"Yes, that's the South China tiger!"

"Wow!! It's so handsome! So cool!!"

The little boy was lying on the glass, staring brightly at the tiger lying on the ground and snoozing over there.

The tiger over there is lying on the ground, its eyes squinted, its tail flicked, its yellow and black skin, and the faintly visible king character on its forehead hair are very beautiful.

Zhang Hong and Lu Hai looked at each other, and saw some seriousness in each other's eyes.

They carefully took out cooling oil from the "[-]" and rubbed it on their necks, chins, wrists, and even ankles.


After reapplying cooling oil, the pungent smell was strengthened again.

All the strands seemed to be blown in with the wind.

The pungent taste of cloves mixed with mint and countless medicinal materials rushed to their noses and brains again.



Zhang Hong couldn't help but yelled loudly, enjoying the process with his eyes closed.

He found that as long as he got used to the smell.

The more you smell it, the more you like the smell.

Even a little addictive.

Lu Hai also added a lot of cooling oil to his body.

After finishing it, he nervously stood outside the crowd, quietly staring at the tigers over there.


Both of them were very anxious.

After all, I don't know if this is true or not.

They looked at each other, and then all stared nervously at the three tigers napping in the woods over there.

Can it work this time! !

The entire tiger area is definitely 300 meters long, covering a very large area.

And it just so happened that the tigers happened to be on the flat ground in a small square not close to everyone, and they didn't go to the mountain behind.

Several tigers are very leisurely.

It looked like there was no deterrence at all.


Zhang Hong next to him was extremely nervous.

He clenched his fists, "Brother Lu, do you think this is really so awesome?"

"do not know."

"This should be according to what I said last time... Is there going to be a reaction soon?"

It took 3 minutes to install the snake box last time because the air outlet was relatively small.

So it should be more than 3 minutes this time, right?

His heart ached.

Lu Hai next to him glanced at his phone.

30 seconds.

40 seconds.

50 seconds.

1 minutes.




The snoozing tigers in the arena suddenly opened their eyes in a manic and irritable manner and let out a roar.

Their eyes were full of fear and irritability, and they backed away while roaring.



They almost stood up and stretched, and then backed away with lightning speed.

Back off!

Back off! !

All the tigers retreated to the outermost edge, fleeing as if in a panic.

Zhang Hong and Lu Hai were overjoyed by the embarrassing appearance of running away.

Really useful! ! !

They were almost shocked and confused!

Depend on! !

It turned out to be really useful! !


The tourists next to him were all dumbfounded.

"What's going on here? What happened to those tigers?"

"I don't know, why do I look at them as if they are running away..."

"I also feel... It looks like something happened."

"Sudden riot? Could it be an earthquake?"

Guess what.

But at this time, even the shadow of the tiger was gone on the entire front lawn.


Off the charts! !


The administrator of the Tiger District came after hearing the news.

Seeing the restless crowd, he hurriedly spoke out to appease them.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. I'll lure them out, maybe they're hungry."

The cold sweat dripped from the administrator's forehead.

He didn't know what was going on either.

But seeing the dissatisfaction in the eyes of the masses, he could only appease everyone.

"Don't worry everyone!"

"I'll lure them out soon!!"


In any case, the reputation of the zoo is more important.

The administrator immediately went in from the staff passage to find the tiger.

He has been feeding these three tigers for a long time.

We are very familiar with him.....

Before long, he found three tigers.

The three tigers nestled outside the iron gate, with their tails tucked inside their legs, lying on the ground tremblingly, as if they saw something particularly frightening, very weird.


The administrator is very familiar with the state of the three tigers.

This state... why does it look like you are afraid?

He was stunned.




He called out cautiously, and the three tiger heads turned around in an instant, and when they saw it was him, they howled heart-piercingly.




The three tigers clawed at the door vigorously with their paws, their eyes full of fear and grievance.

That frightened look made the administrator feel a little distressed.

"What happened to you?"

Why do you look so scared?

I have never seen them so timid on weekdays! !

These are the ones he raised from childhood.

The dispositions of the three are very clear.

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