However, Allen just looked disgusted at this, and Allen said coldly, I talked to Jike when I was lurking in Reberio, and it was only our two brothers. At that time, I learned a lot about Jike, he has With knowledge far beyond Malay.

Allen stared at Almi and asked, Almin, you will still go to see Aniton, but your personal will is still Bertolt's will.

If the subject that constitutes a person is closely related to memory, then somewhere in you has become Bertolt, so you will fall in love with Di.

country soldiers, and this has more or less affected you, this Eldia staff officer who owns nine giants actually favors the enemy, you were not as naive as you are now, obviously your decisiveness can lead Aldia Uldia found out the correct answer, but now it's easy to talk about it, but nothing can be done well.

Almi, your mind has been messed up by Bertolt, so you are the one controlled by the enemy.

After talking about Almi, Allen immediately pointed the finger at Sanli, only to hear Allen said with a look of disgust, I also learned about the Ackerman family in Malay, and Malay scholars still can't figure out the giant Playing around in the long history of the Eldia Empire, it was accidentally shaped by Mirzi Ming to maintain a human appearance.

The intention of exerting part of the giant's power is Ackerman, and the Ackerman family is designed to protect King Aldia.

So as long as you identify someone as the host, the nature in the blood will be activated.So you are so attached to me because of Ackerman's habits.

At that time, Sanling you obeyed my order in the extreme state of facing death, and awakened the Ackerman instinct hidden in your body under many conditions, not only improving your physical ability to the limit, but also letting you Through the channel, the combat experience accumulated by the Ackerman family in the past was obtained.

Hearing this, Sanli only thought that he could become stronger because of Alan, but Alan just responded coldly.

To put it simply, the original Sanli had already disappeared in the hut at the age of nine, leaving only the whereabouts of Ackerman's instincts, lost his original self, and was made to only obey orders. A sum of money, that is, a slave.

Armin on the side immediately angrily dissuaded Allen from talking anymore, but Allen continued to press, the thing I hate the most is people who are not free or their family members, just seeing this kind of guy It will make myself angry, and now I finally know the reason, so I have always hated you Sanli since I was a child.

On the other hand, Almin couldn't bear it any longer, and climbed up on the table to beat Amy, but Sanli's instinctive backhand pressed him directly on the table.

Sanli didn't know why he did this, but Allen still kept mocking Sanli, and Armin then punched Allen in the face again, and Allen, who was hit by this, said that he had never He won't fight Armin from the start.

Because Allen knew that Almin was not his opponent at all, and then he punched Almin's cheek with two backhands, and Almin was beaten to the ground by Allen on the spot.

Looking at Almin with a bruised nose and swollen face, Allen said, if you had told me where Jake was from the beginning, there would be no conflict.

Allen then took the three of them to the Xigan Region, the place of origin.

At the same time, Captain Levi also learned all the news from the intelligence agent, and Biwell also clearly realized that the military government wanted someone to eat Allen, who had rescued Allen many times before. Life, every time will lose several companions, it is because everyone believes that he is the hope of human survival.

However, the result of believing now is this kind of fate, but Levi still chooses to believe in Allen.

Levi said that the other person who should be eaten by the giant is the bastard tiger sitting there.

The captain then ordered to transfer Jike's data to other people.

The captain didn't know whether Alan was really controlled by Jick, but as long as Jick died, those people would be over.

Miville is very confident in killing Jike. After all, there are more than 30 soldiers surrounding him above the forest. Even if Jike turns into a beast saw, he can't escape his palm.

Miville couldn't help but lament the long time, he was finally able to fulfill the oath he made in front of Erwin that day, and he was finally able to prove that Erwin's sacrifice was absolutely meaningful.

However, in the next second, Jike turned around and ran away with a backhand.

Levi didn't realize for a while how dare this guy defected, but when Jike suddenly yelled, all the soldiers above the forest radiated golden light.

All of a sudden, all the soldiers turned into Wugou giants and smashed heavily to the ground.It turns out that all these soldiers also drank red wine mixed with Jake's spinal fluid, so how will Levi break out of the immediate predicament?

Chapter 129 "Attack on Titan" Chapter 21

With a loud roar, Jack directly turned all the investigating soldiers on the scene into innocent giants, and Captain Levi fell into a scene of isolation and helplessness.

Not only that, but Levi had to finally take over the subordinates he had trained by himself.

And the immediate roar also immediately affected the high-level personnel of the corps far away at the headquarters, as if an electric current flashed through their bodies.

At the same time, Jack was running away from the forest with a confident face, and immediately knew that Levi was a man who cared about his subordinates, so he shouldn't cut them down cruelly.

This is indeed the case. Facing the subordinates he cultivated by himself, Levi fell into a difficult situation for a while. He can accurately call every nameless giant here. He really doesn't want to be unable to kill them, but He must not let go of the opportunity to be the culprit of all this.

