Only then did Ani realize that this man had always regarded herself as a daughter.

Ani did know that she had committed an irreparable crime before, but if it was to return to her father, she would still do the same thing.

Although Xiqi was very happy that Ani was able to confide this to him, even if Ani returned to her hometown now, there might only be rubble and corpses all over the ground.

On the other side, Instructor Shadis is also treating the wound under the care of the trainer.

The trainers told Shadis that the hub had been completely occupied by the Yegor faction, and Shadis knew very well in his heart that the people supported the Yegor faction, and they would control the control of the island. Sovereignty, a product of the old age like myself will naturally be eliminated.

The trainers who heard this immediately expressed that they would protect the safety of the instructors, but the instructor Shadis yelled at the trainers to obey Yegel and not to resist.

Now everyone can only stay in this system to protect themselves, but the day when you should stand up will definitely come, and before that, you must not lose yourself.

At the same time, Armin and Sanli also met with Jia Bi at the request of Mr. Brows. Jia Bi said that he just wanted to get Falk back, and then he would disappear naturally.

Almin, who heard this, responded that Kony was about to let his mother eat Falk.

It was the one who was turned into a giant by the Jike experiment four years ago. After hearing this, Jia Bi couldn't help but kneel in front of Almi and beg for help, because even so, Jia Bi could not give up Falk.

Jia Bi said emotionally, Alan, didn't he control the ancestor giant?

Wouldn't it be nice to have him turn Coney's mother back into a human?

He can even touch the printing of armored giants. Isn't this trivial thing easy to do?

Hearing this, Almi was stunned for a moment. By the way, Allen, he said that all the printed words on the island would be released, that is to say, Ani, whom he was thinking of, had also come out of the crystal.

Armin, who was overwhelmed by the heart of the Virgin, finally decided to help Jia Bi find Falk, but lost Armin's command, and Sanli didn't know what to do now. Armin said, Sanli, you should go by yourself. think.

However, Sanli still asked Almi, what should Allen do?

This sentence seemed to instantly ignite Almi's reputation, and Almi shouted loudly to San Ling, how did he know that he was not a god, and he was powerless at all.

In addition, Han Ji and the captain may have been killed now, Flock and the others may point their guns at a few people, Ani may have been resurrected, the command system of the legion has long been paralyzed, and Sisteria is also dead. It may be dangerous, and I have long since lost the mood to think about Allen.

Seeing Almin's agitated look, Sanli also realized that what he did was really wrong, and Armin himself also felt that it would be great if the person who was resurrected back then was Captain Erwin.

After speaking, Armin turned and left.But at this moment, Sanli found that the scarf he had put on the table had disappeared.

So where did that precious scarf go?

Chapter 143 "Attack on Titan" Chapter 36

The activation of Diming undoubtedly caused the raiding Malay army to collapse, and now only Pique and Magath are left alive, and they understand that there is basically nothing to do now, and there is no way to stop the place name , but Captain Magath still believed that he had to struggle until the end.

At this moment, Hanji actually came behind the two of them, and Pique immediately drove the giant body to bite Hanji, while Hanji said that he was not hostile, and I did not have a weapon on me.

Han Ji then pointed to the carriage behind him, and lying on it was the seriously injured Captain Levi.

The time went back to a day ago, Hanji ran away from the river holding the seriously injured Levi, but Yegor's pursuers still followed closely behind. Although he didn't want to harm his compatriots, Hanji still shot and killed the former Chasers who come to chase.

After solving the chasing soldiers, Han Ji quickly bandaged Levi's injury.

To be honest, Hanji didn't expect that Levi was still alive after suffering such a serious trauma. This may be because of Levi's Ackerman blood.

After dealing with the injury, Han Ji couldn't help but fell into confusion. He didn't know what to do now, and there was no way to stop Jike now.

To be honest, Han Ji already planned to live here in seclusion, away from fireworks.

Hanji then prepared to build a cart to transport Levi.

However, at this moment, Allen's announcement was suddenly introduced.

Hanji's mind, and Levi also woke up suddenly because of Alan's words.

Levi, who just woke up, immediately asked where the beast bastard was?

Han Ji hurriedly asked Levi to lie down, and then asked what happened, only to hear Levi respond one after another, I didn't expect that monkey to have the determination to die, but was run away by that bastard.

Although the two are very unwilling, but now the two are really helpless.However, the captain knew that Han Ji could not be an outsider honestly, and the captain had only one purpose, which was to kill Ji Ke.

So the interests of both parties are the same at this time.

