life ideals by the way.

The chat was quite pleasant, and it was obvious that the relationship between the two was slowly improving.

During this period, Qin Luo also experienced a lottery draw.

It's just that what I got was very unsatisfactory.

It can't be said to be tasteless, it's completely rubbish.

Qin Luo didn't want to mention it at all.

With a random fishing rod, I actually got Wei Xiaobao's musket in the World of Deer and Ding Ji.

It's one of those old flintlock guns.

You know, this is still the result of the BUFF bonus that Hawkeye increases the fishing probability.

This kind of weapon may be very powerful in ancient times.

But where is this?Marvel world!Times have changed!grown ups!

Even the gang of the Ten Rings gang almost had a rocket, and the worst one was the old 47!

Qin Luo seriously suspected that this non-chief fishing experience was brought by Hawkeye.

It ruined Qin Luo's good mood for the day.

Been cursing Hawkeye all day.

I don't know if it is the result of Qin Luo's curse,

Hawkeye, who was performing the task, unexpectedly caught a cold miraculously.

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