Friends, please rest in peace.

Jack on the other side ran away at high speed from the hands of the Wugou giant, but in the next second, Levi killed him from behind covered in blood, and he was terrified immediately when he saw this.

He really couldn't understand why so many giants couldn't kill Levi, only to see Levi's two quick knives, directly killing the two giants who were in charge of guarding the geek.

Immediately seeing this, he immediately turned into a giant in panic, and the golden flash shone on the entire giant tree forest again, and he immediately pinched the body of the Wugou giant with his backhand and threw it in Levi's direction.

Countless blood clots poured down the entire forest like ammunition, but it still couldn't kill Levi, just listening to Levi's mocking words echoing in the forest, how do you feel, you can escape from my palm?

Faced with Levi's terrifying coercion, King Jiji could only stay in place and be furious.I saw Levi immediately carrying countless thunder guns from the commanding heights to absorb Jike, but Jike also obviously discovered Levi's scenery.

Immediately, the backhand produced countless blood clots and sucked them towards Levi again.However, Levi took this wave of attacks directly, and inserted several thunder guns into the back of the data with his backhand, and the several thunder guns detonated on Geek's body in an instant.

Jike, who was impacted by the violent explosion, was blown out on the spot and was in dilapidated condition.

Levi then dragged Jake's body fiercely and continued to move forward.The captain said that the time to reach the limit has not yet been reached.

When Jick regained consciousness again, Levi had inserted a thunder gun into Jick's body, and as long as Jick moved around, he would be blown to pieces in an instant.

Levi said sarcastically, even though you have been blown up like this, you still can't die, you are really tenacious.

Levi then cut off Jake's toe with a single knife.

The captain said that the account he set up has not been settled, so as long as Jick's body is repaired, Levi will immediately cut off Jick's hands and feet, enjoying Jick's screams, and Jick's consciousness gradually fell into a coma .

Overnight, Jike suddenly remembered the face of Mr. Kushawa.Even people who can't understand each other have their own ideas of making up for their lives. Jike clearly realizes that only euthanasia is the real way of salvation for the Eldians.

Even though his heinous crime took the lives of countless people, he also believes that he must be the one who saves the Eldians, and he will definitely save the children born to the Eldians from this cruel world.

So Mr. Kushawa, you must watch it.

In the next second, Jike directly braced his will, twisted his body and detonated the thunder gun.

Levi didn't expect that Jike's consciousness was so high that he actually detonated the thunder gun, wanting to die with himself.

However, it was obvious that the commander could not avoid the explosion at this distance, and Miweier was directly blown away by the power of the thunder gun in an instant, and lost consciousness, and Jike's consciousness gradually returned to the original time in the flames of the explosion.

Chapter 130 "Attack on Titan" Chapter 22

Jake firmly detonated the thunder gun, directly blasting Levi into a coma, and his consciousness returned to the past in a blur.

At that time, Jick was still a child nestled in the arms of his father Grisha, restrained in the Rebelio containment area in Malay.

Under the guidance of Grisha's concept, Jike also yearns to get out of Reberio's high wall, but the world outside the wall does not seem to be as beautiful as imagined.

Malay's concept of racial hostility has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They will dislike these garbage from the animal park, and even pour dirty water on them. Malays only think that these demons should have been driven out long ago, and this is the outside world world.

Such sharp social contradictions are naturally deeply engraved into the heart of the young Jike, and Jike has since believed that this absurd world must be changed.

Later, at the request of Grisha, Jike also participated in the training of the warrior candidates, and this was Marley's training for the selection of Chu Xia as the successor of the Shouju drama, because Kushawa's term of office was not long at this time.

Although there were so many outstanding children in this training, Kushawa immediately took a fancy to the most backward candidate among them, and that was Jike.

Although the other children were young, they all worked hard to become Malay soldiers and get the title of honorary Malay. However, Jike did not have that kind of momentum at all, and Jike did not get along with his parents much after the day of training time.

Grisha and Dana would always entrust Jike to their grandparents at night. Grandpa didn't know why Grisha and Dana would go out and leave Jike every night. Grandpa thought that Grisha would always make Jake lonely.

However, Grisha and Dinah believe that one day Jake will understand them.

Since Jike's training is the bottom one every time, the trainer persuaded Jike to quit. The trainer said that those who don't want to do it seriously should leave here. What Marley needs is someone who is determined to dedicate everything to the motherland.

Jike was so lonely and was persuaded by the training officer to go home, but on the way, he happened to meet Mr. Kushawa who was throwing a ball. Kushawa immediately invited Jike to play step ball, and it happened that he didn't want to face the wall anymore. Pitched.

The two quickly got to know each other during the pitch, and Jike saw Mr. Kushawa's red armband at a glance.

