The members of the other block believed more in what the navy said.

Everyone immediately had a dispute.


Seeing such a dispute, Jiang Feng didn't take it seriously.

He just lazily opened the box.

"In our small factory, one blind box in 1999 can only hold four products and other gifts at most, otherwise it will lose money."

"After all, the production cost of our mask is dozens of times higher, plus labor, one hundred pieces can't make much money..."

He paused, and said sarcastically, "So I'm really curious about the ones that can earn tens of thousands just by buying them."

"If you really want to make that much money, other companies will stop producing products, and just come to you to buy blind boxes and resell them? Isn't this more delicious than producing by yourself?"

"You only earn a little by producing a bottle of lotion yourself, and you can earn tens of thousands by buying a blind box..."


The more Jiang Feng said, the more outrageous he felt, and he couldn't help laughing.

"It's really outrageous. His mother opened the door for Outrageous, and Outrageous has arrived home."

Just thinking about it with your brain, you know that there is a pit here.

Even during the Chinese New Year, when Alipay distributed red envelopes to the whole country, it only dared to share [-] million equally.

Everyone who grabs the red envelope has to collect blessings.

It may not be possible to collect them all.

Even if they are all collected, they can be divided into dozens of dollars.

Good guy!

How dare you brag!

Buy one and earn tens of thousands! ?


Some passers-by were caught by the navy,

I don't even know anything.

Because the navy also received the money, it began to continue to criticize presumptuously.

[Hehe, really ignorant. 】

[Ignorant people are talking nonsense here, you, a small company, naturally don't understand the structure of a big company! 】

[The layout needs to be big, you don't understand. 】

[Not everyone does business to make money! ! The CC brand is to hope that the skin of people in Huaguo can become better!It exists to serve everyone! ! 】


Jiang Feng didn't pay attention to the clamoring remarks of the navy, but just sat silently by the side and started unpacking. ,

He took out the first courier from the side.

After opening the express box, the real body of the New Year's Day blind box was revealed again.

"Wow, good guy, you are exactly the same as my blind box."

"I saw the previous copywriting, copying our family's copywriting."

He stared at the camera suspiciously, "Chairman Li Yong, can't your CC brand hire a designer? Tell me, is there any difference between these two blind boxes except that you added the word "Fu"?"

Two blind boxes are placed in front of the camera.

Putting it there is almost like copy-pasting.

Except the word "Fu" and the brand name on the top.

Almost exactly the same.

All are red and white blind boxes.


When Li Keke's fans saw it, they thought it was outrageous.

It's exactly the same, right?

Where is this called plagiarism?

[Li Keke's cutie: Good guy, this is not plagiarism, plagiarism is at least designed by yourself, this is copy and paste. 】

[Li Keke: @CC brand, plagiarism is shameful! 】

[Li Keke's little angel: This brand really has no bottom line, how dare you believe that a plagiarized brand will give you tens of thousands of benefits per person?]

Even passers-by have to admit it.

CC did plagiarize.


Jiang Feng took out the Christmas gift box from his own factory from the side.

"Xiaoqing, go and compare the data of these two gift boxes."

"Length, width, height, and size, the size, length, and width data of the inner grid design."

Xu Qing next to him handed over a piece of information.

"Little boss, it's already ready."

Holding a tape measure in her hand, she looked at the camera, "I'm going to publish the data on Weibo now."

"If you have any doubts about this data, I will measure it on the spot."

Synchronized time.

Jiang Feng's Weibo updated a piece of data——

[Jiang Feng: Picture/Document/This is all the data, exactly the same, accurate to the decimal point, if this is not plagiarism! @CC Platter official, give a reasonable explanation! 】


On the picture is the comparative data of two blind boxes. ...

Long the same.

Same width.

Same goes for height.

Even the grid design of the thirty grids inside is copied.

Jiang Feng held a tape measure, stared at the camera, and said coldly: "Okay, this is the first thing. The CC brand copied our blind box and copied the data."

"This is the truth, you sailors, if you have any opinions, please raise them quickly, and I will measure them for you."

His attitude is very tough and very rigid.

There was no intention of saving face.

In the camera, Jiang Feng's eyes are dark and cold, and he is serious.

Staring at the mirror,

It was as if they were going to look through the lens and shoot them with their eyes in the next moment.


The sailors were very speechless.

What the hell are you talking about?

You already have a ruler.

They can still say that your data is falsified?

Doesn't this block their words?

【Water Army Mission Group】

[Shuijun 143: How do you do this now?Aren't we completely blocked now? 】

[Shuijun 155: What did Li Yong say?What do we do now?This is not the only way to admit plagiarism, which has nothing to do with it. 】

[Assistant CC: You guys are thinking of a way, but you say the same box is just fate! ! 】

[Water Army 155: ...]

[Water Army 143: ...]

[Water Army 166:? 】

[Group leader: Passers-by are not fools, even if you say that the ruler is fake, someone has to believe it...]


After the group owner sent the message, he received a call from his assistant.

On the phone, the assistant's attitude was very tough.

He said seriously: "Our President Li said that we can add more money! You must not let Jiang's brand be blackmailed on us!"

"Our brand cannot be sucked by this brand."

The group leader was very speechless.

He said helplessly: "Our account is also very precious. If it is too obvious to be reported, the loss will be great."

These accounts are also very difficult for them to raise.

If there is a little loss, it will be very uncomfortable.

On the one hand.

They did take money.

The group leader had a terrible headache.

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