When you see the cold protection effect written under the cold protection,

Everyone couldn't hold back.

The reporter asked in a circle: "If you can apply this product at minus [-] degrees, it can last for four hours? Isolate the temperature?"

four hours?

Minus forty degrees?

Is this serious?

The reporter exploded.

"Forty degrees below zero? Is this impossible?"

"It's definitely not possible!"

"That's right, how could it be possible to paint something at minus forty degrees? Aren't the others all wrapped up tightly?"

"Is this a joke?"


The reporters couldn't help it.

Regardless of whether there is a press conference or not,

Immediately scrambling to start asking questions.

A reporter from Nanfang Daily raised the microphone in his hand:

"After applying this thing, do I just need to wear thin clothes, or do I have some requirements on the thickness of the clothes? Or do I need to wear no clothes?"

After asking, the reporter who posted the article scratched his head.

Oh shit.

The question he asked seemed a little silly.

Who the hell wouldn't freeze to death at -[-] degrees without clothes on?


Others looked at this reporter as if they were looking at an idiot.

no clothes?

If you don't wear any fucking clothes, you will be cold at more than 20 degrees,

Not to mention minus forty degrees.

You can freeze to death in 3 minutes!

What's the problem?


However, in the next second——

One dares to ask.

A dare to answer.

Jiang Feng nodded very seriously,

"Yes, it's okay to not wear clothes."

"But it should be noted that our product will freeze outdoors, so it must be spread evenly and thickly indoors."

He paused and explained carefully.

"This product needs to be formed into a film outside the body, but it has no cold-proof function when it is not applied."

"So you can't miss any dead corners when you apply it, so as not to get frostbite somewhere."

"The product itself is not cold-proof! The product will only work if you apply it! Please remember!"


That serious look made the reporter's head buzzing.

Are you fucking kidding me?



Things that are kept cold will freeze by themselves.

But after it is applied to the human body to form a film, can it prevent cold?

Are you bragging about it?


Netizens on the Internet were also very speechless.

[No clothes?If Jiang Feng told me that if you apply this snake oil ointment at minus [-] degrees, can you live in it for four hours?I screwed my head off it. 】

[Forty degrees below zero, snake oil can be frozen into ice cubes, right?Just speechless. 】

[I really dare to say it!Forty degrees below zero... more than a dozen degrees is enough, as for such a gimmick? 】

[Minus [-] degrees, no clothes, I really laughed, the temperature in the North Pole is only [-] or [-] degrees below zero in winter, and sometimes it is only [-] or [-] degrees below zero in January... Doesn’t that mean you don’t wear clothes? Go to the North Pole? 】

[Tell a joke: If you apply snake oil ointment at minus [-] degrees, you don’t need to wear clothes. 】


Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief.

The look of distrust and even looking at the fool did not anger Jiang Feng at all.

Instead, he looked at everyone with a smile, and said with a light smile:

"I know you don't believe it."

"However, I have a video of the laboratory here."

"This video can positively prove to everyone how easy my product is to use.".

Chapter 183 The Video Was Released, Shocking The Nation (4/8)


Experimental video?

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they couldn't help but look up at Jiang Feng.


I saw Jiang Feng standing on the stage over there, just gently pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, smiling elegantly and harmlessly.

The confidence in those eyes was even more dazzling than the lights.


How could he say such outrageous things with such a confident face?

How dare you say that your product can prevent ~ cold?

Even if it can keep out the cold,

Can prevent minus forty degrees.

And... can you go without clothes?

What an international joke?


Amidst everyone's silence and heart-bottom crazy complaints,

Jiang Feng turned around, looked at the big screen behind him, and pressed the remote control.

The original video on the big screen began to play slowly.


In the video is a guinea pig.

This video does not seem to have been shot by Jiang Feng himself.

At the beginning of the video, you can hear the discussion in the video from time to time.

"1 minutes!"

"10 minutes!"

"My God!!"

"This is incredible!!"

"How is this possible? It's just a bottle of snake ointment, but it can have such a good cold-proof effect???"

"Has this guinea pig not used any products before?"

"No! This mouse has never used any products before."


After these two voices faintly appeared,

Next second,

The camera turns,

Jumped to another laboratory.

This lab looks more professional.

The equipment inside is also more complete.

A part of the clip was obviously cut in the middle, and the inside of the new laboratory was stitched together.


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