Magath heard that Levi's strength is not lost to the Ninth Bureau, but how can this virtue escape the bullet now?Hearing this, Levi just responded lightly, I can't dodge the bullet, but I can appear in front of the enemy with this kind of virtue.

Hearing this, Magath also lowered his guard.

Magath decided to accept the cooperation from Han Ji. Although he didn't know how to stop that huge guy, everyone could only work together and try hard.

The night came soon, and the quiet late night seemed to be too noisy because of the sound of the place name. Jean just covered his ears to prevent himself from thinking wildly. At this moment, he just wanted to spend his life in such a daze.

Sanli on the other side didn't fall asleep either. In the quiet night, Sanli rang a lot, but the next second was extremely cold.

The voice actually rang in Sanli's ears. At the same time, Kony was taking Falk to Lagoga Village. He didn't know what he had to do to make his mother eat Falk, and Armin and Jia Bi Chasing Kony frantically on horseback.

In this way, in the early morning of the fourth day, Kony had brought Falk to Lagago Village, and Falke immediately realized that something was wrong. He didn't understand why Mr. Kony brought himself here.

However, Kony just quietly opened a huge tent in front of him, and a giant trapped in the house suddenly came into view. Kony said calmly that he would not move, and he had maintained this state for several years .

Falk didn't understand why Kony wanted to let himself look here, but Kony said with a distorted expression.

At this moment, Armin and Jia Bi also chased after them on horseback. Jia Bi hurriedly shouted to Falk to leave quickly. Coney, he is planning to let the giant eat you, because Falk, you have inherited the evil. the giant.

Falk didn't react for a while, but in the next second, Coney raised a knife and threatened Falk. Coney said, "Stop talking to me and let my mother eat Falk. Seeing this, Almin Directly use the three-dimensional mobile device to fly towards the eaves, and Kony also suddenly doesn't understand what Almin is going to do.

Kony said that if he dared to get close to him again, he would kill Falk.

But Almi was still indifferent after hearing this, and saw that Almi jumped directly into the giant's mouth. This operation directly looked at Jia Bi who was dumbfounded.

At the critical moment, fortunately, Koni knocked Almin out in time, and Falk and Jia Bi burst into tears after being rescued.

Kony couldn't help asking Almin, what would you do if you didn't save you?

Almin who heard this responded lightly, if you didn't save me, your mother would have turned back into a human being.

When his mother sent Kony away, she wanted Kony to be an excellent soldier, but now Kony has become a soldier who may kill children and friends. Almi also lamented that he would never be able to Become the agent of the head.

Kony said that he wanted to be a soldier who made his mother proud, so he wanted to save those in need.

At the same time, Sanli also found Lu Yijie who was in the ward. Sanli already guessed that it was Lu Yijie who took her scarf, and the fragments of the thunder gun had already been inserted into Lu Yijie's stomach. I can't regret seeing the free world that Eren Yeager has built.

Mikasa didn't change her emotions at all after hearing this.

I just heard Lu Yijie continue to say weakly, I had a chat with Mr. Yeager about you before, and Alan hoped that I could throw away this scarf, but after thinking about it carefully, Yi Jie felt that instead of Throw away the scarf, it is better to keep it by your side.

Sanli indifferently took back his own scarf from Lu Yijie's hand, then turned his head and left, but Lu Yijie was still full of expectations, and proudly said softly, "I don't regret it, because I have been chasing after your back, Sanli, and sacrificed own heart.

Chapter 144 "Attack on Titan" Chapter 37

Under the day and night of the operation of the earth, all the super giants finally stayed away from Aldia, and the people on the island finally did not have to suffer from the shock. Everyone cheered for Aldia's victory, Almi A group of people also came to the street, ready to fill their stomachs first.

Kony couldn't help questioning Almi, is it really possible for Ani to be resurrected?

Almin said that now that all printing has been lifted, it is likely that Ani's crystal has been lifted.

However, in the next second, the two suddenly found a familiar yellow-haired woman sitting next to her. Isn't this the proper Ani herself?

Seeing the astonished four people in front of her, Ani decided to swallow the food in her mouth first, and this scene was looking at Connie in front of her. It's disgusting and ugly to see how he eats.

Seeing this, Armin quickly rescued Ani, saying that he hadn't eaten for four years.

By the time Xiqi returned here, Ani had long since disappeared. On the empty table, there was only an envelope pressed by a cup, and Ani's handwriting was impressively reflected on the envelope. Xiqi, I happened to Met Almi and Comey, so decided to act with them.

I'll take a step ahead and trouble you, thank you for talking to me these four years, goodbye, gloomy roommate Xiqi looked at the apple pie he just bought in his hand, and said without complaining, how could I be alone Can you finish eating so much?

