Everyone was scolded! !

All of a sudden, they didn't care about losing face anymore, and complained aggrievedly.

[Zhangzhang is EE: No, I'm a girl!This store is not sympathetic at all! ! ! 】

[Chen Yixun, my boss: I'm so mad!This store owner also laughed at me as a level 1 black fan, cats are speechless jpg,]

[Yongai EE: This shop owner's typing speed is so fast, I'm still thinking of words, he's like a machine gun! ! 】

【The chapter is EE: right?Me too! !We are customers!He didn't know to let us! 】

[Eternal Love EE: Exactly! ! 】

[Coco: No, the more I think about it, the more angry I get!He actually laughed at me not to embarrass myself with the title of black fans in the future!mad! ! 】

【Coco: I have to send him a Weibo post! ! 】

[Eternal Love EE: Send! 】


Ethan Chan's fans were stunned by the scolding.

to be frank.

Although they said that they came to black merchants specially.

But this is the first time they have done such an immoral thing.

After all, their idols didn't often take this kind of work before, and they never deliberately bought things from merchants to black merchants.

So also very inexperienced.

In their impression, shouldn't merchants come over to apologize to them conscientiously, and contact them to deal with the problem?

What's the matter with this reaction?

so arrogant?

And scolded them?


Jiang Feng's arrogant tone was scolded and wronged by Eixun Chan's fans.

Depend on! ! !

I am special! !

I am also a customer!You scold me like that! !


The more I think about it, the more aggrieved.


Fans who were scolded and bullied began to complain on Weibo.

All of a sudden, a topic secretly became a trending topic.

#热鸡非常净厂家! !

#After the bad review, the God of the manufacturer replied!

#陈伊迪粉丝——A junior black fan who knows how to use black tricks, but not many.

These two entries began to rise slowly.


The most original post was made by a person in Xu Qi's group.

In that post, Jiang Feng was completely accused.

[Yongai EE: I am a fan of Eason Chan, I have a showdown, I really don't like Jiang's brand very much, it is really wrong for us to deliberately score low, but! !The attitude of this merchant is too arrogant!

He is a businessman, how could he not give face to their fans?

[Yongai EE: Angry people in our group are very angry, we didn't want to do anything else, but Eason accepted this endorsement, we really don't like it, then we can't lie to ourselves that we like Chen Yixun very much Accept this endorsement? 】

Below, he put some pictures.

The picture shows a conversation between her and the merchant.

[Yongai EE: It's really not easy to use, please don't place an order! 】

[The merchant replied to you:? 】

[The merchant replied: Kiss, you just placed an order here, and we haven't shipped it yet. Did you come to our warehouse to wash your hair? 】

[Yongai EE: I have placed an order before! ! ! 】

[The merchant replied to you:?Then you are great, you didn’t comment before, and you still need to spend 200 yuan to write a comment. 】

[The merchant replied to you: By the way, you are only at the first level, and there is no purchase record with us, may I ask you to wash your hair in a dream? 】

Even through the screen, the netizen can feel the eloquent and cheap look.


Yongai EE originally thought that since he said so, everyone should stand by their side.


Netizens below did respond to comments very enthusiastically.


Things did not develop as they imagined.

Everything underneath is hahahaha.

Everyone was joking, and there were even many who praised Jiang Feng's cuteness.

[Hahahahahaha haha ​​laughed at me, the reasoning picture/picture, compared with other fans, the little boss is already very friendly to you. 】

[If the little boss is not so handsome.Maybe I feel sorry for you a little more, but... I can’t blame you when I see this picture of the little boss,]

[Grumpy little boss, hate people online.To be reasonable, the last time the little boss dared to yell at netizens so directly, you dare to go to his house to deliberately write black comments, what's wrong with people scolding you?How much should I live! 】

【right! !How much should I live! 】

[Keep in formation!You just deserve to live! ! 】

[The little boss is still as irritable as ever! ! 】


This reaction from netizens stunned all Ethan Chan's fans.

What the hell is going on?

How could this be so?

Why is it different from what they imagined?

Shouldn't they be on their side and scolding the boss?

Why are they all on the side of the little boss?

All Eixun Chan fans were dumbfounded.


A topic that made them irritable after reading it suddenly hit the bottom of the hot search list.

#陈夏迪 fans don't look very smart.


When it was on Hot Search, Chen Yixun was still eating.

At the dinner table, he touched his much darker hair, and couldn't help but praise Jiang Feng:

"Ouch, wife, you can use this shampoo with me! It's really easy to use!"

Xu Haoying ignored him.

Chen Yixun turned his head to look over, and saw that she was looking at the phone seriously, as if she was scrolling through Weibo.

She looked so focused that she didn't even have time to eat.

"Honey, what are you looking at?" Chen Yixun asked curiously, "What makes you want to eat?"

"Look at your trending searches."

Xu Haoying handed him the mobile phone in her hand, "Look for yourself, this is a trending search related to you."

"It's about me?"

"Yes, your fans..."

She paused, then burst out laughing,

"Your fans feel that the endorsement you accepted is too low-key, and they are all protesting."


Chen Yixun was stunned, "Didn't I post such a long Weibo, why do they still protest?"


He also guessed that the fans would protest, so he purposely posted such a long Weibo.

Unexpectedly, even if it was posted on Weibo,

The fans were so crazy that they went to black people's houses under Jiang Feng's products.

This is too bad.

Seeing his nervous look, Xu Haoying smiled:

"Okay, don't be nervous, the result is good."


"Now it's a hot topic on the hot search, because of your fans' behavior, on the contrary, netizens are very fond of Jiang Feng."

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