It's just learning the guitar, and my goddess has been blasphemed! ! !

"Ahem... I'm sorry!"

In the room of the mushroom house.

While talking silently, he plucked the strings of the guitar again, making sounds to confuse the outside world.

This time speaking, he also used his original voice.

"Ah... you... your voice!"

Dili Reba, whose heart was in a mess, finally thought of himself, why he turned around suddenly just now.

The voice of this person at this time...

Not Teacher Shen Teng! ! !

Compared with Mr. Shen Teng's voice, this voice is full of magnetism and unique charm.

"Yes, this is my original voice..."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Shen Mo, and I am from Shen Teng's family. He still wants to call me little uncle."

"Originally, I came to the show with him."

"But he couldn't be there because of something at home."

"So I decided on the spur of the moment... to imitate him and make a little joke with everyone."

"I never thought about it, and the effect is extraordinary."

"So the show crew, let me keep playing... to trick everyone."

"But other people, I can play tricks."

"But I really don't want to lie to you again. So I decided to tell you the truth."

"Are you willing to keep this secret for me and the show crew?"

Silence said sincerely.

Tell the whole story directly.

Ma Li has been suspected, Mo Mo felt that he had to find another teammate to cooperate with.

And the little girl Di Lieba is the easiest to win, the best choice!

Of course, since it's cooperation, you can't hide it, and exchange sincerity for sincerity.

Therefore, Silence is gambling now...

He bet that he could fool Di Lieba... into his camp.

"Ah... so it is like this!"

"Then when you imitated Mr. Shen was too lifelike!"

"Sister Ma Li, and the program team."

"They are all your accomplices. No wonder..."

"I... I can help you keep a secret."

"But...but I can't, betray Miss Mi and Teacher Huang."

"Sister Mi also asked me to play a beauty trick because I was angry with you, and I didn't want to. No... there is no beauty trick!"

"Oh, I'm so confused right now."

The amount of information was too much, and Di Lieba couldn't absorb it all at once.

I feel like my brain is not enough.

There are some inconsistencies in the words.

But what she meant was obvious...

At most, I can not tell the truth, but I will not help the evildoers.

" are wrong to think so."

"How could this be, betraying Yang Mi and Teacher Huang?"

"Don't forget, this is a variety show..."

"What we want is to make the audience feel the wonderful effect of the program."

"In the beginning, I didn't want to lie to everyone."

"Because I hate cheating the most..."

"But the director team said that only in this way can the variety show be fully realized."

"Even if in the end, Teacher Huang and Yang Mi know the truth."

"It's not our fault either..."

Silence here, earnestly advised.

Di Liba hot, already a chaotic group.

Now bewitched by silence, I am even more confused.

What he said in silence is indeed quite reasonable.

This is a variety show, everything is for the variety show effect!

The most important thing is...

I can share a secret with him, and even fight side by side.

It made Di Lieba's already rippling heart even more turbulent.


[Seeking customization, full order, follow-up, sharing, all data and support are extremely important for this book, thank you everyone! 】


Chapter 85 Shen Teng and his wife, let's fight together!It's so exciting... [Please customize and follow up]

"It's over, I have a bad feeling. Goddess Reba is about to be taken down!"

"This guy's acting skills are too good, and he's so good at fooling around! He's talking nonsense in a serious way."

"Been kissed by this stinky man, and still helping him to fool others...Goddess Reba is so confused!!!"

"Actually, I'm quite looking forward to it. After knowing the truth, Reba cooperated with Shen Mo, haha..."

"After Yang Mi finally found out the truth, would she shed tears? Let Shen Mo take down the beauty trick she sent out with her heart?"

"Mission Impossible! This show is getting more and more exciting, haha..."


Just as the audience in the live broadcast room thought.

Di Liba was silenced, and after some prodding, he couldn't hold it back~.

"Okay... okay!"

"For the effect of the show! I can promise - you..."

"But I don't know, what should I do???"

Di Lieba asked.

"It's can do as usual, and continue to play tricks on me."

"You just need to help me a little bit at the critical moment..."

"Don't think about anything now, just learn guitar from me with peace of mind."

He said silently, and continued to teach wholeheartedly.

"Oh well!"

Di Lieba breathed a sigh of relief.

The complex emotions in my heart are indescribable...

But unconsciously, there is a touch of sweetness growing in the heart lake! ! !

Finally, it was confirmed that this man was not Uncle Shen Teng who was married and had children!

Moreover, I am the first person to know the truth. ! !

It's just me, but I still want to use a beauty trick on him.

I always feel...why is it weird?

He is unmarried and I am unmarried.

Is this still a beauty trick?

Why does it seem to be true, in love...


Outside the Mushroom House...

He Jiong, Huang Lei and the others are also continuing to test Ma Li.

However, the progress here is not satisfactory.

If Ma Li didn't know in advance, Huang Lei, He Jiong and others doubted themselves...

Being beaten down by Mr. He's emotional card, maybe it will really reveal his secrets.

But just now, Ma Li has been reminded by silence...

So I have long been vigilant in my heart.

Let He Jiong Huang Lei try his best.

She insisted that everything she said before was true! ! !

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