Chapter 110 Three Collective Mistake Feat (6/30)

At first, when Lu Yuan watched the video, he didn't take it seriously.

He felt in his heart that it was impossible to grow hair because of shampoo.

Few of the shampoos and hair tonics currently on the market are really effective.


But when Lu Yuan saw the ending and saw the comparison of Xu Qi's hair before and after, he was dumbfounded.

On the first day, his hair was visibly shaved.

It wasn't noticeable the next day either.

But on the third day, the fourth day, and the seventh day, when the effects of several days are compared together, you can clearly feel the changes day by day.

From a wasteland at the beginning to the barrenness now.

This is more than effective!

This is very effective!

This is simply a special medicine for bald stars! !


After watching the video.

Lu Yuan was silent for a long time, it seems that after a long time of psychological construction, he looked up at him and asked:

"Are you sure that what you eat and use hasn't changed during this period, the only thing that has changed is this shampoo?"


"you sure?"

"I'm sure." Xu Qi said firmly.

When he saw the silent Lu Yuan, he couldn't help asking: "Doctor Lu, so my hair has really turned around, right?"


Seeing Lu Yuan's attitude, what else does he not understand?

Obviously, 223, this shampoo is so effective that even the doctor was shocked.

That can only mean one thing -

His hair has really started to grow! !

His hair follicles that were close to necrosis miraculously turned around.

The stuff in this shampoo is like a booster, allowing his still active hair follicles to grow hair.

Even those follicles that are completely necrotic still don't grow hair.

But it has improved a lot compared to before, which is worthy of his joy and encouragement!

less hair!

It's better than having no hair! !


Lu Yuan took a deep breath and nodded very firmly.

"If it's really the effect of this shampoo, as long as you keep using it, many hair follicles that are still active have already started to grow. According to this posture, hair should be able to grow."


"Well, but it's hard to say whether this shampoo will work on completely dead hair follicles."

Lu Yuan pondered: "But the current effect is already amazing. If you didn't lie to us and there are no side effects after the research, this shampoo will become our main recommended treatment plan in the future."

After all, if you can avoid taking medicine, you should not eat well.

Hair can be improved by washing hair, which is definitely better than taking medicine.



When Xu Qi came back from the hospital, his whole head was dizzy.

He looked at the bottle of shampoo on his desk, feeling surprised and ashamed in his heart.


My hair is really saved!

What a shame! !

He even gave such a good store a bad review before! !

Thinking of his bad reviews, he even began to feel that he deserved it! !

He deserves to be scolded by his boss!

Damn him! !

Such a god-level shampoo is only sold for 499 per thousand milliliters! !

Those hair tonics are so fucking expensive! !

A small bottle can cost thousands! !


The more Xu Qi thought about it, the more guilty he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt sorry for Jiang Feng.

But at this moment, no matter how guilty he is, it's useless!

He has already typed all the bad reviews... Huh?

its not right.

Although he made a negative review, but it has not been more than 30 days, he can modify the review.


Thinking of this,

Xu Qi immediately got up with a grunt, took out his mobile phone and changed the evaluation.

[Xu Qi: I'm sorry, I was unhappy that Eixun Chan endorsed Pin Xixi's product, but now I realize that I was wrong... This product is really very good! 】

[Xu Qi: I have already used it. After seven days of use, my hair really grew some stubble, and it is very effective!Awesome!Really awesome! ! !I was wrong! !Kneel down and admit your mistake jpg, kneel down and admit your mistake jpg! !The boss begs to cancel the blocking! ! 】


Not long after this comment was sent, Xu Qi received a reply from the customer service.

The tone of the customer service is different from the usual soft and cute tone, it is very cool and crazy.

Gao Leng replied his two words——

【I do not. 】

That arrogant, noble and cold appearance almost overflowed from the screen.

But Xu Qi was not angry at all.

The product is awesome!

So awesome that he was completely convinced! !

He can let someone else buy it for him today, but he can't bother him again and again! !


So, he continued to reply almost without hesitation.

[Xu Qi replied to customer service: Boss!little boss!You are the best, kindest and most handsome boss in the world!You are imposing, admired by all, unmatched, virtuous, humble inside and outside, talented, noble in sentiment, super invincible, proficient in proficiency, reaching the pinnacle, loved by everyone, flowers blooming when trees see... Cancel blocking, please up! !Kneel down jpg, I was wrong, wrong! 】

And Xu Qi was not the only one who responded like this.

A large group of people below are admitting their mistakes.

[Yongai EE replied to customer service: Wrong, I admit that I was too loud at the beginning. QAQ, little boss!The most handsome little boss, the best-used little boss!I don't want face, you return to me! ! 】

[Coco: Little boss, the most handsome and handsome little boss, what can you do to forgive me!You just draw a road, dig a hole, and set up a road!I jump in too! ! ! 】

[Zhang Zhang is EE: The slap in the face came too fast, like a tornado, sincerely kneeling jpg, the little boss looked at my sincere big eyes!I'm on my knees, beg forgiveness! 】


As long as Chen Yixun's fans come here and have posted bad reviews,

After using the shampoo, I honestly came over to change the evaluation.

Without him.

The product is really easy to use!

It's so good that they hurt themselves!

So good for them to be ashamed!

They finally understood why even if the brand "Jiang's" is only a small brand, they still want to endorse after their own idols run out!

Such a great product!

Sooner or later, this brand will be the pride of their Huaguo brand!

And they!

They are still slandering such a light of China!

Under such a brand and product!

What is the face?

Even if it is seen by other netizens, it will be seen!

No shame!

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