It was watching the Jiang family almost go bankrupt, and now it is a little famous on the Internet, and it is now a hot search on the Internet.

That can be said to be too difficult, okay?

This factory is like her own child,

Seeing someone slander, the fire in my heart burst out.


More and more angry.


"I want to post a Weibo!"

"This Miss Su! It's too much!"

"She must be fake! The most annoying thing is that the audience didn't see it!!"

Xu Qing yelled angrily, looked up at Jiang Feng, his face full of grievances,

"Little boss! You won't watch her slander us!"


Xu Qing looked at Jiang Feng.

She discovered at this time,

Jiang Feng over there is sitting at the moment

Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled.

"Do not."

"The heat is at its peak right now."

He paused, "It's time for us to clarify."

The country has already fed the heat to his mouth.

If he doesn't catch it at this time, and pushes the boat along with the flow, he is too ignorant...


Jiang Feng put his hands in his pockets and stood up,

The originally lazy and loose eyes instantly became sharp and frightening.

"Little Qing."

"!!!" Xu Qing stood up excitedly, "Yes! Little Boss! Are we going to fight back!"


He squinted and looked at the cold moonlight outside, and said word by word:

"Get ready for a press conference."

"We're going to release the video."


Originally this time has not come yet.

But it's different now.

Now they have Su Xiaomei, a big blood bag.

Su Xiaomei's account was banned!

The Douyin blogger account with 3000 million fans was blocked,

At least half a month's worth of enthusiasm can be swiped in Douyin.

Plus the popularity on Weibo online.

Immediately, the heat exploded.

This time to clarify,

They will be the best beneficiaries.


Xu Qing's eyes lit up when he heard the press conference, "Good!!"

Finally to clarify! !


They have been scolded like dogs on the Internet during this period of time! !

"I'll go now!"

"For the video...huh?"

Xu Qing was stunned suddenly, "What video 2.2?"

"Are we going to shoot a video? Or a video from the Internet..."


Seeing Xu Qing's dazed look, Jiang Feng smiled,

"Of course it was the video sent to me by the state."

"They've tested it."

They had already sent the video to his cell phone.

Let him publish this video anytime.

———————————————— Off Topic——————————————————

Relatives have come to my mother's house, and I have been busy since 7:[-] in the morning.


There is no sorrow of saving manuscripts.

Eight more chapters today.

I owed 2 yesterday, owed 4 the day before yesterday, and paid it back tomorrow.

Try to finish writing before 12 o'clock.

Chapter 181 Su Xiaomei Was Officially Banned 5 (2/8)

People in Su Xiaomei's fan group also enthusiastically micked on the Internet.

This time it was too ruthless.

Immediately Su Xiaomei's entire account was gone.

And Su Xiaomei never explained.

People in the fan base are getting impatient.

They all started discussing in the group.

【what is going on?We have to go online for an explanation now, right?Little sister is injured!It must be Jiang's trash company bullying our little sister! 】

[Definitely yes!I looked left and right, our little sister didn't do anything!It suddenly became like this, can't it explain something? 】

[It's really outrageous, the account of the little girl has 3000 million fans, we watched the little girl come up all the way! ! 】

[Accounts with 3000 million fans are nothing in the eyes of your capital, are they? 】

[We must report!Must report! 】

[Has anyone of you gone online to say something?what is going on?Did the Jiang Group bully our little girl? 】


Even though you don't know what's going on,

But under the previous news offensive, everyone subconsciously chose to believe in Su Xiaomei.

After all, Miss Su is in the hospital.

As fans, when they saw the live broadcast, they were already distressed.


There were even excited fans clamoring to organize people to go to the parade.

Under the trending entries on Weibo, all of them were Su Xiaomei's excited and angry fans.

The whole trending search is in chaos.

【What happened to you, Miss Su?You treat her like this?Do you hate her that much?She is just a small anchor?She was frostbitten, and now she has to cover her mouth, right? 】

[What kind of prince is this Jiang family?Our Su Xiaomei is a commoner, so she will be covered in the end, right?Little civilians deserve to die? 】

【report!protest!I strongly protest!Our Su Xiaomei is a fan blogger with 3000 million fans!What did she do wrong?Why do you ban words and clear fans? 】


Passers-by also shouted to Jiang Feng one after another, asking Jiang Feng to explain.

[@江风, what's going on?You wouldn't really do this to bully a girl, would you?Then you are too much of a man. 】

[What is a man and not a man?You guys are so funny, this Su Xiaomei was banned, so why must it have something to do with Jiang Feng? 】

[Why is it okay? 】

[Hehe, in the end she was testing Jiang's stuff because of Jiang Feng? ?Does this make sense? 】

Just when everyone was arguing fiercely, suddenly, a hot search entry appeared on the hot search list——

#江风 Press conference live broadcast.


live streaming?

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