At the same time, at this moment, Flock was agitatedly talking nonsense in front of all the members of the Yeager faction, and Flock then ordered Rang to execute Irena and Ou Liangbo.

I only listened to Flock loudly recounting the crimes of the two to everyone present. The first target was Irena. His real purpose in resisting the Malays to support Aldia was to let Jake take away the spirit of the lost ancestors, so that Realize the euthanasia plan and completely annihilate the Eldians.

Although Allen finally defeated Jick and prevented the euthanasia plan, Irena was Jick's most loyal servant.

Flock finally asked about Irena's language, but Irena just challenged him coldly, why didn't she shoot?

And the second sinner was Ouliang Guopeng. Although Ouliang Guopeng didn't know about the Anles plan, she was unwilling to join forces with the Yeager faction.

I only heard Ou Liang Guopeng shouting with a big laugh, I originally assisted Aldia to save my hometown from the Malay invasion, but the result of my assistance was that my hometown was trampled and killed indiscriminately.

Ou Liang Guopeng said angrily that he would rather die than join forces with you xenophobic scum who are not in the right position.

Ouyang Guopeng loudly questioned why Rang kept silent and didn't say a word, but after hearing this, Rang fired four backhand shots, but none of them hit. Rang only said that he slipped his hand and missed .

Flock still looked at him suspiciously, but in the next second, the chariot giant suddenly appeared behind, biting at the two of them directly, allowing Flock to be pushed away in time, and he and Irena and Ou Liang and Guo Peng were swallowed by the car together.

Seeing this, Flock shouted loudly, Sanli stepped forward to fight, but at this time Sanli's figure had disappeared, and Flock suddenly felt bad. At the same time, Sanli and his group who heard the gunshot immediately drove Carriages loaded with food and weapons drove out of the city.

But before driving far, Annie, who was sitting in the carriage, found someone on the floor watching a group of people, but at this time, she didn't look back and could only move on.

On the other hand, Irena and Ouliang Guopeng were blocked by vehicles in a ditch. Jean said that he never wanted to enter the giant's mouth again. It stinks to death, while Han Ji was surprised. Doesn't Pique brush his teeth?

Ouliang Guopeng couldn't help questioning why Rang did this. Obviously, if he stayed in the Yedel faction, he would have a high status. Hearing this, Rang only felt that if he did that, his conscience would definitely be offended, but Irena didn't understand Why did he even save himself?

Han Ji said that capturing Irena is the condition for the Cheli Giant to assist everyone. This is the request of Marshal Magath. Reiner didn't realize what happened for a while, but he never thought that he would be able to see Ani again.

Looking at Ani's appearance, Lena's face was full of guilt, but in the next second, this guilt turned into fear, because there were other former companions standing beside Ani.I only heard Coney expressing with a gloomy face that there is no time, we have to leave quickly.

Lena doesn't know what Koni is talking about, where is she going, so why ask?Of course it was to save the world.

Chapter 145 "Attack on Titan" Chapter 38

Let Ben want to just cover his ears and spend the rest of his life in a daze. At least if he continues like this, he will definitely have a stable life.

Relying on the military exploits he has made, he can live in a high-end building in Zhongy district, and he can taste fine wine no matter in the morning or in the evening.

No one has the right to criticize such a self, his wife and children, and even the generation of grandchildren can have a happy and happy life. This island is also full of many futures, but his conscience does not allow him to do so.

Following Han Ji's shout, Jean finally came out to meet Han Ji.

Han Ji was very happy that Jean could come out to meet him, and at the moment Han Ji also learned everything from Sanli, and he felt sorry for not being there.

At the same time, I am also relieved that several people can handle it properly under such a difficult situation.

Even if Han Jili said that he had joined forces with the remaining Malay forces such as the chariot giant, all this was to stop Alan, and Alan's contempt was absolutely wrong.

Hearing this, Mikasa and Jean couldn't help being shocked, because facing such a monster with a human body is nothing short of fantasy.

Han Ji said that without the power of everyone and the nine giants, nothing can be done, and now the past legion organization has disintegrated, and he is no longer everyone's chief, so he needs to ask the two of them for their decision.

Hearing this, Mikasa agreed without even thinking about it, saying that she would join in and help.

Mikasa doesn't want Alan to continue to carry out indiscriminate attacks, even if it is to protect the island, and everyone is more sensible, and then raised his own doubts. If Alan is really stopped, what should the island do next? What to do?

Although Alan can still maintain the ancestral domain, he only has four years of life left at most. If the future world in the next few decades is still full of hatred for Aldia, it will be ruined to stop Alan. the island.

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