"Our Christmas blind boxes sold 590 boxes in one day today, with a turnover of [-]."

"Our first set of 466 packages sold 790 sets! The turnover reached [-] million."

"Our second set of 2535 packages sold 470 sets, and the turnover reached [-]!"

"Our total turnover today has reached more than 800 million!!"


When the number of 800 million was said, even Jiang Feng himself felt a little agitated in his heart.

This amount can be described as very good!

Double [-] exceeded [-] million in a single day!

Although events like Double Eleven are not common.

But the money earned today alone is much more than the previous month!


When the employees heard the running water, everyone was very excited.

"Fuck!! It's too good!"

"More than 2 million turnover!? Then our profit is at least 1 million?"

"I guess there is! Ah! Our little boss is really awesome!!"

"How long has it been! This has already exceeded [-] million?"

Xu Qing's eye sockets turned red immediately.

She clenched her fists and sniffled choked up,

"If Lao Jiang always knows about this, he will be gratified!"

Others do not know.

But she is very clear about how difficult it is for Jiang Feng.

Chapter 110 Seven Bonuses

There are not many people in Jiang's company office. .

Now there is only Xu Qing, an assistant and secretary, an HR, a marketing and public relations department, and some customer service.

There are only a dozen people sitting in the office.

The only difference is that most of the dozen or so people in this office are older.

Many of them are even in their thirties.

It's just that they all have one unique characteristic!

That is, they have a very strong sense of belonging to Jiang's brand! !


They are all former members of the Jiang family!

It was only later that I had to look for work elsewhere because the brand was unable to make ends meet.

But even so, everyone still remembers Mrs. Jiang very much.

Otherwise, Xu Qingyi wouldn't have sent the invitation,

They all resigned immediately and came to work.



Now when everyone sees Jiang's achievements,

All very excited.

Many people even had red eyes.

really! !

The tiger father has no dogs! !

Lao Jiang is always in the 80s, and he can make Jiang's a national brand!

Xiao Jiang will definitely be able to reproduce the glory of the year! !


Jiang Feng, looking at everyone looking at him with red eyes,

They all feel that what is full of 223 in their hearts is a sense of accomplishment.

"Today's double eleven, our profit exceeded [-] million in a single day, and the turnover was [-] million, because of everyone's joint efforts!"

He paused and smiled, "This month, your salary will be paid ten times!!"

"At the end of the year, ten months' salary will be paid as a bonus!"

For people in the company, the best way to give rewards is to give money!

Especially for such old employees who have a strong sense of belonging to the company, it is not too much to give!


When they heard about the ten-month bonus, the people below were not very excited.

They looked at Jiang Feng blankly, with joy but also worry on their faces.

The joy is!

Their turnover has finally exceeded [-] million!


Although their brand is seen by more people,

While there are benefits, it also represents risks.

Once this Advent Calendar comes out, there will be other businesses imitating it.

Big brands will naturally pay attention to them.


There will be more places to spend money in the future.

Everyone just thinks of this,

My heart is worried about Jiang's brand.

Tangled for a while...

It was Xu Qing who spoke first.

She was ecstatic at first,

But after being happy, he bit his lips in confusion and said:

"Little Boss... If you give us a bonus, it won't affect the brand, right?"

"If it will affect the brand, our bonuses can be slowed down, it's fine."


The others also nodded.

"That's right! What if we don't have enough funds in the future..."

"Our bonuses can be saved first! We will distribute them later when our brand is up!"


"We are not in a hurry!"


Who doesn't love money!

They love money too!

But they don't want to go through a time when their favorite brand almost went bankrupt.

Jiang's brand,

It's not just the hard work of Jiang's father and son.

It is their painstaking effort.


As early as the [-]s, when they were only in their twenties, they started working with Jiang Feng's father.

After so many years, I have already regarded this brand as my home.

Last time, their brand almost went bankrupt because of funding problems.

Fortunately, there is a little boss!

Just thinking of this,

Everyone is nervous and worried.


Seeing them worried,

Jiang Feng smiled gently at them,

"Okay, you don't have to worry, I know it well."

"You deserve this money."

At this time, Jiang Feng was standing by the window,

It's (chcc) all black outside the window now.

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