
Chen Yixun carefully sent a message to Yang Mi.

The tone is extremely polite.

[Chen Yixun: I found out that it is the link of Pin Xixi, is it this software? 】

He has also heard about this software.

It is said that all the products found are pirated products.

Xu (De Zhao Zhao) brand even changed only one word, and directly pirated their brand name.

Many brands can't help but scold,

Just thinking of... Chen Yixun's original expectation in his heart suddenly shattered a little,

And the only expectation is... maybe because of his own reasons, he got it wrong.

Maybe he searched the wrong link?


But the next second-

[Yang Mi: That's right, this is it. After you download the app, go to the flagship store of Jiang's brand in the app, and you can see the shampoo. 】

It seems that I can feel the doubt in Chen Yixun's silent attitude,

Yang Mi immediately added another sentence.

[Yang Mi: Don't worry, this product is really very good, don't think it is a Pinxixi product, trust me. 】


When Yang Mi sent out these words, she couldn't help muttering in her heart.

"Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, you owe me a lot!"

"When will I, Yang Mi, give people such a guarantee!"

This kind of guarantee is all responsible!

But now, even though Chen Yixun on the opposite side did not speak,

But Yang Mi still felt his distrustful attitude.

no way.

She can only guarantee it herself.

Guaranteed with their own reputation.


After Chen Yixun hesitated, he still replied to the news magazine.

[Chen Yixun: Okay, then I'll download one. 】.

Chapter 99 Find Eason Chan to endorse 2 (Fill 4/15)

Jiang Feng's shampoo was sent over soon.

Can this really cure hair loss?

When he got the things, Chen Yixun was very confused.

There is even a sense of absurdity in my mind.

This was introduced by Yang Mi to him.

Even Yang Mi, in order to let him use this product, has already patted her chest and promised it.

Guaranteed that this product is no problem.

Guarantee that this product is a good product.

Even blocked his own credibility.

If he told others that Yang Mi actually used Pinxixi's products when she was on the trending list before, what would everyone think?

He suspects he's been CPU'd.

But he has no evidence.


When Xu Haoying came back and saw Chen Yixun in a daze with a bottle of shampoo in his hand, she immediately put down her bag with concern and came over.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, friend... sent me something."


After she paused, she immediately saw the bottle of shampoo in Chen Yixun's hand.

"what is this?"

"Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo."

"Anti-hair loss? Where did you buy it..."

The design of the shampoo is very eye-catching.

It can even be said to be...with a 177 point retro.

The whole bottle is the most retro dark green.

The dark green bottle body is matched with those big Chinese characters in block letters and the few next to it——

Bawang Anti-Hair Loss Chinese Herbal Shampoo.

It seems that there is a little bit of the historical heaviness of Chinese herbal medicine, but it is a bit earthy.

Soil tide.

But if she is convinced that this product can treat hair loss...

Xu Haoying didn't believe it.


Chen Yixun scratched his head and smiled at his wife.

"Today Yang Mi came to see me and said that the brand owner of this brand wanted me to be the spokesperson for this shampoo."

He paused, then added, "Yang Mi told me that she has used this brand before and said it is very good."

"Yang Mi!?"

Xu Haoying was a little surprised, "You mean... the brand that Yang Mi used in the hot search before, is this brand?"

"should be."


"Yang Mi told me herself."

Chen Yixun paused, "Unless she lied to me, but... she shouldn't lie to me for an endorsement, right?"

And let him try the product with confidence before deciding (chcc) whether to sign an endorsement.

Doesn't that mean you have confidence in the product?

If you are not very confident, how can you be so relieved.


Xu Haoying immediately became interested.

This is the product Yang Mi uses!

"What brand is it, let me see."

She took Chen Yixun's mobile phone and wanted to see other products in this store.

After all, this is the product Yang Mi uses!

Can use skin care products to achieve the state in her previous birth picture!

This is a temptation that women can't refuse at all.

No woman can refuse.



When Xu Haoying saw the Pin Xixi page in Chen Yixun's hand, she was stunned.

"Fight Xixi?"

This product is actually a product on Pinxixi?

She was completely stunned.

"Honey, did you make a mistake?"


"How could Yang Mi use Pin Xixi's products!?"

Yang Mi is such a beautiful person.

The old brands she used in the past were all top-notch ladies' products.

As long as I have time, I will be in the beauty salon.

Then the fuck is the VVIP customer of the beauty salon.

It costs tens of thousands of dollars for one maintenance.

On the face, it must have cost the money of several villas!

So you tell me now...

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