Kushawa also said unequivocally that he is a well-known Malay warrior in your mouth, because his giants are basically useless in the war, so he had to play ball here to pass the time.

And he was originally a scholar who studied giants. Kushawa felt that Jick was very talented in pitching, which also made the lonely Jick regain his confidence.

In the following days of getting along, Jike also learned of Kushawa's purpose of becoming a warrior. Kushawa wanted to thoroughly study and solve the mystery of the giants. The nine giants existed in the world 2000 years ago, and they are still one. Unbelievable miracle.

Kushawa believed that it must be through an invisible channel that a steady stream of giant bodies could be transmitted to the shapeshifter.

If the legend is true, it is said that everything started after the ancestor Yumir came into contact with something, so Mr. Kushawa wants to know what happened 2000 years ago.

In this way, Mr. Kushawa would rather shorten his life to explore the giant's memory.Mr. Kushawa’s ambition can’t help arousing Jike’s admiration. However, the happy days are always short-lived. Jike accidentally heard the news that the Malay authorities have mastered the Aldia restoration faction led by his father Grisasso.

This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue hitting Jike on the forehead.

Jike originally wanted to dissuade his parents from continuing the actions of the restorationists, but it was the fury of the two that ushered in. The helpless Jike could only hide in the corner and wipe his tears alone. noticed.

After learning about Jike, Mr. Kushawa could only show embarrassment. If this continues, Jike will definitely be implicated and sent to the paper.

In order to save Jike's life, Mr. Kushawa suggested that Jike personally expose his parents' actions and swear allegiance to Malay to the Malay authorities. In this way, he and his grandparents can be saved.

With the help of Mr. Kushawa, Jike personally identified his parents. Looking at the shocked and incomprehensible faces of his parents, Jike thought for the first time that his parents only regarded him as a restored duke, and the only one who really treated him well was Mr Kushawa.

Under the guidance of Mr. Kushawa, Jike grew up very quickly. Mr. Kushawa gave Jike the fatherly love he lacked, and Jike has already regarded Mr. Kushawa as his father in his heart.

According to Mr. Kushawa's latest research, Jike also learned that the power of the ancestor can not only tamper with memory, but more powerfully, he can change the body structure of Eldia.

Upon hearing this, Jike asked for the first time, whether it is possible to use the power of the ancestors to deprive the fertility of Ymir's people?In this way, after about 100 years, the giants can completely disappear from this world, and there will be no Eldians suffering anymore.

Hearing this, Mr. Kushawa was moved. Kushawa originally concealed his identity, married a Malay, and gave birth to a child. After that, he committed suicide with his children.

In fact, the reason why I became a warrior was just to find a gorgeous way to commit suicide.But in these 13 years, I met Jike.

Kushawa felt really happy to be able to play boat catch with Jike all the time, and he also very much approved of Jike's proposal.

Hearing this, Jike firmly stated that he will inherit the giants and take back the family, so that the whole world can be liberated from the fear of the giants and all Eldia people can be relieved from the pain.

Mr. Kushawa couldn't help but sigh with relief at the growth of Jike.

Later, Kushawa also found a way to tear up the non-war contract based on the giant's memory, and this method also exists because of the existence of Jike.

Maybe if the giant who inherits the royal lineage comes into contact with the owner of the ancestor giant, it should be able to stimulate the ability of the ancestor, but the person who can use the power of the ancestor will not be Gek, and the decision will be made by the holder of the ancestor. Simply come It is said that Gek is the key to enable the ancestor, so the ancestor can be entrusted to someone who can trust the euthanasia plan.

Mr. Kushawa also believes that Jike will be able to find that trustworthy person, because he will guard Jike all the time.

Later, Jick learned about Alan's manipulation of the giant from Reiner and Beckham, and Jick instantly understood that Grisha probably used the missing attacking giant to come to Pa Island, and used him to kill the king of the wall. Killed and passed on to son Alan.

Later, Allen came into contact with his mother, Dai Na, who had become an innocent giant, so at that moment, he opened the coordinates of the ancestor giant.

And Jick also made up his mind to save his younger brother Alan who was bewitched by his father Grisha.

So in order to be able to recognize his younger brother, Jike created a series of events one after another.

In the end, Allen really chose to believe that Jikel came to Marais.

Jake lamented that Alan was really becoming more and more like his father Grisha, and at the same time he thanked his younger brother Alan for responding to him.

And Allen opened the memory of his father Grisha by touching the Queen four years ago. From that memory, Allen learned the truth of everything, and Allen therefore chose to believe in Jake's euthanasia plan, If there are no more Eldians in this world, then no one will suffer anymore, and not being born in this world is the best salvation.

Allen said that he would end the giant's 2000-year history with his own hands, and when that day comes, he will never stop.

The camera is back to the present, and I don't know how long it has passed. Jike, who is confused, seems to see a girl carrying a wooden bucket in a trance, so who is she?

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